
(I reincarnated, but where?)

I was a boy in my previous life without any romance and excitement people. I was looking for a life of excitement, not to live in the reincarnation world of X Fantasy, which was known for the strange deaths of the main characters. Now I am a boy in my second life, without magic in the world. full of magic, a serf in a world where the main power is in the hands of the nobles, not the king, I am Tom, Tom Breach .webnovel.com/book/i-reincarnated-but-where_28139151300095705

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Part 26 Hard training (continued translation)

Part 26 Hard training (continued translation)


Joe Hyper: Well, yesterday you were able to escape from my training because of the old tradition and celebration, but today it is not like that anymore and you have to do the training.

You must do three exercises, the first exercise will be the running test

(Heh, it's easy for me to eat like water)

Joe came to me and

Joe Hyper: Did you say something?


Joe Hyper: Do you have a hearing problem? Did you say something? (with Dad)

Me: I made a mistake!

Joe Hyper: ". . . Now that you're making mistakes without any explanation, you should run ten laps faster than the guys."


I could feel Hardy's smirk and sneer

Joe Hyper: And that you have to run 50 laps around the field and Tom Birch has to run 60 laps and the last 10 people have to clean the entire training area.

This time I could feel the fear and disappointment from the children and this time I smiled!

Joe Hyper: Now I count to three, whoever doesn't start training will be punished, now 1-2....

After that, the children started

For me, there was no difference with this Harry and Dan Hyper, and they were ahead of everyone, but...

Joe Hyper: Why did you stop? Why don't you want to start?

Me: The teacher's eyes and I started

And it's over...

I easily finished the first practice as much as possible and went to Joe Hyper who was watching the competition between the kids

Me: Master, I finished... with Dad

Joe, who was obviously scared, turned quickly and was obviously surprised to see me

Joe: What! did you finish

Me: Yes, sir, I completed 60 laps and it's like you forgot that I have wind magic!

Joe Hyper: Yeah, well, now go to the top seat

I went to sit on the chair and watched the fierce competition between Harry and Dan...

Dan and Harry were trying hard to keep up with each other and were far ahead of the rest of the boys.

After them, William was next, Adriana, and then Prince Steve and his bodyguard, and they were also ahead of the rest of the children.

The interesting thing was that Hardy was the last, who was lagging behind everyone and was panting

Finally, it reached the final round and the competition between Dan and Harry is even more until finally...

..... from Dan's point of view ....

I finally reached the final round

I looked to my side and saw Harry trying to overtake me

No, I shouldn't have let him win!

Harry Fleur from the Fleur family!

Someone who is from the Flore family, who are long-standing enemies of the church and the gods, should not have been the first, neither in this competition nor anywhere else!

I collected my remaining mana and went to the finish line and the end of 50 laps

Yes, yes, I was able to be the first

I pointed to Harry who was second and said

You see, I was the first, I was able to be the first ahead of you and Tom

where is tom

Do you want green tea?

Who was it that spoke?

I turned around and saw to my surprise that Tom was sitting with Master Joe and drinking green tea

Me: How? How?

....from Tom's point of view....

Finally, the competition between Dan and Harry ended and Dan was the first

Dan was gloating and claiming victory

Me: Don't you want green tea?

Dan turned around and looked at me in surprise

Dan: Oh, how?

Me: They say that green tea is good for relaxing your nerves and leg muscles. Now that you have finished the competition, come and drink some green tea, it is good for relaxing your nerves.

Dan: How?

Me: I think your tongue is stuck on how, take a little distance from the competition and instead pay attention to your brain to understand the issues better.

And I pointed Harry to drink green tea

Finally, after the first race, the first to last people were determined

Me 1st Dan 2nd Harry 3rd William 4th Adriana 5th Steve and his bodyguard 7th and 6th

Hardy is the last

Joe Hyper: Well, the first practice is over, and contrary to my expectations, you all performed, except for Tom Dan and Harry, none of you performed at the level of the elite class, and you looked more like a bunch of kids who are looking for butterflies with roses.

Me: Huh

Joe Hyper: What are you talking about Tom?

Me: The teacher is not the rose with which the butterflies are drawn, but the net

ha ha

The children's and Joe's honest reaction: "...."

Me: Tour ha tour and no one laughed

Joe: Who were you with salt? I see you're funny too. Now that it's like that, you have to do the second exercise with a cloth over your eyes, not blindfolded.

(Damn, it was like this since I was a child, I spoke where I shouldn't have and I always lost)

But with Joe Hyper's next words, I was relieved

Joe Hyper: The next exercise will be the shooting exercise, where you have to shoot ten shots at the target in less than ten minutes, and the first person will be Tom, of course, blindfolded.

He pointed to me to go get the bow and gave me a cloth to tie behind the target

I tied the cloth and imagined the goal in my mind

I put the first arrow in the bow string and released the arrows by pulling the string.

I opened the cloth and turned to the children and Joe Hyper who were surprised

Me: The teacher is done

... from Dan's point of view ....

Damn, because of what Tom said, he was punished and had to shoot with a blindfold.

It was impossible to do this!

Oh, stupid boy, someone who is known for being sensitive, someone who never cries until his explanation is finished, has to say something in the middle of a hyper conversation, did you feel good?

He stood behind the target and started shooting with his eyes closed

finished! Were you able to shoot all 30 arrows with your eyes closed? You are truly a miracle of the gods, son!

After finishing the shooting, I went to the rest of the children.

Joe Hyper: Well, with what Tom did, he really raised my expectations from all of you. Now that this has happened, all of you must finish shooting at the target in less than two minutes like Tom!

I could feel the hatred of the children, how they looked at me

Joe Hyper: Well next up is Harry Fleur


Finally, after the shooting practice, the first and last players were determined. I was the first, William, the second, Adriana, the third, Steve, the fourth, and to my surprise, Dan and Harry were the 10th and 11th. They didn't make any progress and they were always hit by it, which was a surprise from the author of the story, who made all the events based on and in Harry's favor.

Of course, there is also a point that Harry's other wish was not fulfilled at all, that is, Daenerys' recovery, which was never cured of the strange illness that she had, even Harry touched the lap of the Black Pope, but it did not happen. No, the source of the differences between the Fleur family and the Breeches was not mentioned in the story of the death of Harry's mother, Arin Fleur, and his mother, and he did not even mention the name of Harry's mother in the story, he only talked about the love affairs between Harry and his girlfriend.

Joe Hyper: Well, your last training is hand-to-hand combat

Now tell the people I read!

Tom Breech and Dan Hyper

Middle expression for struggle

We went and then we started the fight

Dan started the first attack and I dodged and hit him in the back causing him to fall to the ground

He quickly got up from the ground and tried to hit me with his heavy fists, but I dodged, and at the right opportunity, I dodged another one, which made his hand stay by my neck, so I grabbed his other hand and controlled it. I hit him hard with my foot, which made him bend, and I hit him again with my foot, which made him fall.

I wanted to attack one more time...

.... from Harry's point of view ....

Dan attacked recklessly, which was a hallmark of the Hyper family, they always saw everything in a fight and attacked fearlessly.

It was obvious that Tom had practiced so much that his movements were calculated.

In a sudden move, Tom hit Dan, which caused Dan to fall to the ground.

. from Tom's point of view ....

After the end of the training, the first and last players were determined

Hyper atmosphere:

Tom Breech first

William Jordan II

Adriana Flore III

Dan Hyper IV

Harry Fleur V

Steve Afrina VI


And Hardy Melodia Nefer. End

The 20th students and later must clean the training area

My honest reaction to Hardy's ending:

Ha ha ha, you laugh at me, laugh at red water, ha ha ha

Suddenly, Hardy threw a fireball at me

Me: What? Are you stupid, red-haired girl?

Hardy: Stop it, you pervert

Me: I'll finish, it was you who made fun of me, redhead

Hardy wanted to attack once more that...

Joe took hyper from both of our ears

ah ah

Joe Hyper: As a punishment, you two have to clean and tidy the school grounds alone, and you won't come out until it's done.



It was all your fault

I was the first to make fun of it

You were the one who offended

You were the one who threw the fireball

And our discussion continued until the end of cleaning

End of part 26


Notable for those who read the story

The name of the story was changed according to the author's own decision, which I found from Reincarnation, but where can it be changed to X Fantasy Reincarnation? The continuation of the same content will continue only from the continuation of season 2 onwards with a new translation and a new cover of the story. and the name of the story from now on will be Reincarnation X Fantasy (I found reincarnation but where?). With thanks for your attention