
(Game of Thrones) The Pale Khal

Jon snow is kidnapped by slavers while his father was away fighting in the Greyjoy rebellion. How is an 8 name day old boy supposed to survive in a place like Essos with only his direwolf pup as a companion.

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Journey to Meereen

( POV Daxos )

"You fools you absolute fools!" I shouted

"What do you mean?" Said one of the many

fools that work for me

"You brought me the wrong boy. You where sent for lord Stark's heir and instead I've got his bastard, what worth is a bastard?" I questioned the useless fools

"He killed Hanzo if you don't need him can we get rid of him?" Said one of the more spiteful members of my crew

"Wait your telling me that a boy and his pet dog where enough to kill a fully grown man?" I asked with clear excitement.

"Yes so can we kill him to get even?" Said the spiteful fool

"No you fool, if we can't get a ransom for the boy then the slave pits of Meereen will pay for the boy and his wolf."

The fool looked away with a scowl on his face 'good serves him right for wasting my time' 'but the boy had my interest to be able to kill a man at only six name days old was impressive' 'and a boy of six fighting against full grown men with a wolf at his side was just the kind of thing that people go to the fighting pits for'

"We'll set out by the end of the week. We're heading for Meereen with the boy and the other men we've got they'll fetch us some nice coin."


( POV Jon Snow )

'Apparently I'm a slave now and heading to Meereen to fight in the fighting pits.'

'Finding out wasn't that difficult the slavers like to brag when their drunk and they are drunk more often than not.'

'It could be worse though they feed me well enough because apparently thin slaves don't make as much in the fighting pits Ghost isn't fed as well they told me he'll have plenty to eat in the fighting pits if I'm successful.

'I was surprised that they even let me be in the same cage as Ghost but for some reason they did and me and him have grown closer in the months we've been trapped here'

'some nights I dream of seeing through his eyes like the Warg kings of old, but dreams are all they are'

My thoughts were cut short as one of the slavers who seemed to really hate me walked in drunk as usual

"listen hear you bastard." his words where slurred

"we're nearly at your new home and I'm gonna make a bet with all the money I made from catching you, that you won't last 5 minuets and then I'm gonna skin your dog and wear it as a hat"

he carried on his drunk ramblings and as usual I tuned him out, his words used to get me angry especially when he talked about Ghost and my family but not anymore but I swear if I'm ever freed and I meet any of them again I'll feed them to Ghost.
