
Character Sheet

This list is prepared in a chronological order in which the girls are introduced. This contains spoiler for all those that haven't read any chapters yet.


Mikan Yuuki

Origin: To Love-Ru


She is Rito's younger sister that really loves her elder brother. Even though she doesn't show it on the surface, she still respects him for a person he is and also feels slightly troubled by all the troubles he gets into. She is currently quirkless.

Link: https://toloveru.fandom.com/wiki/Y%C5%ABki_Mikan


Ochaco Uraraka

Origin: Boku no Hero Academia


Rito's friend from the start of the middle school, they both hang around alot and even sometimes ditch the class for fun. She has a cheerful personality and can get easily flustered when Rito's flirt with her. She's also a responsible young girl with a sense of justice in her heart. She loves her parents and friends. She has a quirk related to gravity.

Link: https://bokunoheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/Ochaco_Uraraka


Haruna Sairenji

Origin: To Love-Ru


A kind cheerful girl with a hidden side that has a slightly judgemental personality towards strangers. Even though she was only acquainted to Rito, she had a slight feeling of attraction towards him and quickly started to get along with him and Ochaco.

