
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Tranh châm biếm
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159 Chs

The two aspects of Orario(corrected)

After killing the last man, Mark looked coldly at the various corpses scattered around the square. Usually, if a person saw this scene, or rather was responsible for it, he would be afraid of it, but what Mark felt was something else.

"That's disgusting."

Seeing the corpses around and the bloodstains on him all Mark felt was annoyance and disgust at the situation. Obviously, he knows it wasn't normal, his heart was aching at the sight, but his mind was cold as a glacier, while it comparing these people to all the monsters he had already killed.

Swinging the sword to remove the blood above, he asked the Guide a question.

"You told me that the 5% corruption effect would not be so strong."

[Apparently, the corruption has affected your empathic side. Humans are a particular race, which allows one person to experience the mood of another. Having lost that characteristic, you are unable to feel remorse for what you did, plus you were already mentally prepared for such situation] - Said the guide robotic.


Heaving a weary sigh, Mark put the sword back in its sheath. In some aspects, he was glad he wasn't affected by this scene, but this had become a new source of concern. Until now he thought that corruption would not affect him much, but he began to fear that sooner or later, the ability would have the upper hand over him.

Shaking his head, he put his fears away for the moment and walked over to the men to search them. After searching all pockets and hidden places, he noticed that besides the weapons and the cloak, they had nothing.

Perhaps he could have left the last man alive, but in this situation he believed it would only be a problem. He didn't know if that person would reveal his abilities or find a way to take revenge, so Mark decided not to leave any doubts to chance and uprooted a seed that could prove to be poisonous.

"Guide can you show their status or at least their Familia?" -He asked frowning.


Mark's frustration kept mounting, the injuries he sustained hurt even though he wasn't taking twice the pain. He also did not know what to do with these bodies, if he left them here there was a risk that someone would discover them or that the person who sent them would come and get them, but it was also true that he couldn't walk around with corpses. Frowning to think of something, an idea came to mind.

"Guide memorize every characteristic of these men and send me the face of one of them." -Mark asked.


A few seconds later, Mark had the perfect image of the man's face with the broadsword printed in his mind, and using the dagger he took from one of them, he began to scratch the shape of the face on the ground. In a few minutes, he managed to perfectly draw the man's face.

"Now I don't have to worry about bringing their body back." -With those words, he used electricity to set the bodies on fire, in case someone discovered them.

Surrounded by smoke and the stench generated by the bodies, Mark looked sadly at the sky.

"When I meet you again, will you be afraid of what is in front of you?"

He was now a completely different person from the past, from a person who did not like to fight to one who burns corpses to eliminate evidence, he could not help but find the situation ironic.

When the bodies finished burning, he took the men's weapons and headed out of the square, accompanied only by loneliness and a nauseating smell.

While on the deserted side of Orario, you could see the worst part of the city, on Deadulus Street, one could see a boy who was putting all of himself to overcome the fears that haunted him.

--- POV Bell ---

After I met Mark, I continued to walk with my goddess, but if I had to be honest, the reason I came here, was because Miss Ryuu asked me to take the wallet to Syr who was around here. During my search for Syr I happened to meet my goddess, obviously, I tried to explain my task, but as always she ignored me and forced me to have a date with her.

The date was going smoothly until a scream was heard.

"A MONSTER IS IN THE CITY!" - People shouted.

"My goddess we better leave." - I quickly took her hand and was ready to run away, but in front of me, something large fell, which released a monstrous cry


When the dust cleared, what appeared in front of me was a large monster, very much like a white-furred gorilla, with chains hanging from its wrists.

Seeing the monster, froze me completely and my throat went dry. The more I looked at it, the greater the memory of the minotaur who nearly killed me, but when I saw that he was about to attack my goddess, I used all my courage to act as a shield.


The blow was so powerful that it threw me away, but I didn't give up. I got up again and ran to my goddess and took her hand, at that point I used all the energy I had to escape with her.

While I was running I did not know where I was going, but when I realized, I had come to a street where it was full of buildings all placed in a disorderly way, which reached at least half the height of the city walls.

"Bell this is Deadulus street." -Said the goddess worried.

The name alone made me pale. This area was also called the second labyrinth of Orario. Due to constant repairs and modifications, this area had become a complete maze making it easy to fall into a dead end.

'ROOAR !!' -

Feeling that the monster was approaching, I decided to venture into these streets anyway. After running for a while I thought I had sown it, unfortunately, it was not so.

'Smash!' 'ROOAR!'

The monster landed between us, sending both me and my goddess flying away. Every time I see it I feel my legs go still.

"Bell!" -Hearing the cry of my goddess I recovered.

'I'm indeed scared, but how can I become a hero if I can't even protect a woman, that's why I won't run away!'

Gaining courage, I dashed at the monster and used the dagger to strike him, but the dagger was stopped by its tough skin. Seeing that the dagger had no effect, I threw a magic lantern that was nearby blinding it.

Seizing the opportunity, I ran to my goddess and took the style of a princess, since it was easier for me to carry.

"Hehe I know it's not the time, but it still makes me happy to be transported like this" -Hestia said with an embarrassed smile.

"YOU SERIOUSLY WANT TO TALK ABOUT THIS ?!" - I couldn't help but shout in exasperation

Thanks to my speed I managed to outrun the monster, but I knew it was only a matter of time before it found us. Our escape ended when we reached a dead-end, seeing that there were no other possibilities, I approached my goddess and bowed to her.

"Bell what are you doing, this is not the time" -She said confused.

"My goddess, I want you to hide here while I attract the attention of the monster. The moment you feel that the monster is far away, follow the red arrows we saw on the walls, they should take you out of here, I don't want to lose my family again "-I told her smiling.

The person in front of me was not only my goddess but also my family. The reason I came here to Orario was due to the death of my grandfather When I heard of the news I was devastated, in this life, I had no one left, since the only person who was close to me was him and it was always him who told me the stories of the heroes I so much aspired to be. This was why I came to this city, but because of my frail appearance no one wanted me in his Familia and when I was about to lose all hope she appeared, so I didn't want her to be hurt.

"Bell... like you, who don't want to lose me, I also don't want to lose you. This is why I want you to fight "-She said looking at me seriously.

"it's impossible! You saw well that I couldn't do anything to him! " -I shouted angrily. Why didn't she understand that I wanted to save at least her?

"Bell, trust yourself as I trust you." -She told me kindly as she handed me a completely black dagger with various engravings on it.

"?" -Seeing my confused expression, the goddess gave me an explanation.

"What you have in your hand is a dagger that grows with its user, now I will update your status, so that your chances increase, trust me."

Seeing the faith she had in me, I nodded. I dripped my blood onto the dagger which made it momentarily shine, then exposed my back so that my goddess could upgrade the status.


"My goddess, how much do you need?!" - Hearing the cry of the monster I asked quickly.

"One second... that's it." -She ended exactly when the monster appeared in front of us.

"Go Bell" -She yelled at me while slapping me on the back.


Showing a determined look, I charged towards the monster at full speed, not even allowing it to attack, and penetrated the dagger into the chest where the magic stone was usually found, killing him.

'Did I succeed?' - I thought confusedly.

"He killed the monster!" "He killed him!" "OOOOOW!"

I recovered from my state hearing all the screams of the habitants of Deadulus street, even if I felt slightly embarrassed by all the attention.

"My goddess I did it-!"

When I turned around, I saw that she was slumped on the ground, without hesitation I went to her and carried her away immediately. In the escape, I exited Deadulus Street without even realizing that I had passed the person I wanted to reach.