
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Tranh châm biếm
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159 Chs

Not a lucky day(correcetd)

Watching the entrance suddenly close in front of them, Mark and the group at the back of the formation froze momentarily, before looking at each other confused by the unexpected situation.

"What the heck... Is something like this normal?" -Mark asked confused, touching the wall blocking the entrance.

"No"-Was a collective response from everyone.

"Let me take a look Mark." -Walking over to the wall, Tsubaki began to touch it as she kept her ear propped up, but her expression wasn't pretty.

"So?" -Asking the question was Cruz, who had also been given the task of protecting those at the back.

"The wall seems thicker than I imagined, moreover like the walls of the labyrinth, it possesses a hardness equal to the orichalcum." -She explained calmly.


Feeling vibrations, everyone looked at the wall, which had trembled slightly before returning to its normal state. There were more and more tremors after that, but the wall didn't show any damage.

"They are the true monsters, even with a wall that wide and made of that material, they still manage to make it shake, but no matter how strong they are, it's not possible to break it by their strength alone." -Said Tsubaki in wonder.

In fact, on the other side, all the main members of the Loki Familia were attacking the wall and if Tsubaki was present, she would be speechless, seeing the wall that had some scratches, even though it was already repairing itself.

"It's no use, the wall is too hard." -Gareth said with a sigh.

"You're right, but how could something like this happen. In all the times we've passed here something like this has never happened, did we by any chance activate a trap?" -Riveria thought carefully.

"Trap or not we have to hurry to catch up with them. They only have Tsubaki and a couple of level 4s with them, they won't be able to last long." -Finn said seriously.

"So we have to go all the way around to catch up with them don't we?" -Riveria asked.

"Exactly, that's why we need fast people. Bete, Aiz, and Tiona I leave this task to you since you are among the fastest." -Finn said, looking seriously at the trio. Nodding at his words, the three of them started running at full force to arrive as soon as possible.

"The other group will be safe for a few minutes since we have cleared the room, but they will have to move if they don't want to be overwhelmed by the monsters. Fortunately, Rakta is with them." -Finn sighed worriedly, starting to move on with the others.

Returning to Mark's group, everyone was waiting stiffly. They still had a few minutes left before the monsters began to rise in the room, thus being forced to continue through the maze. It was risky to move, but at least, there were few monsters in the corridors of the maze, and if they were lucky, they might find an empty room to spend some of their time in.

"It's time"-Getting up from the floor, Tsubaki warned the others.

"I'll make sure to guide you."

The person who had spoken was Rakta, who was part of the hume bunny race, that's why she had a slender body and on top of her head, there were brown rabbit ears, like her hair. She was a level 3 of the Loki Familia that was extremely important, not so much because of her strength, but because of her ability to map every place she had been to from memory, making her an important asset for exploration.

Starting to walk the corridors, the group was on guard at all times as they knew they were in a dangerous situation. There were twenty people in total, Tsubaki level 5, two-level 4's who were Cruz and a member of the Hephaestus Familia, the rest were level 3's with only Mark being level 2.

Leading the group were Mark, Cruz, Tsubaki, and Rakta. They initially wanted to put Mark in the back, but when he explained his ability to be able to detect monsters, they realized it would be useful to have him in the front so they wouldn't run into monsters.

"Stop." -Speaking softly, he raised his hand to signal everyone to stop.

They were supposed to turn left, but Mark detected a couple of monsters and wanted to make sure there weren't others. When he was sure there were only two monsters, he peered down the corridor, managing to see what kind of monsters they were.

"Two elite lizardmen." -Mark explained.

Tsubaki and Cruz looked at each other and nodded at the same time and without hesitation, ran towards the monsters, finishing them off before they could make a sound.

"Rakta, do you know how long it takes to get to the next room?" -Mark asked her.

"We have to go through a few more corridors, then it will depend on our luck if the rooms are empty." -She said worriedly.

Nodding at her words, the group resumed walking, always being careful. With Mark's help, they managed to avoid battles where too many monsters were present, but there were cases where the monsters wouldn't move so they had to cross other paths, or they had to kill them as quietly as possible to not attract the attention of others.

"Do you sense something?" -Tsubaki asked him, as she held her katana ready for any situation.

"It's safe." -Looking closely at the room that was slightly distant from them, Mark couldn't detect any threats.

Hearing his words, everyone managed to breathe a sigh of relief and when they arrived at the room, everyone sat down tired. They had to constantly watch their surroundings, after all, they were on a floor that would give problems even to parties consisting of only level 4s and now that they had the chance to be able to rest, they would make the most of it.

"How long would it take for help to arrive?" -Tsubaki asked.

"Hard to estimate, it usually takes us 50 minutes, at an average speed, to cross the shortest path and get to the boss room, and to catch up with us they need to get to that room and take the reverse path of ours so we can meet up." -Explained Rikka making a drawing on the floor.

"How long does our route take instead?" -Mark asked as he looked at the simplified map on the floor.

"Two hours." -Her words complicated the expressions of the others.

Even though no problems had happened so far, it didn't mean they were out of danger. The floor they were in couldn't be taken lightly, if they encountered a horde of monsters, it would be the end for them.

'I have no idea how fast Aiz and the others can run, if I assume it will take them half the time to get there, it means we'll be alone for at least another hour.' -He reasoned carefully.

Since there was nothing they could do about the situation they were in, they could only wait patiently before they had to continue when the ten minutes expired.

'Why do I always have to feel so powerless.' -Thought Mark, staring wearily at the ceiling.

Whenever he found himself in a situation where his life depended on others, the sound of the waves and nausea caused by the movement of the raft began to manifest themselves on him, irritating him more and more. He always tried his best to become stronger, but it seemed that fate mocked his efforts, putting him in situations that would bring back memories he wanted to leave behind.

At the end of 5 minutes, everyone started walking through the labyrinth again. They adopted the same strategy as before, making sure to encounter as few monsters as possible while avoiding any injuries. They were also quite lucky, as they were able to find three more vacant rooms afterward, gaining some time for help to arrive, but it was known that in an adventurer's life, sooner or later luck would run out.

"No good, I'm detecting too many monsters in the next room." -Said Mark with his eyes closed, as he sensed several entities in the room not far from each other.

"Can you estimate." -Tsubaki asked him.

"I'd say more or less 60 monsters." -Mark said after checking carefully.

"That's three times as many as us, it won't be easy. Besides, they'll likely be spartoi." -Said Cruz.

"I have a proposal. I know a route that can take us directly to the next room, but it means we will have to spend a lot more time without rest." -Rakta said.

"Hmm... how many monsters would you guys be able to fight." -Mark asked, looking at Tsubaki and Cruz.

"If we're they are spartoi, I'd say maximum 5, but I won't be able to give you any help." -Explained Tsubaki.

"Same thing, my maximum is 3." -Cruz said.

"Then there's no alternative left." -Simply said, Mark.

Tsubaki and Cruz were also of the same mind and after discussing the situation with the others, they all accepted the proposal to go directly to the next room. Even though the chances of the next room being free were low, they hoped at least that there would be fewer monsters.

As they walked through the corridors, Mark was using his monster detection skills to the fullest, while RIkka led them, but the strange thing was that the monsters started to be fewer and fewer until they stopped being present altogether when there were only a few corridors left to the next room.

"I don't like this." -Tsubaki said, as she continued more carefully than usual.

'It feels like the same situation as the 10th floor.' -Thought Mark, remembering past events. That time, all the monsters had escaped because of the presence of the monster he had fought and now the situation seemed identical.

"At the next fork we have to turn right, then we have to go through a couple of corridors..."

"Shhh!" -Blocking Rakta's words, Mark detected a large presence not far from them.

'Guide tell me my speculation is wrong.' -Mark said, as he recalled a monster he had studied, which in their situation would be fatal.

[Unfortunately host, the only monster that respects such dimensions, is a vryzon. Fighting it in these confined places, especially with your strength will be suicide].

'Today is not my lucky day.' -said Mark ironically, as his palms began to sweat.

Vryzon was a dragon-like monster that rarely appeared. It was covered in dark green scales and had a medium-sized build that allowed it to easily traverse the corridors of the 37th floor. Although it wasn't a mighty monster, its danger was no joke, with strength reaching the limit of level 5, it also possessed a tail that could launch extremely poisonous spines and from its jaws, flames that would fill the entire corridor.

"Mark what happened?" -Seeing Mark stuck, Tsubaki asked him worriedly.

"Up ahead there's probably a vryzon." -His words made the others' blood run cold.