
(BNHA) The Paths He Chooses

Izuku makes choices that lead to him meeting different girls. His path for each girl is different, read about the outcomes of each girl he encounters. Also available on wattpad, Fanfiction.Net, and Fanfiction.Online

VacantThoughts · Tranh châm biếm
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64 Chs

Chapter 4: Yui Kodai ( Part 2)

A/N: Ok, so people have been skeptical as to whether or not I'll finish this story so lemme clear something up first. Each character will have 10 - 15 chapters. If I do end up shortening the chapters for a character, that would probably be due to School. and I have been getting the feedback that you've been giving me so I'll take that to heart to make my writing better. So with that, lets get to the chapter!

The joint hero class with 1-B was currently in progress so that mean't that if you searched around Ground Beta enough you would find our main Hero and Heroine in their Hero costumes, stretching and getting ready to hear All Might yell start. 

"Alright Kodai-san, are you ready?" Izuku asked, assuming a running position.

"Yes Midoriya-san I'm ready." Yui replied, putting their team flag in one of her pouches. Although with that blank look on her face, it was hard to tell how she was feeling.

"START!" They heard All Might yell and took off, Izuku having to slow down for Yui since naturally he was faster than her. Not even 2 minutes later, they could hear explosions, coming from the other side of the training grounds.

'Sheesh, Kaachan sounds eager, I feel bad for whatever team is going against h-' He was interrupted by Dark Shadow ambushing them around one of the corners they were nearing. Accompanying him was Kirishima, already in his hardened state.

He and Yui dodged naturally, assuming a fighting stance. 

"Kodai-san, you take Tokoyami, I'll take Kirishima!" Izuku yelled in response to Kirishima  rushing towards him. 

"I think your really manly Midoriya. But that doesn't mean i'm going easy on you!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"I'm not expecting you to!" Izuku said as he activated Full Cowling, and proceeded to run towards him, charging his right arm to 20%

"DETROIT SMASH" Izuku slammed his fist into Kirishima's gut, knocking him back. But surprisingly, he got up ready for more.

"That was totally Manly Midoriya!" Kirishima yelled as he got back up and ran back towards him.

While each of them were exchanging blows on the other side of the street, Yui was completely on the defensive, all she could do was dodge as Dark Shadow and Tokoyami kept sending attacks at Yui.

'I need to do something about Dark Shadow, or else I'll just be holding Midoriya down! Its gotta have some type of weakness!' Yui thought as she dodge one of Dark Shadows attacks when suddenly a thought came to her head.

'Light! I remember hearing about Dark Shadows weakness!" She thought as she opened one her pouches on her hero costume. She quickly pulled out a flashlight, momentarily taking her attention as Dark Shadow punched her, sending her back a few feet.

'UGHH'  Yui groaned as she pulled herself off the ground quickly, avoiding Dark Shadow trying to pin her. She quickly turned the flashlight on and pointed it at Dark shadow, weakening him but it wasn't enough.

Using her quirk, she pressed the tips of her fingers together, making the flashlight larger. As it was pointed towards him, the now large beam of light rendered Dark Shadow useless.

'Good! Now the odds have evened a bit.' Thought Yui, rushing towards Tokoyami to try and beat him at hand to hand combat.


Izuku and Kirishima were still exchanging blows as they both were panting. 

'Kirishima's armor can't withstand 20% of OFA for long.' Thought Izuku as he started to see small cracks on Kirishima's armor, the biggest one being on his side .

'Finally, a weak spot on his armor, it'll be hard to maneuver my hands there. But that's why I have Full Cowling!' Thought Izuku, rushing towards Kirishima as he readied himself for the next attack, not at all noticing the crack on his side. Izuku pulled up is right arm, making it seem like he was gonna punch Kirishima who, in response, pulled up his arms in a blocking position, leaving his stomach open.

'Good, he's open.' Thought Izuku as he put his arm down, confusing Kirishima, until he realized what was happening , it was already too late.

Izuku raised his left leg and sent it flying towards Kirishima's side. Smashing the armor on his side caused a chain reaction, as all of his armor started to give in, Kirishima was too fatigued to re-harden. 

Izuku then raised his right arm again, punching him in his now unhardened face. As it connected, he was knocked unconscious. As Izuku realized this, he sighed in relief, looking over to where Yui and Tokoyami's fight took place.

Looking surprised, Izuku saw Yui with Tokoyami pinned. Tokoyami looked over at his teammate who was now unconscious, and admitted defeat. Yui then took his Flag and placed in her pouch. Tokoyami walked over to his teammate and picking him up, walking towards the place where people who got their flags taken, or if their teammate was unconscious went.

"Wow Midoriya, you really did a number on him." Yui said, looking towards Kirishima.

"I-It was nothing." Izuku replied, blushing.

"10 MINUTES REMAINING" All Might Yelled over the speakers placed around the grounds.

Izuku and Yui then ran around the grounds, running into Mineta and Kaminari on the way and battling them and taking their flag. Running around once more with now 5 minutes on the clock, they ran into Lida and Sato.

"Midoriya-san, I hope this is a good fight." Lida said before getting into a running position.

"Likewise, Lida-san." Midoriya said, and thus they ran towards each other, Tenya with his engines and Izuku with his Full Cowl.

On the other hand Sato was overpowering Yui and landed many hits on her. Pulling herself back up, she took a small baseball bat out of her pouch and enlarged it back to normal size. They exchanged blows for a while, until Sato began panting heavily due to his quirk. Yui quickly swung the bat towards his head, and at the last moment, she enlarged the bat and hit him in the head, sending him flying into a building. Yui then pulled a net from one of her pouches and quickly enlarged it and threw it onto Sato.

Izuku was holding his own, making a few dents in Lida's armor but nonetheless it held up just fine. Deciding to take a risk, Izuku charged his arms up to 30 percent and punched his armor while at the same time, Lida landed a kick on Izuku's leg.

Both of them were relatively injured and kept their distance for a while before Izuku spotted Yui coming up behind Lida while he, didn't realize it at all. Izuku rushed towards Lida while he was still recovering and Lida stepped back, thinking he was in the clear, until a loud 'thwack' sounded on the side of this head. He fell back and saw Yui above him holding a bat.

Izuku took his flag and gave it to Yui just in time as All Might yelled that the time was up.

Back at where all the classes started they all gathered around the teachers and All Might pulled out a Screen, showing the top 4 teams which read:

1 - Katsuki Bakugo & Shoto Todoroki - 5 flags

2 - Momo Yaoyorzu & Kyoka Jiro - 4 flags

3 -  Izuku Midoriya & Yui Kodai - 3 flags

4 - Itsuka Kendo & Shiozaki Ibara - 3 flags

Izuku high fived and held Yui's hand in the air, Izuku beaming, and Yui with a small barely noticeable smile on her face.

"Good work Kodai-san! We make a good team." Izuku replied lowering his hand, unaware he was still holding his Yui's hand much to her very small blush on her cheeks.

"Yes Midoriya-san but..." 

"But what?" Izuku asked

"Could you let go of my hand now?" Yui asked, her blush a little bit more noticeable.

Realizing he was holding Yui's hand and everyone around them was snickering. He started blushing profusely, quickly letting go of her hand.

"S-Sorry K-Kodai-san." Izuku stuttered waving his hands in his face.

"Yui." She replied

"H-Huh?" asked Izuku

"Call me Yui." The girl replied with a hint of blush appearing on her cheeks.

"O-Okay, Y-Y-Yui-san." Izuku replied 


Izuku was now in his room staring at his phone. He and Yui exchanged numbers shortly after class ended. Izuku just kept staring at the number, now he had two girls numbers, Yui and Uraraka. When he had told his mother about the first time he got a girl's number, she nearly flooded the house with her tears, it was really a mystery how someone could cry that much. Choosing not to go through that again, he opted out of telling his mother at dinner.

Deciding to text her something simple he clicked on the contact and started texting his message.

You: H-Hey Yui-san, thank you for the assistance during our Hero class. Anyway goodnight.

Yui: typing...

Yui: How do you stutter over text? Also you're welcome and goodnight.

Well that was easier than he'd thought it was.

A/N: That was the longest chapter in this story so far, again, sorry if its bad as this is only my second fanfiction. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you're on wattpad please vote and comment, If you're on FFN please review and follow the story. If you're on webnovel stay tuned for next chapter, Chapter 6: Kyoka Jiro (Part 2).