
(BL)Alpha Made

The world is diverse and flourishing. Humanity has changed, and with it, brought in a new era of prosperity. Males and females still exist, but the spectrum from which humanity is cast has broadened. With the introduction of alpha, omega, and beta, humanity has evolved even further. In such a word, Dr. Andrew Knox, known environmental researcher, is happy being a beta male. It has made his life easier by being middle ground, and as much as some wish he was one way or the other, he’s happy being who he is. Thriving even. He works in a world renowned research facility. He makes friends easily, and his projects are always funded. He even found someone who he thinks he could end up marrying if things continue in the right direction. That, and the vacant house next to his apartment building gets bought by a new neighbour. A cute, but cautious omega who relies on Andrew as a beta for help. Andrew couldn’t be happier. He loves being a helper, and loves when people rely on him. All in all, Andrew really thinks he has everything made. That is, until a research project with shoddy data is thrown back into his face that he has no recollection of working on, and all of his reputation disintegrates in between one heartbeat and the next. Heartbroken, it isn’t until Andrew wakes up, chained to a wall that everything becomes clear. He becomes a test subject to one of the scientists that he trusted. That he expected would never harm him. The life he had known, where he was a respected researcher was ripped out from underneath him. His identity and everything he’s ever known is stolen from him from a crazed researcher who he had trusted, maybe even loved. He has to relearn who he is, what he is, from scratch. Thankfully, he has one person in his corner. He just never expected to have to rely on someone whose shoulders were so small. This is an a/b/o story, and will have those tropes associated with it. I hope you enjoy :)

CalyB · LGBT+
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47 Chs

Tie me up (m)

"Andrew, while I understand your concerns, this is a little…" Maxwell trailed off. Andrew knew his rules weren't demanding, but he also knew Maxwell was going to fight him on anything. It might have just been on principle, Andrew, didn't know, but he couldn't help the small laugh that left him. 

"Max, I know that tying me up isn't going to do much if things go bad, but it will at least give you some time to get somewhere else." He heard him tsk at his words, and Andrew laughed again. 

"Yeah, but you don't want us to go the whole way?" Max confirmed, and Andrew felt a tingling in his gut. 

"I don't, not if I'm not myself." Maxwell was being kind by keeping his face in Andrew's view, close enough that he could basically read his expression. He knew Maxwell wanted to get up and pace, he was that kind of guy. He appreciated his consideration. 

"Andrew, you're able to hold a conversation with me. In fact, not only that, you can use your whole vocabulary. As much as you are…in pain, you aren't speaking to me like you're an ape. I am really beginning to think that you aren't going to lose your mind." Andrew exhaled. If Maxwell could feel the emotions rushing through his body, he was sure he wouldn't share the same thought. 

"Things could change when you put your hands on me." Andrew told him solemnly. Maxwell, who had appeared frustrated at first, sighed, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. 

"Fuck. I want to smoke, but I shouldn't." He didn't speak for a second, but then opened his blue eyes and met Andrew's gaze. "Alright, but if everything seems to be going fine, and you're still you, I might go further." Andrew's eyes widened, not only at his words, but at the determination in his gaze. 

"W-Why?" Andrew stuttered, shifting in the tub as his cock twitched. 

"Why? Because I've been staring at you naked, breathing in your pheromones, and I'm so wet I'm going to have to change pants. That's why." Andrew's jaw dropped, his whole face going red, and Maxwell had a pleased look on his face. "That, and your cock looks so tasty. I just really want to know if I can take you. I'm pretty sure I can, but I'm really excited to feel you stretching me." Andrew nearly swallowed his tongue. 

"M-Max-" Maxwell tilted his head to the side, his eyes dancing. 

"What? Cat got your tongue?" He teased, and Andrew reached down the tub to find the plug, and yanked it out, letting the water drain. He stood, unstable on his feet but determined, and was pleased to find that Maxwell seemed a little startled at Andrew's sudden behaviour. 

"Max, don't tease me. I'm on a fine line as it is, and I feel barely in control." Andrew grumbled, and Maxwell stared up at the newly alpha made man with wide eyes. Andrew couldn't see Maxwell that well anymore, but he could feel his gaze roaming him. "Max." He warned, and heard Maxwell's laughter in response. 

"I had no idea you were going to try to be so bossy. Calm down, Mr. Knox. I'm just looking at the goods I'm going to receive." Andrew wanted to growl at him. He wasn't wrong when he told Maxwell he wanted to be tied up, and that they shouldn't go the whole way. Andrew knew the doctor was on his way, and that there was another way to calm the storm that was inside of him, but the idea, the thought of Maxwell having his soft hands, and even softer, wetter mouth on him…

Andrew shuttered, almost cumming then and there. 

Wait, should he try to take care of himself without Max around? Maybe that would take the edge off. He hesitated, and those few seconds had Maxwell coming back with something in his hands. 

"Andrew, here's a towel to dry off." Maxwell passed it over, making sure that their hands touched so Andrew knew where the item was, and Andrew shuddered at the simple contact. Maxwell paused, noticing the condition Andrew was in. His face was flushed like he was running a high fever, his eyes were glazed, and his pheromones were intense. It was like he'd walked into a breakfast restaurant. "Andrew, are you-"

"I-If you're going to call me by my last name, at least call me Dr. Knox." Andrew interrupted, and Maxwell paused. Andrew knew he was getting worse, and as he tried to dry himself off with jerk movements, his limbs seeming to not listen to him, his breath came in pants. The logic from before was leaving, and both of them knew they were on a tight, tight timeline. 

"I'll keep that in mind, Dr. Knox. Now, let me help you out of the tub. Put your hand on my shoulder." It helped that Maxwell spoke to him with a firm, authoritative voice from that point on. He told Andrew what to do, which helped him keep focus. That was, until Andrew found himself sitting on the bed with his arms tied behind his back with several ties and his legs splayed. 

Maxwell stood in front of him, staring at him. Andrew knew he was, because he could feel his gaze roaming him. 

"I should have applied the salve before we started." He muttered, more to himself than to both of them. 

"It would have just gotten all over you too." Andrew said. 

"What do you mean?" Maxwell asked, confused, and Andrew licked his lips. 

"Well, once I break out of these ties on me, I'd make sure we'd be pressed against each other, skin to skin. I'd strip you of those pretty little formal clothes you always wear until I could see what colour your nipples are. I'm curious, what colour are they, Max? Can you show me?" Max snorted, and Andrew wanted to kick himself. He couldn't even apologise. Those were the thoughts he was having, but it seemed a switch had been flicked. Now that he was on the bed, all rules were off. 

"Maybe I should have tied one around your mouth, too." Maxwell mumbled, and Andrew heard a belt being undone. He swallowed, as he watched Maxwell step out of his pants, tossing them to the side, before pulling off what he assumed was underwear. He was a little too blurry for him to tell. 

"Oh fuck. I really wish I had a pair of glasses here. Fuck fuck fuck. I really want to see how pretty you are. Come closer, Max? I promise I won't bite." Maxwell chuckled, and Andrew hoped he was at the very least, amused by his stream of conscious mouth. 

"Oh, but I do." Maxwell shrunk, and Andrew held his breath. A soft, featherlike breath on the head of his cock was all it took. Andrew jerked, his body trembling as he came. He shuddered, trembling as he felt himself release. Fuck.

"M-Max, I'm so-" He choked, the words getting caught in his throat as Maxwell's warm, wet mouth wrapped around the tip of his still throbbing cock. The suction, along with the small, but swift tongue pulled more cum out of his cock. Andrew couldn't even find words to leave his mouth, clenching his jaw as Maxwell's small hand massaged his balls. Maxwell gave one more strong pull, before releasing his cock. His breath fanned the wet tip of his cock, causing his sensitive skin to jerk and throb. Andrew knew he was panting, but the haze hadn't dulled at all. 

"Baby, if you were going to be a quick shot, you should have warned me. I wouldn't have teased you so much." Andrew shuddered at the nickname. He had a feeling that Maxwell was going to get his way, and he wasn't so sure why he was fighting against it so hard anymore. 

"I-I didn't, I usually…I don't even know." Andrew mumbled, his words gone as he stared down at the hazy form between his legs. Maxwell chuckled, before giving the tip of his cock a kiss. He was shocked when Maxwell turned and sunk his teeth into his thigh, covering up the sting with a kiss. Andrew's muscles tightened, and Maxwell whistled. 

"Well hello, Mr. six pack. How could you remain hidden on me for so long?" Maxwell seemed pleased with himself, and Andrew wanted to laugh, but found that he couldn't. Not with Maxwell so close to his cock. "Are you doing okay? Are we okay to continue?" Maxwell asked, and Andrew gave a jerk of his head in response. Maxwell's chuckle translated to the vibrations felt on his cock as he took him into his mouth again, and this time, Maxwell went to work. 

Andrew felt like he was going to lose his mind to the pleasure coursing through his veins. Maxwell's soft mouth was a national treasure. It was the best head he'd ever received, and he wasn't sure if that was because this…rut was riding his ass, or if that was just true. Maxwell was licking and slurping his cock like a pro, and the way he massaged his balls? Andrew was a goner. Another quick shot. 

"Max, I'm close." Andrew was able to warn him this time, and that rewarded him with Maxwell going further, pushing his cock further into his mouth. Andrew saw stars as he came, the clenching feeling of Maxwell's throat far too stimulating for him. He was practically sobbing as he came, and Maxwell slowly, ever so slowly withdrew his cock from his mouth. He gave the tip a kiss again, not surprised that Andrew was still at the ready. 

"Well? How are you feeling?" Maxwell asked, and it took Andrew a few seconds to process what he'd said. 

"You're a national treasure." Andrew's voice was reverent, and Maxwell threw his head back and laughed. Andrew felt Maxwell stand up, his hands sliding up Andrew's chest as he did so until they were on his shoulders. His grip tightened there and Andrew nearly swallowed his tongue as Maxwell's face came into view. 

His lips were wet and slightly puffy, his eyes bright with lust, and colour high on his pale face. The colours were so pretty Andrew worried he would cum again. The little smirk on his cock swollen lips was what did him in, and Andrew had to hold his breath as Maxwell leaned in. 

"Want to find out what it feels like to be inside this national treasure?" He whispered, and Andrew felt his whole body tense. 

"I-I do, but-"

"You're doing great, Andrew. You handled me going down on you and sucking that thick cock of yours so well. You didn't break your ties, and you held still for me. You didn't thrust your cock too much, besides that cute little jerk as you came. I promise, I'll stop if things get too dangerous. Please? I really want to feel all of you." Andrew could feel his mouth filling with saliva. 

"Promise to stop if you think you're in danger?" Andrew asked weakly, and Maxwell pressed a kiss to Andrew's cheek. 

"Baby, I promise."

He really just wanted to make sure Maxwell was okay, but Andrew severely underestimated how determined Maxwell is.

CalyBcreators' thoughts