
(BL) They Just Don't

The Harthgrove School for Royals is a prestigious institute that has been around for millennia. Trusted with the task of bringing up the world's future leaders, the school has a strict code that every student must follow. His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Chaddick of Akrin has been a model student at Harthgrove since he began. Now in his last year, Chaddick's only task before he can become king is to graduate from the school with a spotless reputation. Seems easy enough given the fact that even the tabloids adore him. Seems easy enough since Chaddick knows how to stay out of trouble. Seems easy enough...until Eden Volatine shows up drunk in Chaddick's room at 4 AM, confessing his undying love. Eden Volatine; Crown Prince of Volatos, Chaddick's sworn enemy and now...his crush? (SPIRITY AWARDS VERSION)

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Chaddick sat on the bed, watching Sirus' white loafers walk back and forth as the man paced along the wooden floor of Chaddick's new room. The Crown Prince knew he was in for a world of trouble. Sirus was beyond livid. His face had hardened with anger and he had been pacing for over five minutes now, trying to compose himself to no avail.

When he finally came to a stop and turned to face Chaddick, his brown eyes were full of annoyance. He took a deep breath, gave his afro a short tug and forced himself to calm down enough to get a few words out. "What were you thinking?"

"I was trying to help," Chaddick replied.

"Help who?" Sirus snapped, "Who in the gods' names do you think you've helped?"

"The Volatese students," Chaddick said without an ounce of remorse. He knew that Sirus was looking for an apology but he wasn't going to give one. "They've been getting isolated by the others because of the war. I wanted to show everyone else that they were being ridiculous for treating them like that. The war isn't any more their fault than it is ours."

"You think you've done something but the only thing you've accomplished is disgracing yourself," Sirus sighed. "If you want to stand up for the Volatese, then by all means go ahead. I will not stop you. However, throwing a tantrum in front of your peers and stuffing your face full of food isn't the way to do it. As a future king, that sort of behaviour will earn you zero respect."

"I was trying to defend people being wronged," Chaddick frowned. "That's what you raised me to do."

"And as I've said, I won't condemn you for that. But I will condemn you for lacking a little class," Sirus paused and pinned Chaddick with a hard stare. "A true king does not need to shout. Your point remains the same regardless of your volume. Raising your voice makes you seem outlandish and emotional."

"What's wrong with being emotional?" Chaddick huffed.

Sirus let out an exasperated sigh. "I feel as though you are missing the point entirely. This sort of defensive nature is unlike you."

Chaddick shrugged and mumbled, "Maybe I'm tired of being the pretty, perfect prince who's always doing as he's told."

"Yes," Sirus nodded before adding, "Your father told me about what happened at the army base."

Chaddick remembered the little speech he gave and the more than little slap he received because of it.

"I'm not going to lie and say I disagreed with the words you spoke," Sirus said. "However, I do believe that- just like today- they could have been delivered in a much more sophisticated manner."

Chaddick took a moment to contemplate that. If he had spoken in a more orderly fashion, his father and the general might not have cast his words aside as the ramblings of a child. They might have listened to him and engaged in a proper, adult conversation. After all, Chaddick wasn't a kid. At nineteen years of age, he had been raised into a sensible, intelligent prince. He had the makings of a great king. But he hadn't been acting like it lately.

"I've been letting my anger get the best of me," He admitted.

Sirus' face softened as he studied Chaddick's demeanour. The prince's shoulder's sagged as if they were carrying a lot more weight than he could handle. His usually bright eyes were marred with fear and worry. Sirus would have assumed it was the effects of the war taking a toll on him but he knew Chaddick better than that.

"This issue between Akrin and Volatos has been weighing heavily on your mind for a while now, hasn't it?" He asked and Chaddick nodded. Sirus moved to sit beside the prince and placed a warm, paternal hand on his shoulder. "Tell me."

Chaddick shook his head, "I can't."

Telling Sirus about him and Eden would be an admission of treason. There wasn't an actual law prohibiting it but it was one of those unspoken rules. Members of the royal families of Akrin and Volatos could not form romantic relationships. In addition to that, royals of any kind (especially future kings) could not be anything other than straight.

"You are like a son to me, Your Majesty. I am your émpistos," Sirus' voice was comforting and in his eyes, Chaddick saw unquestionable loyalty. "What good am I if you cannot confide in me?"

He was right and Chaddick knew it. Sirus had been one of the most constant figures in the prince's life. He had gone from changing Chaddick's diapers to giving him dating advice and training him to be king. When the time came for Chaddick to take the throne, it would be Sirus by his side as his most trusted advisor.

If he could entrust the man with his life, then nothing else should have mattered.

Reassured, he let the words out confidently. "I am in love with Eden Volatine."

Sirus froze for a second before asking, mostly out of disbelief, "The Crown Prince of Volatos?"


"Oh my. Well, that explains a lot," Sirus mumbled, "You've gotten yourself into quite the predicament this time, sire. But I suppose that can't be helped when it comes to matters of the heart."

"You're not mad?" Chaddick asked.

"Mad?" Sirus smiled, "I cannot be mad at you for being in love. I'm more relieved than anything. I had started to believe you were taking drugs."

Chaddick let out a chuckle that was half a sigh of relief. "I thought you'd call me foolish and tell me to stop seeing him."

"You are foolish, but I can't blame you for it. Even I am not exempt from the clutches of love."

Chaddick's eyes widened slightly. He had never known Sirus to have a lover before. He'd always assumed (in the least offensive way possible) that the man was too professional and up-tight to make room for love in his work-oriented heart.

"You have a lover?" The prince asked without bothering to conceal the surprise in his voice.

"Had," Sirus corrected. "They passed away. It is a matter of the past now so I choose not to mention it. My heart has had enough time to heal."

He said that but his eyes told a different story. No matter how many years had passed and how much time he'd had, there was a haunting, nameless pain that would never truly go away. Chaddick decided not to make things harder by asking any questions, no matter how curious he was. Plus, Sirus was quick to change the conversation back to the topic of Eden.

"How long have you been seeing each other?"

"Two months, three weeks and two days," Chaddick said.

Sirus raised a brow in amusement, "The simple answer of 'nearly three months' would have sufficed."

Chaddick shrugged bashfully, "I thought you'd like an accurate answer."

"You really like him?" Sirus asked and Chaddick nodded.

"Love," The prince whispered, "I really love him, Si."

"Tell me why."

"No," Chaddick said. "You have to see him how I see him; behind closed doors, when no one else is there. He'd have to talk to you the way he talks to me and smile the same way and cry the same way and-" He paused shaking his head. His mispaired eyes were alight with passion. "I cannot tell you why I love him. It's not for anyone else but me to know."

He spoke as if Eden was a secret to be kept deep within Chaddick's heart. It was as if the Crown Prince was afraid that people might see what he saw and that the entire world would fall in love with his beloved.

"Okay," Sirus rose to stand. "If you are certain about how you feel, then all I can do is continue to support you as I always have."

"You won't tell anyone?"

"I swear, your secret is safe with me, sire." He offered Chaddick one of his rare smiles and the prince returned it with just as much warmth. "Now, I think we best be heading back to the fair-" Sirus said, getting back into his professional mindset. "The chefs are going to need help handing out all those pies."

"Typical Si," Chaddick chuckled as he stood. "All work all the time."

"Well, we can't both be senseless teenagers."

"Oof-" Chaddick clutched his heart, "You wound me."

The pair laughed as they walked out of the room.

Chaddick felt light as air. With Sirus' approval, he and Eden's future was already starting to look brighter. He was almost certain that nothing could stand in their way.




Eden sat beside Chaddick but couldn't even feel excited about their proximity given the situation they were in. It was the day after the Kingdom Fair and, just as Eden had anticipated, he and Chaddick found themselves in the headmistress' office for the second time in two weeks. Headmistress Sage had hair dreadlocks up in a bun that morning and, unlike the very bright shirt she was wearing, her mood was rather dark.

"Eden, you don't really need to be here since you've done nothing wrong but I thought it would be best to address you both at once." She turned to Chaddick, "What were you thinking?"

Instead of explaining himself, Chaddick replied with a question of his own; "Did you know that the other royals have been mistreating the Volatese students?"

The headmistress looked taken aback, showing that she clearly had no idea. She turned to Eden, "Is that true, Your Majesty?"

Eden swallowed thickly, "Yes."

"How long has this been going on?"

"Since the war started," The Volatese prince replied. "Because my father attacked Akrin first, people have been acting cold towards Imelda and I."

"At least Imelda has Zaddah and Aberdeen. Plus, people like her so she doesn't have it too bad," Chaddick interjected. "Eden only has Phoenix to talk to and everyone else treats him like some kind of disease. They don't even want to be near him."

"And how do you know this?" Headmistress Sage asked, looking at Chaddick suspiciously. "You're never there to see him. You're not even allowed to interact with him."

"Rumours fly," Chaddick said. "And I saw it for myself during the Fair. Everyone was avoiding the Volatese stall like the plague. That's why I did what I did. I stand up for other students, unlike this institution."

The headmistress was stunned to silence. She'd never had a student talk to her like that before. Most royals didn't have the balls to.

Eden glanced over at Chaddick and tried desperately to contain the smile that was tugging at the corners of his lips. He was so proud, so in awe and so smug. He wanted to stand up and say 'that's my boyfriend!'. There was just something so attractive about Chaddick coming to Eden's defence. The younger prince finally understood the fascination behind a knight in shining armour.

Eden would gladly let Chaddick fight all his battles.

"I will choose to forget about what happened yesterday but only because your heart was in the right place," The headmistress said. "However, I do not expect you to behave in such a vulgar manner again. You're a future king and future kings do not act like hooligans.

"I let my emotions get the best of me," Chaddick said, "I'll do my best not to let it happen again."

"Good," Headmistress Sage turned her gaze back to Eden once more. "I apologise for how you've been treated lately. I had no idea. I'll be sure to issue out a warning to the entire school and if anyone else bothers you, don't hesitate to inform me. I'll make sure they're dealt with accordingly."

Eden nodded, "Thank you."

The headmistress offered the two boys a small smile. "What's happening between your kingdoms is nothing short of a tragedy. I can't begin to imagine how significantly it affects you both as future kings. But I must admit, you both seem to have grown closer because of it. Perhaps it's because you're sharing a mutual experience."

The princes glanced at each other. If only the headmistress knew that the 'mutual experience' they shared was each other's bodily fluids and hearts.

"I have no doubt in my mind that when it is your time to rule, you will do a splendid job," She said. "And perhaps your kingdoms might find peace."

"Perhaps," Eden whispered.

The headmistress excused them and they got up to leave the room. Chaddick was just about to open the door when Eden nudged him lightly and mouthed the word 'bathroom'. They stepped out of the office and found their bodyguards waiting for them.

"I need to use the bathroom," Eden said.

"Same," Chaddick added.

The guards looked apprehensive but the office door was still open and the headmistress nodded. "I think they can be trusted to use the facilities without killing each other," She joked and the guards accompanied the boys to the nearest bathroom.

"Shout if you need anything," Michael said, casting a weary glance at Eden.

Chaddick rolled his eyes, "He isn't going to choke me with his shoelace."

Eden chuckled as they entered the bathroom, leaving their guards behind.

"I could definitely choke you with my shoelace," The Volatese prince teased, "But only if you want me to."

Chaddick snickered, "Don't be weird."

Eden opened the first stall and Chaddick followed him in before sliding the latch to 'occupied'. It was Eden who had asked him to follow but now the younger prince had gotten all shy. Chaddick let out a low laugh and stepped closer to him.

"I think it's cute how you're one of the biggest guys in school and yet it's so difficult for you to initiate a kiss."

"Shut up," Eden blushed and before Chaddick could react, the taller male leaned down to claim his lips in a short, timid kiss.

"Cute," Chaddick grinned before he grabbed Eden by the back of his hair and pulled him down for something less family-friendly.

Eden's toes curled in his shoes from the hot, vicious intensity of it. Chaddick was kissing him like he owned him. As if every part of Eden was his to claim and the younger prince had no other choice but to be devoured.

He wanted Chaddick to consume him.

"Chad," He whined when the kiss came to an end far too soon for his liking. "More," He begged but Chaddick had to decline.

"If we stay here any longer, I won't be able to stop and the guards will start to get suspicious."

Eden huffed but didn't complain because he knew Chaddick was right. Still, that didn't mean he liked it.

"This is the first time we've kissed in a week," He sighed, staring into those lovely, brown and golden eyes. "I've missed you."

"I know, baby. I've missed you, too," Chaddick said. "I hate that things have to be like this but I'll think of a plan. A way for us to be together. You just need to hang on a little longer."

"Okay," Eden nodded, "I'll try my best."

Chaddick cupped the boy's face in his hands and brushed his thumb across the scar on Eden's left cheek. Eden placed his hands atop Chaddick's and moved the older prince's hands to his lips. He kissed Chaddick's palms and blushed when the other prince smiled.

Chaddick leaned in to kiss Eden once more and Eden ingrained the feeling of those lips in his mind. When they pulled away, he ran his thumb across them, loving how the top one was slightly bigger and how they were wet with a mixture of their saliva.

"You're so hot," He mumbled and Chaddick let out a soft groan.

"How do you expect me to leave when you're looking at me like that?"

Eden sucked in a deep breath and forced himself to step back.

"I'll see you around," Chaddick said.

"I love you," Eden whispered.

Chaddick smiled, "I love you."