
(BL) Rising The Moon

Short story about the Moon Child. An incredible series of events led to the merging of two different worlds. How it will all turn out?

_MengYao_ · LGBT+
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9 Chs


Hong has had many experiences in his life. He also suffered from many relationships that had given him little in life, the eternal sadness and pain they caused him was unbearable.

Once again he felt disappointed, his heart even broke with pain. As he walked along the bridge, he cried again that evening. He hated life more and more, he hated everything around him. These people, the city, the streets, the cars. This all made him furious. He wanted to destroy everything around him, strangle anyone who stood in his way. However, that night the streets were empty, with a car passing by every now and then. Out of this helplessness, he sat on the bridge railing and swung his legs to the other side.

He leaned forward and a strong gust of wind blew his hair. He sighed heavily and looked towards the moon. For the first time in his life he could see its eclipse. He smiled slightly to himself and another tear rolled down his cheek.

He let go and fell forward. It felt like time slowed down. He didn't defend himself, he just spread his hands, as if he wanted to fly like a bird. He hit the surface of the water and as soon as he turned around in the water, he could see the moonlight fading away, like the moon disappearing during an eclipse. He fell further and further until he suddenly felt a tug.

Something grabbed him by the neck like a kitten's mother, he was suddenly pulled out of the water, making him gasp for breath. His hair was stuck to his face and he couldn't see much. He was gasping for breath and it was hard for him to calm down. The boy's body was shaking from shock, but also from the cold he experienced.

His ears were ringing from the shock he experienced.

He looked up at the man holding him above the water, laughing. He didn't understand what happened, where exactly was he? Set on the ground, he brushed his hair away from his face, but why was it so long?

-I told you he's no good for anything! -The man shouted. He had a long dark beard and was dressed as if he had just stepped out of the goreyo era.

-Come on, he's not a son of the nobility, he's just an idiot.- He heard a sword land with a hiss near his head. Terrified, he moved away abruptly.

-Is this some kind of joke?- asked the boy, getting up from the ground abruptly. He was dressed in colorful materials, which surprised him.

Was he drunk? Maybe he hit his head? Was he hallucinating?

-Fuck off, kid, training's over for today. You're no good for anything, typical kid. When will you grow up? - One of them shouted, and Hong quickly ran forward, ran onto the terrace and ran away on the wooden platform in panic. Until an elderly woman stood in his way.

-Where are you going, Master? It's time. - After these words, she pushed the boy inside the room.

-Time? Time for what? What Master? What are you talking about? - He asked nervously and, sitting in front of the dressing table, groaned. He looked like a corpse, pale as hell, dirty... He blinked several times, looking at his reflection. He actually looked like Master. He must have seen something similar in history books.

He hissed when the woman began to vigorously comb his messy hair. On the one hand it was nice, but on the other hand it was strange. Had he dreamed it all? That was the impression he got.

-Today you have to go to an important meeting. Have you already forgotten? Your father was away on important matters, so he delegated you. Try to do your best and make a good impression on the future King.

- Are you listening? - He asked hesitantly, but the woman only let out a heavy sigh. He immediately noticed that his beauty was significantly different.

-Nothing. Just don't embarrass us... - She muttered under her breath and tied the hair tightly on the boy's head, adding a few decorations there as well. She dressed him in gray fabrics, and he was surprised that he looked so good in them. Even delicate make-up emphasized his beauty well.

For the first time in his life he experienced being led on a horse. Could he even ride a horse? He couldn't remember anything. He felt completely confused.

He looked around the forest, wondering how he ended up here. Was it some ARG that he unknowingly took part in? Or maybe some malicious joke? He let out a heavy sigh. He heard the escort's comments all too well, the soldiers joked that this one would only embarrass them. Effeminate, beardless, stupid. He grimaced slightly, not fully understanding what the problem was. In his opinion, they looked disgusting.

He didn't know how long it took him to get to the city square, but it was bustling with life. Hong involuntarily smiled to himself because it was quite charming. He looked at the decorations, the markets were filled with sweets and food. Is there a holiday coming up?

When they stopped in front of a large wooden door, he got off the horse himself, that was all he could do.

He entered the room where twenty ministers were already sitting, he remembered from history how they usually dressed. On the left there were representatives of the wealthier part of society to which he clearly belonged. Or at least that's what he understood.

He sat down in the only empty seat and looked uncertainly at the surroundings. He found a fan in his sleeve, so he unfolded it and covered his face. He clearly felt the eyes of others on him. These whispers irritated him. Who was he actually and why did he come here?

He rested his chin on his fist and looked towards the door, when it opened with a flourish he could see a tall man. He had long dark hair tied in a tight bun on his head. Simple and red robes indicating his position, gold ornaments on his head. But that was of little importance.

His eyes were extremely mesmerizing. His face is equally handsome. Everything was extraordinary! The younger one held his breath at the sight of this phenomenon. Where did he end up? He stared at his face even though everyone else was bent over. The one whose name he didn't know yet looked at them with a superiority worthy of a ruler. He was weak in the legs, a stunning man.

Knocked on the head by the guards, Nik leaned to the side.

-You have no respect for the future ruler?!- He shouted, and only then did the other pay attention to him. A slight smile appeared on the elder's lips, but it was short and faint.

- Come on, I don't have time for this. - He said indifferently and walked through the halls, taking his seat. Hong sat on the pillow in disgust, rubbing the back of his head.

-I called this meeting about new trade paths.- He replied, and before he could expand on the topic, a lively discussion began to develop about who had the best fabrics, who had the mines... And Hong didn't even know what he had. It was difficult, so he leaned over the document and read that his part in this whole mess was horse trading, supplying troops... He rolled his eyes, feeling how boring it was. The older men shouted over each other and Hong glanced at the prince. He sat equally bored, only shaking his head slightly.

When their eyes met, the younger one gave him a shy smile. However, the other seemed to ignore him to some extent. Intentionally or not, he stared at him.

The younger one didn't care about it and only gave him his smile, looking at him impudently. It was a dream, it was definitely a dream.

And Seo himself, because that was the name of the future ruler, stared at this porcelain face, completely ignoring his surroundings. His facial expression did not change, he looked completely indifferent, but inside he felt like he was burning.

He cleared his throat and finally turned his gaze to the men.

-That's enough for today.-He said in a loud voice and then stood up. He put his hands behind his back and walked down the hall. Even though Hong himself did not pay much attention to what they were saying, he was particularly absorbed by his surroundings. Especially when the prince looked away.

He heard a faint rustle and then the whistle of a blade. He stood up abruptly and grabbed the blade in his hands, clenching it with both hands.

His heart was pounding as he realized what he had just done.

Seo stood behind him, equally surprised by the attack.

One of the ministers just lost his head. Literally. The guard reacted with a slight delay, but Hong was faster. He blinked several times, he didn't even know how he did it.

He dropped the blade from his hand, it was covered in blood, cut deeply by the sword. His robes, sleeves, hands, all covered in blood. There was a deep silence among the people, no one knew what to say.

The future king had miraculously escaped death.