

This novel is about a young man who died because of an accident When he thought it was all over he got reincarnated However the world he got reincarnated into was not your normal world He got reincarnated into the world of DanMachi where the self proclaimed goddesses came down from heaven to help the mortals who got pushed back by the monsters that came from the deepest dept of hell With the new life he had and the system he got, he has a goal... A goal no one could imagine His goal was not to conquer the world or the heaven nor to have all of the beautiful woman in the world His goal was to go back to his home planet and reunite to someone important to him With this new goal in mind he will not let any obstacle to stop him from moving forward and he was ready to crush everything in his path just to achieve his goal He will not gave mercy to this who try to take his life, he will be ruthless to anyone who dare to stop him from achieving his goal. This... This is the story of selfless sacrifice and courage. ∆∆∆∆

_Krid_ · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Sharing Some Chocolate - Valentine Special

Authors Note: This especial chapter was meant to be an extra on the second season of our novel but Valentine's day came and since it's Valentine's day I decided I needed to atleast make something special and yes I know... I'm behind the schedule because I have a gold fish memory I forget that Valentine's day has already passed and I'm still single ;-;

Anyways once again this has no connection to the current timeline of our novel. This was meant to be an extra for season 2 of our novel but because of Valentine's day I decided to make it here since I'm seeing shit ton of Valentine fan art on the DanMachi community especially on Reddit

oh btw I don't know if chocolate existed in DanMachi but let's pretend it didn't exist.

Anyways enjoy this especial.



"Boring' said Yuuya

"Stop complaining Bell, are you really willing to do paperworks in the guild again?' said Welf

"As much as I hate you he had a point Bell-sama' said Lili

"I know, I know it's my fault' said Yuuya

Things has been quite chaotic for the past few weeks

Defeating the Apollo Familia while also massacring each one of them and letting only Cassandra and Daphne alive because it turns out they've been longing to escape the Apollo Familia because they are getting concerned about what's gonna happen to them since their goddess is starting to harass the two of them

Getting caught in the middle of War Game between Freya and Ishtar Familia

Yuuya forgetting to use his fake stats and Hestia founds out he has done a leap from level 2 to level 4

Luckily Yuuya manages to minimize or hide his real stats from Hestia when Hestia is updating his fake stats resulting to him being a level 4

Yuuya knows that he cannot prevent Hestia from seeing his true level so he decided to atleast minimize the result

But his true level is level 9. He level up this much after defeating the enhanced goliath in floor 18, massacring the Apollo Familia and killing the disgusting frog from Ishtar Familia that quite traumatized him

The biggest one yet is the whole Orario finding out he is a immortal... This got revealed during the War Game when Yuuya got stab in the heart while his in shock because Bell's soul decided to sacrifice itself because the bastard Clio uses a soul destroying magic that considered to be a treasure from the Apollo Familia

(I know it's quite confusing how I described the events but I'll correct it later in the actual chapter)

After that Hestia got bombarded by a ton of paper works from the guild

She finished all of the paper works for 2 days straight without any rest even though Yuuya and the others insisted she takes a rest but her persistent wons and she is currently sleeping in her room

Then when Hestia thought it's all done another wave of paper works arrive making her became so pale that you cannot even find the difference between her and a ghost and after that she falls unconscious due to exhaustion

They also had some new members in the familia

After the War Game with Apollo Cassandra and Daphne decided to join our familia and we also got the Heart Mansion

We also got Haruhime from the Ishtar Familia who decided to work as maid instead

(I don't have any information about Haruhime if she really is part of the Ishtar Familia so any information is appreciated.)

Yuuya suddenly pulls out a phone from his inventory that he made a week ago

Yuuya became more open about his power since he can already defend himself even against the level 7 Ottar

"hmm? What is that Bell?' said Welf

"A phone' said Yuuya

"A phone?' said Welf and Lili curious

Yuuya wants some music hoping it can somehow help to ease his boredom when he suddenly stops when he sees the calendar

He previously founds out that the time in this universe was the same on earth so he can keep track of the date on both places

"So it's Valentine's day huh' said Yuuya as he turns off his phone

"Valentine's day???' said Welf

Yuuya avoids Welf's question

"I guess it's fine to make some chocolate's once in a while. I can also use this opportunity to ease boredom for the time being' said Yuuya as he gets up and heads to the kitchen

Welf not understanding what "chocolate" and "valentine" is just straightforward looks at Lili

"Don't stare at me like that. Do I look like I know something? Let him be' said Lili

Meanwhile in the kitchen...

Using the ingredients they have in the kitchen Yuuya started to make some chocolate

He was gonna make a two version of it. A white version/vanilla chocolate and the original one

He still needed to use his eye power since some ingredients that he needed wasn't in the kitchen for example a blender, cocoa, and vanilla extract that is essential for making a chocolate

He also make some heart shaped boxes for the chocolate

He make a large amount of chocolate since he decided to give each person two boxes of chocolate

Yuuya also uses liquid nitrogen to instantly freeze the chocolate and after that he started naming the boxes

For example there's a "Happy Valentine's Day" title in the top of the box. Underneath it was the name of the person for example "From: Yuuya" "To: Ais"

After that he tied a a ribbon to the box and put a real flower into it

The color of the flower depends on the color of the box. For example if the box is color white then the rose and the ribbon on it must be white to

If the box is color red then the rose and the ribbon in it must be color red

Yuuya also calls Haruhime to help him to name the box and put ribbon and roses on it

After a good half hour of naming, putting ribbon and roses on the box the two has finally finish their work

"Good job Haruhime' said Yuuya as he started patting Haruhime's head

"umu" said Haruhime as her tail started wagging indicating she's enjoying it

"As a reward I want to give you this' said Yuuya as he hands Haruhime the chocolate with an extra

"I want you to give the other two to your sister but of course it depends into you' said Yuuya

"I'll thankfully accept this Bell-sama and I'll make sure the other uhm... Chocolate? Yes chocolate. I'll make sure the other chocolate you gave to me Bell-sama make it into onee-chan' said Haruhime

"By the way why do you make so much chocolate Bell-sama?' said Haruhime

"Good question. Since I'm gonna make chocolate why not gave the others?' said Yuuya

"Who may be this "others"?' said Haruhime curious

"I'll gave those who are in the Hostess of Fertility, the Loki Familia, the Miach Familia and the Takemikazuchi Familia because why not? I will also give some chocolate to Eina and her friend and if I can I will also give Hephaestus and the Hermes familia along the way' said Yuuya

"I see. Master is too kind' said Haruhime

After that Yuuya gave Lili and Welf some chocolate before leaving

Of course he do not forget to leave some for Hestia

"I'm gonna head out now. If goddess ask where did I go just say to her I'm just giving some chocolate' said Yuuya to the other before leaving

Yuuya also said those chocolate are sweet and Welf being a fan of sweets immediately ate the chocolate

"Woah! This is actually very sweet and flavourful!' said Welf


Meanwhile at the hostess of fertility...

"oh! What may be your business here Bell-san?' said Syr

"I want to give you and the others this' said Yuuya as he hands out two boxes of chocolate to Syr

"Hm? What may this be? And more especially why is it in a heart shaped box?' said Syr

"It's a chocolate. It's a very sweet treat and for the heart shaped box, it has something to do with the Valentine's day' said Yuuya

"Valentine's day?' said Syr as she tilts her head

"Valentine's day. Also known as "The day of hearts. This was a event we celebrate when I'm still with my grandpa in the mountains' said Yuuya

"Oh... I see' said Syr

"By the way gave to these to the others and just a reminder eat this immediately or atleast place it on a cold place because the chocolate inside the box will melt if not eaten immediately or not placed in a cold place' said Yuuya as he hand the other chocolate that is place on a basket

"Understood. Are you going now?' said Syr

"Yes I'm still gonna give the others some chocolate' said Yuuya

After that Yuuya leave the hostess of fertility and heads to the Takemikazuchi and Miach Familia to gave their chocolate's

After that Yuuya goes to search for Hermes and after an hour he finally founds him and after that he went to Hephaestus familia to gave her some chocolate

After all of that Yuuya heads to his final destination which is the Loki Familia

"What may be your purpose here?' said The guard

"I have some gift to the Loki Familia so may I enter? I want to give the gift personally' said Yuuya

"Wait here for a minute I'm just gonna ask the captain for his permission to let you enter' said The guard

"Wait they are here?' said Yuuya

"Yes. The Familia is currently taking a day off. Now if may excuse me' said the guard

After a minute or so the guard return as promised

"You may enter now' said the guard

"Thanks and by the way take this' said Yuuya as he hands a box of chocolate

Yuuya only hands a normal box of chocolate not the heart shaped ones

"hm? What may this be?' said the guard

"It's called a chocolate. I recommend you eat that now or else it will melt' said Yuuya as he enters

"Chocolate huh... I guess a bite won't hurt' said the guard as he took a piece


Inside the Twilight Manor...

"I hears Bell is coming' said Ais

"Wait how did you know?' said Finn

"My Bell senses are tingling' said Ais

"Bell senses what?' said Finn

"Anyways he said that he want to give us a gift and he want to personally gave it to us so I've summon you and others to come' said Finn

Then suddenly someone is knocks on the door

"Enter' said Finn

"Hi' said Yuuya as he enters the room behind him is Riveria

"Welcome Bell. I hear you have a gift that you personally want to gave to us. What may it be?' said Finn

"Straight to the point huh' said Yuuya as he pulled out some box of chocolate from his inventory

"Space magic?!' said Riveria

"Well it was something like that' said Yuuya

"Anyways. I want to give you guys this thing called chocolate' said Yuuya as he hands a box of chocolate into Finn

"Chocolate?' Said Finn interested

"Yes a chocolate. It's a sweet treat that we gave to others during Valentine's day back in my hometown' said Yuuya

"Valentine's day?' said Finn

"Valentine's day or the day of love' said Yuuya

"I see' said Finn

"Here's the other chocolate's by the way' said Yuuya as pulled out a bunch of chocolate boxes from his inventory

"Giving a girl a chocolate is basically like confessing someone you love but I'm an exception since i gave this as a gift' said Yuuya

"Like confessing to someone huh...?' said Finn

"Oh? You already have someone in your mind? Mind to share it?' said Yuuya purposely teasing Finn

"I'm also interested in this "person"' said Riveria joining Yuuya on teasing Finn

"Wh-what are you talking about Bell?! And Riveria don't join him!' said Finn embarrassed

Riveria, Yuuya and Ais can only laughs at Finn

"S-stop laughing!' said Finn increasingly embarrassed

"Sorry it was just really funny to tease you' said Yuuya

"Agreed' said Riveria and Ais

"I'm gonna leave now take your time. Just a reminder, if you can eat the chocolate now eat it or atleast place it on a cold place or else it will melt and it will be messy' said Yuuya

"Yes. Thanks for the gift by the way' said Finn

"No problem and take your to give the chocolate to "someone"' Yuuya said as he started to tease Finn once again

"S-shut up!' said Finn

(I'm basically creating a tsundere Finn rn... AND IM LIKING IT)

"oh yeah and by the way... There's a special message I have for you Ais in one of the chocolate box that is meant for you. Go and search for it' said Yuuya as he leave the room

"A special... Message?' said Ais she tilts her head

"I think this is the box' said Riveria as she gave the chocolate box to Ais

Ais opens one of the box and luckily the message is there and the message says:


I'll gonna give you some headpats and lap pillow later if I had the time- Bell Cranel


After finishing on reading the message Ais quickly became a blush bomb

"H-he knows my weakness' said Ais while blushing

"Your weakness?' said Finn curious

"Just how dense can you be captain?' said Riveria

"And Ais... Can I now what message Bell Said to you?' said Riveria teasingly

"No. Never' said Ais

"C'mon just a little peak' said Riveria as she gets closer into Ais

"yada! yada! yada!' said Ais as she try to run away from Riveria

"*sigh* girls this day' said Finn


AN: even though this meant to be a valentine special there is still no romance in the chapter instead on the "message part"

Pls don't bully me. I don't know the feeling of so called "love" because I am single and I will forever be one ;-;

I'm gonna rest for days... I need to heal my broken heart ;-;