

This novel is about a young man who died because of an accident When he thought it was all over he got reincarnated However the world he got reincarnated into was not your normal world He got reincarnated into the world of DanMachi where the self proclaimed goddesses came down from heaven to help the mortals who got pushed back by the monsters that came from the deepest dept of hell With the new life he had and the system he got, he has a goal... A goal no one could imagine His goal was not to conquer the world or the heaven nor to have all of the beautiful woman in the world His goal was to go back to his home planet and reunite to someone important to him With this new goal in mind he will not let any obstacle to stop him from moving forward and he was ready to crush everything in his path just to achieve his goal He will not gave mercy to this who try to take his life, he will be ruthless to anyone who dare to stop him from achieving his goal. This... This is the story of selfless sacrifice and courage. ∆∆∆∆

_Krid_ · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Part 3 - Arrow Of The Orion - It Now Starts.

AN: this might be the last note of the chapter as I want to only focus on the dialogues. Though I might leave some ASC here and there, AN is not so much.

Anyways, I'll be using some of the dialogues in the movie like "long ago we gods bla bla bla" for a pathetic shitty excuse because I can't think of an idea or entry for the chapter.


On the bright side, it will at least remind you of some part of the movie if you forget it already... I guess ;D ;-;

Hey it's better than nothing fight me ಠ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ಠ





\One Explanation Later\

> Time Skip <


• Chant •


AN = Author's note

ASC = Author's side comment


It's currently night somewhere far far away from Orario, an old temple in the middle of a forest. Inside it, a battle is waging.


It shouldn't even be called a battle...

It's a massacre.

The sound of flesh being pierced by an object. The lifeless bloodied corpse of humans that are once members of a proud familia, now lies down unmoving on the ground and never to rise up.

The burning battlefield that was once filled with silence, is now covered in the scent of death and destruction.

The pillars of stone are turned into nothing but rubble as the abomination that causes this destruction roars in triumph.

The once proud familia... Was no more.

A light. A violet ray of light shot through the silent night only to disappear second later...


What may be the cause of this...?









Long ago, when the gods decided to descend to the lower world that their children live in, they agreed on one thing before deciding to live there with them forever.

That is to lock their divine powers away. They knew very well that their lives wouldn't be easy or convenient, but the gods vowed to love happily.

Some sought for prosperity, and some sought after heroes, and... some sought after "salvation."


It was yet another bright sunny morning in the land of Orario.

As the sun rises more in the sky, the voices of people around the town become more heard- (yeah you guys know what this shit, we'll skip this)

As usual, Ais is now walking towards Yuuya's room with the tray of food in her hand.

It might be a month ago already but the event that happened on a "particular" day that involves her punching Yuuya in the stomach full force "unintentionally" because of the actions Yuuya did, was still fresh in her mind. Fun.

Because of this, Riviera, punishes Ais by not allowing her to do her usual routine for a month.

/A Flashback Month Ago/

"YOU WHAT!?" said Riveria as the individual in the receiving end shudders. It was Ais.

"Explain yourself young lady this instant!" demand the angwy Riveria.

\One Explanation From Yours Truly Air Head Ais Later\

"In the name of Loki... So you're saying that you "might" punch a still not battle ready Bell in the stomach full force because he decided to get back at you for teasing him am I right?"

The blonde nodded while keeping her head down from embarrassment.

'Sigh... This girl. She likes teasing but is weak at being teased back?'

Riveria closes her eyes to think of what she has heard.

'... Though... I probably wouldn't mind it if he had done it to me...'

Just then, Riveria started imagining the event that happened to her daughter but instead of Ais, she replaced it with her instead.

Riveria then started blushing from the idea her imagination is creating as her ears lowers itself from embarrassment.

'Wha-what are you thinking Riveria! This is not the time to think about that!' she then shakes her head in denial.

It didn't work too well so instead she covered her face with her hands instead to temporarily cut her connection to the outside world so that she could clear her mind.

Fortunately, Ais didn't notice the strange actions from her adoptive mother since she is too focused on her own embarrassment to notice anything.

Going back to Riveria, after some time of covering her face, Riveria created a space between her fingers just enough to see Ais from her cover.

She sees Ais with her head still down. She thinks about it for some time, she then sighs internally and removes her hands from her face.

Riveria, with still a hint of red in her face and ears, voices her opinion.

"All right. I've decided. Naturally, on these kind occasions, I already tied you up real good and threw you in the river-"

Upon hearing the word "river", Ais felt true fear once again.

"-But I'll let this pass seeing that you really didn't intentionally done it and just purely out of emotion."

Ais sighs in relief as she thought her life will flash right before her eyes again.


And just like that, she is stiffed up once again. But not for long. Because for her, what's coming next is much worse than not being able to eat jagamarukun for a month.

"As a punishment, you're prohibited from doing your usual routine to Bell for a month. Instead, I'll take care of him as a replacement until the time is over."


"oh? Is that the sound of denial I'm hearing? Because if I remember right, you're not really in the position right now to protest am I right?"



Riveria sighs in accomplishment. She then started playing with her jade colored hair, rolling it then having it back to normal then rolling it again.

'I wish something similar happens during that one month' thought Riveria as the red in her face increased a bit to the fantasy she had.'

ASC: I shall hereby declare, that Riveria has a shotacon trait- just joking 😃👍 and I dare you take it seriously 😃🔪

/End Of Flashback/

Something did definitely happen to Yuuya and Riveria during that 1 month that more or less awakens Riveria's interest in love in one way or another.

But unfortunately... You guys forget one thing.




*ahem* *ahem* sorry, I unfortunately slipped right there so pardon me.

Anyways back to the story. This day marks the end of Ais punishment, so just as we expect it, Ais is back at it again.

She finally arrives at Yuuya's room to find him waiting for her at a sitting position in his bed and looking at the city ahead from the window in his room.

He then shifted his gaze to her.

"Well. Welcome back I guess."


Just like that, Ais started spoon feeding Yuuya. This time, no teasing, she forces herself to do so, since she can't risk the fact of getting punished again.

After some time, Yuuya finished the last bite of his meal. He drank some water and placed it gently on the desk beside his bed.

"Feeling better?"

"Yes. Non stop rest and quality care from the Loki familia, especially you, boosted my recovery. Thank you."

"Hehe no problem. About something..."

"Hm? What is it?"

"Ah uhm... You know a festival that's about to come... Right?"


"I- uhm I was thinking... If I- If I could invite you to come with me in the festival!" Ais said boldly as she closes her eyes in anticipation.

Yuuya looked at her, quite surprised from her sudden confession so early in the morning. But he didn't mind it.

He was thinking of how to apologize to Ais for teasing her too much a month ago. Right now, he find the current situation perfect.

"Okay. I suppose I'm recoverd enough to walk so why not."

Ais mood instantly brightens up and sparkle appear in her eyes in excitement.

'Heh, this girl never fails to amaze me from her hidden cuteness.'


AN: and cut, that's it for now.

A pretty short chapter, just around 1,1k words. That is intentional btw.

I write this chapter so that I can continue where I left on the previous chapter as well as to created a momentum for the movie.

Because just like I said in the beginning, I can't think of an entry to the chapter, so I write this instead and ended it with Ais inviting Yuuya to come with her to the festival.

By doing that, it initiates the event that will take place in the future chapter. Because just like in the movie, it started on Bell and the others on the pull out the spear out of this stone, crystal I don't know I don't care and have some depression kind of event.

and because I literally alter the story, I need to think of a way to have this event start instead of giving my laziness 10x boost and just saying "fck it, let's time skip." kind of bs

yeah you get the point. Anyways, that it for now.

See you guys tomorrow.

And btw, if you guys find a mistyped or an error in a sentence, leave a comment at the said part of the chapter so that I can edit it later. And yeah, I said that because I won't proof read this lol. You guys know the reason why.

Anyways, happy May 1 for everyone.