

This novel is about a young man who died because of an accident When he thought it was all over he got reincarnated However the world he got reincarnated into was not your normal world He got reincarnated into the world of DanMachi where the self proclaimed goddesses came down from heaven to help the mortals who got pushed back by the monsters that came from the deepest dept of hell With the new life he had and the system he got, he has a goal... A goal no one could imagine His goal was not to conquer the world or the heaven nor to have all of the beautiful woman in the world His goal was to go back to his home planet and reunite to someone important to him With this new goal in mind he will not let any obstacle to stop him from moving forward and he was ready to crush everything in his path just to achieve his goal He will not gave mercy to this who try to take his life, he will be ruthless to anyone who dare to stop him from achieving his goal. This... This is the story of selfless sacrifice and courage. ∆∆∆∆

_Krid_ · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Part 1 - Arrow Of The Orion - Awakening


It has been six months since the accident on 18th floor and Yuuya was still in coma.

Hestia and the others especially Ais was very concerned as he was in deep coma for so long.

It was natural yet not natural and once again Airmid reassures them that he will probably wake up before even the year ends.

All that is left is for Yuuya to wake up .

He was already discharged by Amid but since the home Hestia and Yuuya live in was destroyed, Loki temporarily allow the two of them in her manor as a repayment for almost sacrificing his life just to save her childrens.

It was also requested by Finn and the others themselves and since Loki has already decided to let the two of them in her care there's no been any problem.

The happiest of them all is Ais herself. How excited you might ask? Well, she's been in the room where Yuuya is resting for a whole freaking day everyday.

Yae? Well she's been fighting for her place everyday because for some reason Ais always arrives at Yuuya's room no matter how early Yae wakes up.

Well why not just wait until Ais decided to eat her lunch? Well plot twist, Ais bring all of the things she needed with her.

May it be clothes and food she bring all of it. Heck all she needed was a permission from either Loki or Riveria and she will move to Yuuya's room and will never came out.

And even though Hestia didn't like it at first, she allowed it eventually.

Author: So yeah Ais, if you are to rate the experience what will be your rating?

Ais: 10/10 would like to do it again and will never get tired of it.

Author: How about you Yae?

Yae: -10/10, I want my turn

Ais: Over my dead body.

Yae: Grrrr

Author: There you have it folks!

For Loki, what she did was a good move for because after Freya heard that Yuuya was discharged but has no place to stay, she immediately send a messenger but luckily Loki was ahead of the information about Hestia's current situation.

But if Loki didn't reacted quickly, our boy Yuuya may have lost his precious virginity and I'm sure civil war will broke out and Ais will start a crusade once she founds that out and it will not be pretty for our friend Orario that's already been beaten up.

In the other hand, half of the Orario was almost destroyed... Well atleast the weaker building are destroyed.

And yup, it was all caused by Yuuya himself. The last attack he releases was too powerful than expected.

The people of Orario can even say it was the strongest earthquake Orario ever felt.

Ganesha familia was the lead familia that first engages to help the citizens or Orario as well as rebuilding some destroyed homes and business.

Loki Familia in the other hand was task for supply management as well as giving shelter for the civilians that lost their homes.

A full recovery was expected to be completed for another six more months despite the help of the Loki Familia.

It might change if the Freya familia decided to help and how much they are willing to give.

If you are wondering what happened to the giant hole Yuuya made, well it was healed by the dungeon itself already.

Though some few goblins and monsters manages to climb out of it through the course of it's healing process nothing that is so big happened.

Other than that, things are going smoothly.


Meanwhile in Yuuya's consciousness, his doing pretty good... I guess

After he fall asleep in the 18th floor, he was sent straight into a some sort of white dimension

Why did I call it white dimension you ask? Well, just like the sound of it the white dimension is all white...

Anyways, It was all white except for a dead tree that is in the middle of the dimension, how did I know it was in the middle? I have no fucking idea.

For our boy Yuuya he was in his last few sanity, after getting banished into this place he immediately explored the place.

But no matter how long he walks he always ended up in the same dead tree over and over again.

Mentally exhausted he gave up and lean in the tree.

At first he was calm... Then his imagination was starting to scare him till he started to think he will never be get out of this seemingly endless whiteness.

Boy did he almost cry in the thought of it. But who wouldn't? Getting trap in a white dimension with nothing but a dead three in the middle to keep you sane might be your worse nightmare than not being able to get a wife-

He eventually calmed down, he started try to sleep to kill some time but didn't work.

He then started thinking about his life decisions.

And then he started questioning himself.

Why does this brand called Puregold is color green?

Isn't the ocean the forbidden soup?

Are we all floating right now if Isaac Newton didn't discover gravity?

Math is fun until the alphabet joins in... Who the fuck thought it's a good idea to add letters in numbers?

Why does girls can kiss other girls and no one bats an eye but when we kiss our homies we got called gay

If matter cannot be created nor destroyed and the universe is 13.7 billion years old does that mean we are all 13.7 years old? Is she legal all this time?

Auf der Heide blüht ein-

Is it gay to look at the mirror because we are literally inspecting a man's body-

Before Yuuya goes beyond the point of no return a man size circle of light suddenly appears few yards away from him.

Yuuya gets up, with no hesitations sprinted the fucking way afraid that the portal out of this nightmare may disappear and he needed to spend another grueling and depressing for how long.

When he is near at the exit he suddenly stops and turned around.

"My time has come. Fuck you white dimension thingy and I love you tree I will miss you." said Yuuya as he finally goes through the portal


After 6 months of comatose, Yuuya wakes up for the first time.

And his first words are...

"... I can't feel anything'' said Yuuya (basically me after the anesthesia kicks in)

"Ah right, my muscles weakend because of lack of use'' said Yuuya

He sighs as he looks at the city beside him that is separated by a window.

"System, how long I've been in coma?'' said Yuuya

[6 Months]

"Huh... That explains'' said Yuuya

"Hmm, I wonder how's my stats now after defeating the goliath'' said Yuuya as he look for his stats


Yuuya Mitsukuji/ Bell Cranel

Level 5 ----> 7

Race: Demonic Fallen Angel

Strength: 189 ----> 2288 halved into 1133

Vitality: 100 ----> 298 halved into 134

Defense: 170 ----> 2866 halved into 1433

Agility: 259 ----> 2648 halved into 1324

Dexterity: 199 ----> 300 halved into 150

Charm: 200

Luck: A

Magic: 20,000 ----> 50,000 halved into 25,000

Swordsmanship: SSS+

Forbidden Sword Art: 1 out of the 10 sword arts are performed and mastered.


Realis Phrase

Last Stand

Limit Off

Killing Intent




Demonic Fallen Angel Mode (I'll place this in the skill section)




Skill/Magic Creation


Memory Eater

Higher Regeneration

Skill Points/SP: 0 ----> 10,000

Titles: The One Who Brings Nightmare, The One Who Do Not Back down

EXP: 0/35,000,000

50% Human

New Title!

"The One Who Overcomes The Odds"

Active Effect: When the host is fighting an enemy stronger than him, this title will permanently boost all of host stats by 60% with no limit.


All physical stats are halved except for charm. This was caused because of the weak body the host currently had due to the host entering a comatose state for so long.

The Mana also halved because of reasons. Due to the host pushing the skill {Limit Off} and {Argonaut} to their designated time limit, it damages the hosts soul almost to the brink of collapse.

Condition For Removing The Penalty: For the physical penalty, the host needed to regain his body's peak condition or just good body condition.

For the spiritual penalty, it is requested to not use any kind of skill and magic that consumes Mana except for the skill {Higher Regeneration}.


"Hmm nice I guess' said Yuuya quite unimpressed but not disappointed

He is just not in the mood for anything right now.

(By the way host, I have a gift for you for. Raise you left hand for a moment)

Yuuya nods and instinctively raised his right hand that is nowhere.

Upon realizing he raises his left hand.

"Ugh, I'll never get used to this'' said Yuuya

Then suddenly a small box appears in his palm.

Yuuya was confused at first.

He placed the thing in his stomach first before he opened it with his left hand.

The next thing he sees surprises him.


[Yes my host, it was you and yours wife engagement ring in your previous world]

Click Here For The Image!

"But how did you know?'' said Yuuya

[While you're on your coma some sort of occurrence happened and I'm somehow able to look more deeper into your memories. So when I sees the engagement ring I made one as a gift for you. Take it as a gift.]

"Oh I see. Thank you'' said Yuuya

"It will be hard to wear this since I have my right arm banished to the Shadow Realm but I guess I can do it'' said Yuuya as he temporarily put the thing in his inventory

[About that host, you can heal your right arm back with your magic {Higher Regeneration}. Though it will completely exhaust the remaining Mana you have. But I recommend to use the Mana you had on healing yourself and immediately return to your peak condition.]

"I'll do it later'' said Yuuya

[Oh yeah one more thing host.]

"What is it?'' said Yuuya

[You Are One Hell Of A Dense Man In Your Previous Life And You Didn't Change Much Here Either]

"Don't say that to me, say that to my father.'' said Yuuya as he pouts a little with a tint of pink in his cheeks

[Ah, you're also a tsundere huh. I almost didn't believe it at first when I see your memories but you are ready to kill other man that touches your wife except your family and friends]

"If only my wife didn't stop me, those man's are already on the after life or somewhere in Brazil." said Yuuya

Once again silence took over the place as Yuuya watches the city.

"6 Months huh... That's kinda long and I needed a therapist." said Yuuya

As the traumatizing days in that white dimension his been in keeps scaring the shit out of him and giving him severe PTSD.

He snap out of the thought when he heard foot steps coming in and people talking.

Looks like it's a group of people.

The door opens, Yuuya and Ais made direct eye contact.


AN: Cliffhanger lol, and btw I plan on changing what comes after this not like in the previous one

And yeah, I just copy paste the chapters because why not

btw I'll be active again here and there, I gotta recover the readers I've lost

and yeah, also I'll start the movie first and decided to make it part by part or the whole thing itself, meh depends on me, if you guys get no chapter for few days then that's mean I've decided to make the whole thing itself

after the movie, I'll continue the DanMachi reactions OVA