

This novel is about a young man who died because of an accident When he thought it was all over he got reincarnated However the world he got reincarnated into was not your normal world He got reincarnated into the world of DanMachi where the self proclaimed goddesses came down from heaven to help the mortals who got pushed back by the monsters that came from the deepest dept of hell With the new life he had and the system he got, he has a goal... A goal no one could imagine His goal was not to conquer the world or the heaven nor to have all of the beautiful woman in the world His goal was to go back to his home planet and reunite to someone important to him With this new goal in mind he will not let any obstacle to stop him from moving forward and he was ready to crush everything in his path just to achieve his goal He will not gave mercy to this who try to take his life, he will be ruthless to anyone who dare to stop him from achieving his goal. This... This is the story of selfless sacrifice and courage. ∆∆∆∆

_Krid_ · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Chapter 4: Krid Vs Minotaur

The Minotaur Charges But Krid Managed To Dodge The Minotaur Barely Because Of It's Speed...

If I Remember Correctly A Minotaur Is Considered A Level 2 Monster But It Was Unbelievable That It Was This Strong" Krid Thought Managing To Barely Dodge The Minotaurs Attack Again

Then The Minotaur Lost Its Balance From The Attack And Krid See This As A Opening So He Go Into A Pose That Can Only Be Describe As A Quick Draw Pose...

He Attack At The Shoulder Part Of The Minotaur But He Still Remember That The Minotaur Skin Is Hard To Penetrate So He Don't Put All Of His Strength Onto That Strike So His Sword Don't Break Into Pieces...

Even Though The Skin Of The Minotaur Is Hard Krid Manage To Penetrate It With His Sword... That Is Because Of The Help Of The Ki...

In His World When He Is Still Practicing In Their Dojo His Parents Teach Him How To Use Ki And How Can It Be Effective In Healing Wounds, Hardening The Body, And Strengthening Your Own Attacks...

The More Ki You Put In Your Weapon The More Effective and Durable It Will Become... But Because Krid Just Got Reincarnated Into This World His Natural Large Ki Pool Disappear And Had To Replenish It...

But Because He Already Master The Use Of It He Replenish Some Of His Ki But He Need To Use It Carefully Because If He Exhaust All Of His Ki His Body Will Ran Out Of Energy Because Ki Is A Life Energy...

The Strike Penetrate Deep Than Expected Into The Minotaurs Shoulder Making It Roar In Pain And Anger... Making Krid Got Soaked In The Minotaurs Blood In The Process.... Naturally A Minotaur Wound Heal Fast... Too Fast In Case That The Adventurers Almost Thought That The Minotaur Is Level 3 Instead Of Level 2

But This Time It Didn't Heal And Just Continue To Bleed Which Is Surprised The Minotaur And Further Angered It...

It Attack Krid Again And Managed To Caught Him Off Guard... The Attack Hit Him In The Side Of His Rib Cage Making Him Scream In Pain And Cough A Large Amount Of Blood...


Krid Scream Didn't Go Unnoticed And Heard By Ais and His Team Not Too Far Away From Krid Current Position Making Ais Break From Her Team And Go To The Location Of Scream...

Hey Ais Where Are You Going? The Team Captain Said But It Was Already Too Late Ais Is Already Too Far...

I Wish I'm Not Late" Ais Said While Sprinting To The Location

Let's Follow Him Just In Case" The Team Captain Said

Right" The Team Said


Krid Got Launched 20 to 45 Yards Just From The Punch Alone His Body Goes Completely Numb And He Is Struggling To Breath Because His Lungs Are Damaged From The Force Of The Punch...

Ahhhh F*ck That Punch Hits Like A Truck" Krid Said Still Struggling To Breath

But This Is Good I Didn't Hear The Stomp Yet The Minotaur Is Still Far... And Considering It's Nature It Will Not Let Me Go That Easily... This Is A Good Time To Harness My Ki" Krid Said

And So On Krid Use That Time To Harness His Ki Due To His Mastery In It He Replenish A Large Amount Of Ki And Heal His Broken Ribs And Damage Lungs Making Him In His Battle State Again... But He Didn't Stop There He Replenish More... Because He Is One Of The Fan of The Quote " Time Is Gold"... He Knows That Every Ki He Replenish Counts And Maybe Save Him In The Future...

Then After A Good 2 Minute Of Lying And Replenishing His Ki... He Heard The Loud Stomps Again...

I Knew You Wouldn't Let Me Go The Easily" Krid Said

When The Minotaur See Krid Looks Undamaged It Surprised The Minotaur And Anger It Once Again...

It Roar Louder Than Usual Making The Floor Shake On It Alone But Krid Just Stand Not Minding The Roar... Which Is Makes The Minotaur More Angry...

Krid Goes To His Stance Once Again And Got Ready...


Ais Finally Got To The Place Where She Heard The Scream There She See The Place Which Can Only Be Described As A Warzone...

She Look Around And See A Pool Of Blood Which Is A Monster Blood Then Just Nearby She See A Pool Of Blood Again.... But This Time It's A Human Blood...

I Wish I'm Not Late" Ais Said While Looking At Her Surrounding Again Trying To Find Which Direction She Will Head Next Too...

Then She Heard A Loud Roar... Which Is A Minotaurs Roar That Shakes The Ground... She Rushed At The Place At Full Speed...

When She Got There... She Got Surprised By The Scene... A One Adventure That The Face Is New To Her Is Standing In A Stance That She Didn't Know And A Minotaur Which Is It's Left Arm Is Heavily Injured And Bleeding... She Managed To Hide And Watch The Scene...

Why Is The Minotaur Wound Is Not Healing? I Need To Watch This" Ais Said In A Low Voice So That She Don't Got Detected...


The Minotaur Again Attacks But This Time Krid Is Much Sharper And Faster Thanks To His Ki... He See An Opening And Strike This Time He Completely Cut The Minotaurs Left Arm Clean...

The Minotaurs Roars In Pain And Lost It's Balance Making It Wide Open For Strike... Then Krid Go To A Stance Making Sure To Put Ki To Every Part Of His Body Making It More Lighter And Stronger For Krid and And Making Sure Too That He Put Ki Into His Sword...

Then He Strike The Minotaur Rapidly Not Giving The Minotaur The Chance To Regain It's Balance... From Every Slash Krid Inflict To The Minotaur The Deeper The Wound He Caused Making Krid Looks Like He Bath In A Minotaurs Blood But He Doesn't Care About It In Fact The More He Got Soaked On The Blood The More His Smile Grows... Which Is Make The Hiding Ais Tremble A Bit From The Sight...

The Continuous Strike Don't Even Let The Minotaur Roar and Just Stood There Taking All Of The Attacks With Extreme Pain Visible In It's Face...

Then Krid Finally Stopped The Barrage Of Slashes... Letting The Minotaur Fall Into It's Knee's And Now The Same Height Of Bell...

Its Face Is In Extreme Pain And It Was Visible... Krid See This And Said Mercilessly...

When You Managed To Hit Me You Don't Let Me Go... Instead You Want Me Dead So I Will Not Free You Either... But As A Reward For Being A Worthy Opponent For Me I Shall Reward You A Painless Death" Krid Said With A Devilish Smile With The Eyes Of Never Ending Hunger Blood In His Face...

It Makes The Hiding Ais Shiver Once Again From The Sight...

When The Minotaur Heard What Krid Said It Just Closed It's Eyes Like It Understand Him...

Then Krid Goes Into His Stance Which Is His Quick Draw Stance And When He See The Minotaur Just Closed It Eyes Like It Understand Him... His Devilish Smile and His Eyes Of Limitless Hunger For Blood Disappeared And Turned Into A Warm Smile...

Before He Completely Cut The Minotaurs Head Krid Said Into It's Ears... Thank You For The Fight... It's One Of My Best Fights Yet... Then The Minotaur Open Its Eyes In Surprised And See His Enemy With A Warm Smile And Then Closed It's Eyes Again...

In A Blink Of An Eye The Minotaur's Head Fly's Of It's Body And Bell Just Got Soaked In Its Blood Again... While This Is Happening Krid Look At The Ceiling While Sheathing His Sword And Mumbled Will Meet Again And This Is Just Round 1... Asterius... Krid Said That With A Smile...

Unknown To Him Ais Just See The Whole Thing

Who Are You? Ais Said In A Low Voice

This Is Enough For Now" Krid Said Preparing His Self To Leave... He Prays For The Body Of The Minotaur First Before Walking Away...

In His Way Back He Saw A Whole Team Coming At His Direction Completely Ignoring Him... Of Course He Don't Care About It Too...


We Finally Catch Up To You... Just What Did You Do And What The Hell Happened Here" Bete Said While Looking At The Blood That Is All Around The Place...

If I Were You I'll Never Wish I See What Happened Here Today... What I See Is Not Monster Hunting... But Rather A Massacre" Ais Said With A Bit Of Distressed In Her Voice...


I Need To Get Rid Of My Psychopathic Nature" Krid Said While Reflecting All Of The Events...

This Is Just A Bonus Chapter For The Delays I Did... Enjoy!

_Krid_creators' thoughts