

This novel is about a young man who died because of an accident When he thought it was all over he got reincarnated However the world he got reincarnated into was not your normal world He got reincarnated into the world of DanMachi where the self proclaimed goddesses came down from heaven to help the mortals who got pushed back by the monsters that came from the deepest dept of hell With the new life he had and the system he got, he has a goal... A goal no one could imagine His goal was not to conquer the world or the heaven nor to have all of the beautiful woman in the world His goal was to go back to his home planet and reunite to someone important to him With this new goal in mind he will not let any obstacle to stop him from moving forward and he was ready to crush everything in his path just to achieve his goal He will not gave mercy to this who try to take his life, he will be ruthless to anyone who dare to stop him from achieving his goal. This... This is the story of selfless sacrifice and courage. ∆∆∆∆

_Krid_ · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Chapter 23: A Stronger Minotaur

AN: okay first of all I know that I said that I won't be back for another 2 weeks right? Well something special happens...

First of all I want to thank you guys who support my novel and read it despite the shitty grammar and capped sentence on the start of my journey

We reached 100k views this morning, this may not seem special but for me this a milestone. I never expect my novel to gain this kind of popularity

I was also thankful for getting a kind readers on my novel. Even though my grammar is not the best and capped sentence on the start of this novel they still continue to support me

Thank you very much to Phantom_Zero_v2 for being my first supportive fan of this novel and also giving me some valuable information and correcting some of my grammar issues on the early days of this novel and overall he is always there to support me so thank you very much.

Second thanks is for Zailo95 for being ONE of my most active reader and also she/he always commenting on my new chapters. Your comments on my novel always bring smile on my face

Of course I would not forget those who always gave me a power stone "it's not much but it was a honest work isn't it?

That's all I look forward to the future of this novel and let's all watch this novel from being a small novel into a big one just like how we watched kid grow

Despite hardships I'll encounter in my life I'll never surrender and will still continue to write a chapter no matter what

That's all. Again thank you very much for always supporting my novel and let me tell you guys something.

You guys are the best.


As always they're are two figure in the northern wall of Orario that seems to be fighting

It was Ais and Krid, it was currently their 10th and last spar for the day and also the last time they will train

And as always Krid was still undefeated and he was starting to think if he want to reveal his new level to Hestia but he instantly abort the plan because he can already smell big trouble just from thinking of doing it but he still has a plan of doing it because he was sick of hiding his true strength

"So I guess this is our last day yes?' said Krid

"Yes this is the last day. Also thank you very much for the training. Your swordsmanship is really something else' said Ais

"Thanks for the compliment' said Krid

Both of them do a handshake as a sign that their training is finish

Unbeknownst to them Lefiya and Riveria was watching them the whole time

"I can't really believe he defeated Ais-san that easily' said Lefiya

"I agree. Let's go back now we still had to report this to Finn' said Riveria


"So how's the work?' said Finn

"Fortunately this time we manage to follow Ais undetected' said Riveria

"Good' said Finn

"Just what like Lefiya said Ais is indeed sparring someone with a red eyes, a white hair that is also covering his left eye for some reason and a sword as his weapon. For his name, I'm sorry but we didn't get to know what his name is' said Riveria

"It's okay. Good work you both still had time to prepare before we leave so prepare yourselves' said Finn

Yes!' said Riveria and Lefiya


Krid is currently heading to the dungeon when he got suddenly interrupted by Syr who drag him to wash the plates that is meant to be Syr's punishment for skipping the work for days

( I'm not gonna include the conversation between Ryuu and Bell because it was hella long and boring :v )

After washing the dishes Krid decided to go back home instead to update his stats before going to the dungeon

He also had a little breakfast before heading to the dungeon


( some readers in this novel or new readers are still getting confused about Krid's stats and some say that's not how the falna works... Well yes your right but also wrong. You see Krid is special and the stats you will see here right now and the other is not the falna but the system itself... Is it clear now? And also the stats that Hestia is seeing is the fake stats... If you are still confused just comment in this comment and I'll gladly answer your question )

Krid's Real Stats a.k.a the system stat:


Level 3

Race: High Human

Strength: 2250 ----> 4459

Vitality: 45 ----> 100

Defense: 450 ----> 900

Agility: 2550 ----> 5730

Dexterity: 500 ----> 897

Charm: 200

Luck: C ----> B+

Magic: 12,000

Swordsmanship: SSS+

Skills: Realis Phrase, All Existence Eyes Of Creations, Skill Creation, Last Stand, Limit Off, Killing Intent, Inspect, Firebolt

Skill Points/SP: 1600 ----> 5000

Titles: The One Who Brings Nightmare, The One Who Do Not Back down

EXP: 0/3,000,000

75% Human


Bell's stats a.k.a the fake stat:

Bell Cranel

Level 1

Strength: 708 ----> 1256

Vitality: 45 ----> 65

Defense: 450 ----> 500

Agility: 800 ----> 1548

Dexterity: 100

Luck: C ----> B+

Magic: 5,000

Swordsmanship: A+

Skills: Realis Phrase, Firebolt

( I think I don't even need to explain why I remove a lot of things in the fake stat... If you don't get it well I'm sorry to say this but you are dumb :v )


Meanwhile in the entrance of the dungeon...

"We will now head on an expedition to the depts of the dungeon. As before we we'll move in two teams on the lower floors to maintain efficient exploration' explained Finn

"I will lead the first team and Gareth will lead the second. Smiths from Hephaestus familia will be coming with us as well' explained Finn

"We will converge on the 18th floor then move together as one on the 50th floor. Our destination is the unexplored territory known as the 59th floor!' said Finn

Meanwhile in the tower of Freya Familia...

"The preparations are now complete. The greed of an adventurer has opened the box and slightly hastened it's revelation' said Ottar

"I see... I will now be able to witness his adventure' said Freya


Back to our main protagonist...

Krid and Lili is currently at the 9th floor

"Is there something wrong Bell-sama?' said Lili

"There is something wrong, like someone is watching us' said Krid

"Dunno about that but something about this floor does feel odd' said Lili

"Something bad was about to happen... I can feel my hand is itching which is a sign for me that something bad was about to happen... I know I'm gonna face a much stronger Minotaur than a average Minotaur but is it something else...?'. said Krid in his mind

Then suddenly a Minotaurs roar echoes through the whole place

"What was that?' said Lili

Then Krid looks at the source of the sound then a Minotaur appears with a greatsword type of weapon

Krid can feel his hands getting more itchy that gave him a sign that the Minotaur that he will face was a much stronger one that he anticipated

He unsheathe his sword but he wasn't excited or anything like he usually do when facing a strong enemy... He has a concerned face

Lili noticing this makes her more anxious about their situation

"Bell-sama we need to get out of here! We can't fight it just ye-

Before Lili could even finish her sentence the minotaur has already took the offensive doing a instant dash to Krid's position

The minotaur's speed is unusual than he anticipated leaving Krid no choice but to block the attack head on

"Such strength ngh!' said Krid in his mind as he block the attack head on

The attack was so fast and the strength behind it is also unbelievable, atleast for Krid

This attack alone send him flying towards the wall with such force and braking his arm

Unfortunately for Lili she got caught in the attack and got a rather serious injury in her head and was currently bleeding

With one broken arm Krid forces himself and somehow manages to lay Lili in a proper position

Krid tries to analyze the situation and tries to build a plan

"Well my left arm is broken from crashing into the wall and my right arm was not in the good shape either as a cause from blocking the attack head on earlier' said Krid


"A minotaur shows up?' said Bete

"Yes there's no mistake. There was a minotaur with a enormous sword on the 9th floor' one of the injured man said

"Could it be another survivor from the previous accident?' said Tiona

"That can't be, there's no minotaur sightings in the month since' explained Riveria

"Either way, I'm still glad you are in one piece... Are there any adventurers?' said Finn

"Someone got attack in a chamber further in' said the adventurer

"That white haired kid might be-

Ais realising what the man said hurries to the chamber the man said

Ais!' said Bete trying to stop her

We are on a expedition!' said Tiona

Then Bete, Tiona and Tione follows Ais

"Sorry Raul but can you handle this?' said Bete


Back to our main protagonist...

Just what the hell is this minotaurs strength?!' said Krid in his mind as he blocks another attack

Inspect!' said Krid as he activates his skill



Peak Level 5

Strength: 1478

Vitality: 50

Defense: 1000

Agility: 800 (fun lol)

Dexterity: 120

Skill: Instant Dash, Desperate Charge, Iron Body


"Is that even possible?!' said Krid as he blocks another attack

"This is not good I can only take around 6 more head on attacks before my right arm collapses, I need a plan right now!' said Krid in his mind

He he somehow dodges another attack and got an opening and manage to strike the minotaur

But it only goes through the skin and it didn't pierce much

"What the?! The minotaurs skin is hard as steel! No it's even much harder than steel! It must be the work of that annoying Iron Body skill!' said Krid in his mind as he avoid the minotaur

The suddenly Krid realises something

"If the minotaurs skin is hard as a steel then! I can use that skill! But... It was still not perfect... But I guess I have no choice otherwise!' said Krid

He then get a distance between him and the minotaur and goes into his usual battle stance

If this don't work then my last hope is using an absurd amount of Ki and also using my other sword' said Krid

There's a moment of silence between Krid and the minotaur as they look at each other waiting who will make the first move

The minotaur got inpatient and took the offensive

Krid in the other hand just stay still in his stance relaxing himself and waiting for the minotaur to get in striking zone

Once the minotaur was close into his strike zone he take a long breath

When the minotaur enter the striking zone Krid moves much faster and sharper

If one was to watch the battle they can see a mixture of fire and lightning forming in Krid's sword

Krid strike's the minotaurs arm, his sword goes through the minotaurs arm like butter

But some kind of mishap happen while performing the skill making it disappear meaning cutting the minotaurs arm are now deemed impossible

Krid's sword got stuck in the minotaurs arm, Krid responses a bit late and the minotaur uses this chance to score a direct hit to Krid using it's horn

Krid has no choice but too uses his already broken left arm to take the damage

The minotaurs horn pierce Krid's arm without any difficulty making Krid groan in pain

Krid somehow manage to free himself but the damage in his body and the adrenaline he got earlier is starting to wear off meaning the injuries has began to effect much more than earlier

Suddenly Ais arrives

"You did well let me help you' said Ais

"No Ais. Let me handle this' said Krid

"But you are to injured' said Ais

"Let Me Handle This!' said Krid


The minotaur once again uses it's one of its skill Instant Dash to get into Ais position

Ais in the other hand let her guard down and she get took by surprise by the minotaur since she also didn't expect the minotaur to move this fast

She didn't time to react and in the last moment Krid push Ais to block the attack by himself

Krid was already injured and was in a dire state limiting his strength and movements

Krid was sent flying to the wall from blocking the attack

Krid's body cannot take it anymore and has fall unconscious

Ais in the other hand was frozen still like a statue she was too surprise to react

The minotaur then roars waking Ais from day dreaming

Quickly analyzing the situation Ais unsheathed her sword and goes into her stance and the battle goes on

Just like Krid, Ais was getting cornered by the minotaur

It's clear that the minotaur was on a whole another level than what she expected as if the dungeon itself was helping the minotaur

Ais manage to hold her ground but didn't last long either and was sent flying to the wall aswell weakening her greatly

The minotaur was walking towards the injured Ais to finish her off

Ais tried to get back up but she was too injured making her think how Krid manages to last that long against the minotaur

When all hopes are gone something happens as if a miracle happens

[Passive Skill: Last Stand Has Activated]

["The One Who Do Not Back Down" Title Active Effect Has Been Activated]

The sudden add up into Krid's stats wakes him up quickly analyzing the situation Krid sees Ais injured and the minotaur was about finish her off

Krid quickly got up and uses Ki to power up his legs and dashed towards Ais to protect her

A loud clang echoes through the whole chamber as Krid blocks the minotaurs attack

He then put all of his strength and some huge amount of Ki into his right leg

He then kick the minotaur making the monster fly quite far but a crash can be heard signalling that the minotaur has crash

Are you ok Ais?' said Krid panting

I- I am fine' said Ais

Somehow my skill' last stand provided some temporary adrenaline aiding my pain' said Krid in his mind

Shortly after that Ais companions arrive

Ais!' said Riveria as she run towards Ais

"What happened here?' said Finn noticing how injured the two was

"How do you even suffers this much injury?' said Riveria as she started healing Ais

"It was the minotaur' said Ais

"Minotaur???' said all of them except for Krid

This reaction was normal (you know what I mean)

"It was not the normal minotaur you guys are used to play with' said Krid

"How can you say so?' said Finn

"Can't you see? Ais is a level 6 adventurer and a minotaur being able to injure her this much is not normal in the first place. If you ask me I'll say that the minotaur is a peak Level 5 'said Krid

"Level 5??? Don't joke with us' said Bete

"Do I look like I am joking?!' said Krid

That one sentence manage to silence Bete... Somehow

Then suddenly Krid started coughing a rather large amount of blood

"It looks like the minotaurs attack damages me more than I thought' said Krid

"Are you ok? Those injuries are serious especially that left arm of yours' said Riveria insisted to heal Krid

"I am fine now, please allow Riveria to heal you as a thanks for saving me earlier' said Ais

Krid noticing this just gave Ais a comfortable smile

"No thanks I am fine' said Krid

This somehow make Ais blush (lol)

"But please heal my injured companion there. She is bleeding quite serious' said Krid

"But how about you? You cannot fight with those arm' said Riveria as she looks at Krid's arm that is seriously injured that is starting to look purple from the injury

"This? This is not much' said Krid

"System, create skill' said Krid making sure he is using his original language which is japanese

[What skill you might want to create?]

"Use all of my SP to create a regeneration skill that is available' said Krid using his original language

"uhm what are you saying?' said Riveria

"Don't mind me' said Krid

[What are the info for your skill?]

"I want a regeneration skill that uses both Ki and Mana to heal my injuries and limbs. It can heal any kind of mortal wounds. As much as possible i want the healing process like instantly but of course it depends on how much Ki or Mana I provided for the skill' said Krid in his original language

Krid speaking in his original language leave the other very confused on what he is saying

Then the team can hear a loud footsteps indicating the minotaur is back

[The creation of a new Skill is successful]

[New Skill Achieve! Skill "Higher Regeneration"]

"Good now use half of my Mana to heal my injuries' said Krid in his language

[As you wish]

"Looks like the minotaur is back' said Krid as he stood up

"Wait! You're still injured!' said Riveria

''Like i said this is nothing' said Krid

Then suddenly Krid's arm and injuries started healing in a unbelievable rate. In just a moment all of Krid's injuries disappears like he never even suffer any injury

Everyone who is present is surprise since they never seen such regeneration before

"Ho-how did you do that? And the language you speak earlier... I never heard any kind of language like that before' said Riveria still unable to believe what just happen

"Well what I'm saying earlier is some kind of incantation I guess?' said Krid

The minotaur then finally shows up in full view

"Well I still have something to finish' said Krid as he looks at the minotaur

He then put his Hestia Sword into his inventory and has decided to use the sword he make

"I really don't want to use this sword of mine but I don't think I have much choice' said Krid as he unsheathe his sword

Krid unsheathed his sword showing a rather unique sword with a color of green that is glowing quite brightly in the sharp part of the sword

"Beautiful" that is only thing the other can say about Krid's sword

Krid then enters his battle stance

"What a unique stance' said Riveria

There's a moment of silence between Krid and the minotaur as they look at each other

The minotaur uses it's skill Instant Dash once again but this time Krid fully expected this

He didn't avoid the attack or blocks it, instead he took it head on

But this time the result is different

The minotaur's sword was slice apart including the minotaurs arm making it roar in pain

Shocking the others unable to believe what happens

What Krid did just now shouldn't be possible but his new invented skill let him do the impossible... Atleast at that time

What skill Krid uses can be called "Breathing Technique"

This skill is formed when a attack type magic was applied with the weapon of the user

But doing this is much easier to say than done because it requires a lot of concentration to perform and one error is also considered unacceptable because even if one error occurs while trying to perform the skill the user will be unable to Initiate the technique

This skill was very complicated and hard to perform but the results is desirable anyways so the suffering is worth it (fun)

Even though Krid manages to perform the skill he is still struggling because using two elements in the same time is much harder than he expected

"I need to finish that Minotaur before I ran out of mana! I can perform it but It will be hard but I guess no choice!' said Krid in his mind

Meanwhile the radioactive poison produces by the sword of Krid has started it's devastating effect to the minotaur bringing it into it's knee's

Krid saw the opportunity and didn't wasted it

He goes into his stance and says the incantation

"Firebolt Breathing Lightning Form Thunderclap and Flash Eight Fold!' said Krid (got any suggestions on the breathing technique? feel free to share it since I feel like something is missing in this breathing technique)

As Krid finishes his incantation he bolts towards the weakend minotaur like a lightning

He strike the minotaur eight times though it didn't cause much physical damage the internal damage was devastating making the minotaur cough a huge amount of blood from its mouth bringing the minotaur into it's last knee

Krid was about to finish the minotaur when he suddenly runs out of mana

Shit not now!' said Krid as his vision is starting to get darker

He wasted too much Mana trying to perform the breathing technique

Not to mention the technique burns Mana pretty fast

The minotaur saw the opportunity and attacks

Krid with it's fist

Krid notices this and strengthen his mentality once more to fight Mind Zero

The minotaur almost hit him but fortunately it only manage to destroy his cloth along with his armor

What now?' said Krid in his mind

I don't anymore strength to finish the minotaur...' said Krid in his mind

But I wanna kill him... I don't wanna show my weapon to them but I guess this day has given me no choice' said Krid as he gathers all of his remaining strength

His head is getting more and more painful by second but he push on and strengthen his mentality once again

He opens his inventory pressed an item and manifested it

The item he manifested is a shotgun he created a week ago as a preparation to fight the minotaur incase something bad happens

The minotaur is still weakend because of the radioactive poison and was unable to move

Krid uses this chance and shove the barrel of his shotgun into the minotaurs mouth

Die.' said Krid in a cold voice as he pull the trigger

A shotgun is a devastating weapon in a close range engagement and it was perfect in his current situation

The shotgun was fired point blank range obliterating the minotaur's head out of existence

Krid's mind and body has reach it's limit and Krid fall unconscious standing


AN: this was one of the biggest chapter yet contains about 3800+ words

So sorry if there's a messed up word, just comment in it

I needed to sleep now I was exhausted writing this but hey I had fun

I'll re-read the chapter tomorrow after I wake up so that I can correct some of the messed up word if I found one

That's all bye.