

This novel is about a young man who died because of an accident When he thought it was all over he got reincarnated However the world he got reincarnated into was not your normal world He got reincarnated into the world of DanMachi where the self proclaimed goddesses came down from heaven to help the mortals who got pushed back by the monsters that came from the deepest dept of hell With the new life he had and the system he got, he has a goal... A goal no one could imagine His goal was not to conquer the world or the heaven nor to have all of the beautiful woman in the world His goal was to go back to his home planet and reunite to someone important to him With this new goal in mind he will not let any obstacle to stop him from moving forward and he was ready to crush everything in his path just to achieve his goal He will not gave mercy to this who try to take his life, he will be ruthless to anyone who dare to stop him from achieving his goal. This... This is the story of selfless sacrifice and courage. ∆∆∆∆

_Krid_ · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Chapter 21: Training with Ais

AN = Author's Note

AN: Konnichiwa! Author here~ how's your day? Anyways so we will gonna do a little bit of time skip here because episode 5 midway and episode 6 is just of full of conversation and if I decided to write that I'll be probably won't publish another chapter for 23 days because I will be bored and I know you guys don't like that so we're gonna do a timeskip here, basically time skip to Episode 5 to Episode 7

Anyways enjoy!


After a little bit of trouble after Bell and Hestia founds out that the book Bell reads is a grimoire

and Lili's little betrayal to Bell things somehow have calmed or has come back to normal while that is happening Krid also level up into level 3

Right now Krid is controlling Bell's body and was heading towards to the guild after someone tells him from the guild that someone is wanted to meet him there

Judging from the messengers way of talking it's must be something important

After a while of walking Krid finally arrives at the guild

Wait... Why do I smell trouble?' said Krid before entering the guild with hesitation

As he enter the guild he somehow have the feeling that he forgets something while looking for someone

Bell!' said Eina from a distant table with Ais

Krid finally remembers what he did just forget after seeing a familiar situation

nah nah nah fuck this shit I'm out I'm not in the mood today for some talking' said Krid in his mind while he try to leave the guild

Wait Bell!' said Eina as she try to stop Krid from leaving but it didn't stop Krid from leaving

Then suddenly Ais jump from her position instantly making her way into front of Krid blocking him from leaving

*sigh* I guess I cannot escape hm' said Krid with some kind of bored face

So... May I know what do you want...?' said Krid

Miss Wallenstein wishes to speak with you' said Eina


You got attacked by Orcs in the dungeon on the other day right?' said Ais

hm? How did you know?' said Krid curiously

After you had left I found this? I want to return it' said Ais as she shows one of Krid's armor that Eina gave to him

Ah so you save me back there' said Krid


All this time I wanted to say sorry' said Ais suddenly

...For what?' said Krid

You had to go through so much because of that Minotaur I let escape and I'm sorry' said Ais

but wait... I am the one that slayed the Minotaur and not you... Don't tell me?! ah-ahh nevermind I'm glad she kept going through the flow I owe you one Ais' said Krid in his mind

You did nothing wrong its just my bad luck that I'm in the place at the moment and I also want to apologise for always running away' said Krid

After that Ais and Krid decided to leave the guild

You're putting a lot of effort on dungeon diving aren't you? It's amazing that you made it on the 10th floor so quickly' said Ais

Well... I'll take that as compliment but for me I still have long way to go but I must admit I trust my swordsmanship and some skill I have on my sleeve' said Krid

You don't have someone to teach you how to fight someone right?' said Ais

Well yes... I just improve my swordsmanship through experience and sometimes since no one can teach me I teach my self' said Krid

...Is that so? Then... How about I teach you?' said Ais

hm?! Are you sure?' said Krid pretending to be surprised

Yes, we will start tomorrow meet me in the top of the wall on the North (AN: I don't know which direction it is but I'll guess it's in the North side of the wall that is covering Orario correct me if I'm wrong) I'll be there around five o'clock' said Ais


A day has passed it's current five o'clock, the is still not up and Orario is still covered in fog

You use a sword right? Do you use other kicks or unarmed attacks?' said Ais

Sometimes' said Krid

Can I borrow your sword?' said Ais

Sure' said Krid as he hands over his sword

This thing is quite heavy' said Ais as she quite struggles to use the sword

Ais uses a slender short sword and not a long sword so I guess she will have quite hard time adjusting' said Krid in his mind

Then suddenly Ais is trying to do some kind of stance

Is this how you use it?' said Ais

Is she... Copying my stance?' said Krid in his mind

Uhm that is not how you-"

Before Krid could response Ais suddenly attacks him with a kick into his head

Krid sensing the danger quickly place his arms into his face to block the attack

such strength!' said Krid in his mind as block Ais attack

Nice reflexes' said Ais

Well I'll take that as a compliment' said Krid as he left arm drop dead

Damn I felt like she pour all of her strength in that kick' said Krid in his mind as he start applying Ki in his damage arm

We should spar' said Ais

Sure why not just gave me a moment to heal my arm' said Krid

Wait you had a healing ability?' said Ais curious

Well it's not exactly a healing skill but it was something like that and I can also use it to strengthen my physical strength and such' said Krid

Can you tell me what it is?' said Ais

Well... That is rather a secret I don't like to share' said Krid with a serious tone


Then... How about if you manage to land a hit on me I'll let you keep your secret but if you do not land a single hit on me and I defeated you, you'll tell me about this skill of your' said Ais

hmm... Sounds good enough deal' said Krid

Aa Krid said this Ais unsheathe her sword and put it aside and uses it's scabbard as her weapon, Krid also do the same

Krid then take a pice of rock in the wall

Once this rock falls, that is the signal we start' said Krid

Ais nodded then Krid throws the rock into the air

Once the rock falls the fight has started

Ais is the one who take the offensive first and Krid blocks and counter attack in return

Both of them are trading blows and blows if one was to watch the battle they can only see the after image

As time passes by Ais was getting push back little by little

She is taking the battle seriously but she was still getting push back

Her swordsmanship is incomplete, she is full of opening, the coordination of her body to block my counter attack is lacking and most importantly she's panicking' said Krid in his mind as he increase the phase of his attack



Something is definitely wrong... I can feel it's said Ais in her mind

This boy... Has almost no opening! Does he even had one?' said Ais in her mind

I feel like his swordsmanship is almost unrivaled! And most importantly is he really just a level 1?' said Ais in her mind as she barely avoided another counter attack of Krid


This continues for a minute or so until Krid manages to land a clean hit in Ais leg that makes her loss balance and falls

ouch!' said Ais in a low voice

Kawai~' said Krid also in low voice

Well you lose, just like your promise I won't tell my secret' said Krid

Ais unable to accept the fact that she loses go back in her foot and challenges Krid in another spar

I want a rematch!' said Ais she goes back up

Hm? Ok then' said Krid

This continues for a while and unbeknownst the two of them the sun has already raised when Ais is unable to continue anymore because of exhaustion

They have around ten match and Krid won all of the time

Are you... *pant* *pant* really just a *pant* *pant* a level one?' said Ais exhausted

Well yes I'm a level one but I must admit sometimes I ask my self if I'm really level 1' said Krid

Well I guess I'll call it a day's said Krid


Authors note: Aight this is the final chapter for the week I'll be disappeared again for another 2 weeks because Its my other novels turn to be updated

Here's a little gift before I leave or should I call it nuke code👀

anyways her it is: "336730"

Is it a ntr?: Nope I hate those

Is it a shotacon?: nope I'll kill them my self if they made a shotacon doujin

Is it r@pe?: hell no!

That's all bye see you after two weeks