

This novel is about a young man who died because of an accident When he thought it was all over he got reincarnated However the world he got reincarnated into was not your normal world He got reincarnated into the world of DanMachi where the self proclaimed goddesses came down from heaven to help the mortals who got pushed back by the monsters that came from the deepest dept of hell With the new life he had and the system he got, he has a goal... A goal no one could imagine His goal was not to conquer the world or the heaven nor to have all of the beautiful woman in the world His goal was to go back to his home planet and reunite to someone important to him With this new goal in mind he will not let any obstacle to stop him from moving forward and he was ready to crush everything in his path just to achieve his goal He will not gave mercy to this who try to take his life, he will be ruthless to anyone who dare to stop him from achieving his goal. This... This is the story of selfless sacrifice and courage. ∆∆∆∆

_Krid_ · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
37 Chs

Chapter 18: Supporter Acquired

So you guys know that I didn't upload a chapter for almost 3 weeks and pardon me about that... The thing is I take a break from things in my life cause I'm paying less attention to myself...

But don't worry guys my mental health is stable and I have zero thoughts about negative things and also sorry for not informing you guys that I will take break for weeks... But hey I'm back and I'll upload chapter frequently till the end of the month since we had a school break since Christmas is close.


Now then were is that place" Krid Said as he enter a certain area

Then suddenly a little girl hit him

oh looks like I don't need to find her anyways huh" Krid Thought

Are you ok?" Krid Said as he look at the person that hit him

You're not getting away damn parum!" Said the man that was chasing the girl

Here comes the trouble" Krid thought as he unsheathe his weapon to black the Man's sword

Who're you? Her little friend?" The man said

Hmm? Good question actually I'm just a bystander who accidentally got in here and about her I've never seen her before" Krid Replied

Then why are you protecting her?" The man said

hmm personal reason I guess?" Krid Replied

Huh? Who the hell cares? Damn brat!" The man said

You said who cares then why did you response on my word you damn idi*t" Krid suddenly said

Yo-you son of a b*tch you are really looking for a fight?!" The man said as he ready to attack Krid

Cut it out. It's bad manners to draw your weapon in town" Ryuu interfere

No one asked you piss off y-"

Silence. I don't want to do anything rash, I tend to go overboard" Ryuu Said before the man can finish his sentence

tch damn it" The man said as he leave

Well thanks for that one" Krid Said as he put away his sword

So you have that kind of side too huh" Ryuu Said

Huh?" Krid Said

Ah forget it" Ryuu Said

Anyways that girl-... Huh? she's gone? Did she run away because she was scared" Krid Said

Krid is just pretending that he didn't know where's the girl but the truth is Krid can clearly sense the girl because of his improve senses

Syr would be sad if you got hurt so please take care of yourself" Ryuu suddenly said

Okay" Krid Said

If you will excuse me then" Ryuu Said

That guy will be a pain in the ass in the future... So I need to silence him and if possible I shall kill him" Krid Said to himself as he go home


After that encounter a day has passed and Krid was getting ready to depart

When Krid arrived at the entrance of the dungeon he suddenly stop as if he was waiting for something

Surely enough after a moment a voice reach his ears

Mister! Mister! White-haired mister!"

Then Krid look back and the one he was waiting for has arrived

Hello there mister! Do you happen to he looking for a supporter?" The little girl said

Wait aren't you the same girl yesterday?" Krid Said

Are you confused? But this situation is quite simple! A poor supporter is counting on you're goodwill and offering her services to you!"The little girl said

Hey don't change the subject and that is not the answer for my question!" Krid thought

That's not it aren't you the parum girl yesterday?" Krid Said

Parum? No I'm a beast-girl a theanthrope" the girl said as she show her wolf like ears as a evidence

Nevermind it so anyways why did you ask me specifically Liliruca?" Krid Said

Because you were alone mister adventure and since you were carrying your own backpack I figured... So what do you say mister? Do you need a supporter?" Look said

Actually I don't need one since I have my system inventory but for the sake of the future I shall" Krid Said to himself

I was just considering that actually but why not?" Krid Said

Really? Then please take me along mister!" Lili said

Ok." Krid simply replied

Thank you so much!" Lili said

After that Krid and Lili enters the dungeon

Krid was limited on going into deeper floors since he also mention that he was only level 1 and Krid need to hide his true powers limiting him into his full capability but other than that everything goes through smoothly without any problems


After going through the dungeon Krid informs Eina about his new supporter

A supporter from the Soma familia?" Eina Said with a concerned voice

Is something wrong?" Krid Said

That familia is focuses on exploring they sell alcohol as well there's nothing wrong in that but they're all desperate as if they always fear for their lives" Eina Said

More importantly what was your impression of... Her name was Liliruca right?" Eina Said

Well she's nice" Krid Said

I see but Bell your dense side is showing up again" Eina Said

Is that all? Then I'll be going now see you tomorrow" Krid Said as he leave the guild


Night has arrived

After Krid finishes eating and updated his stats he prepared to depart once again to assassinate the guy that was chasing Lili yesterday

Where are you going?" Hestia Said

ah nothing im just gonna go outside to look for something that interested me I'll be back soon" Krid lied

Is that so? Ok just don't be late" Hestia Said

With all that done Krid goes to the town and hides in a alley. There he making a pure dark cloak and a mask to hide his identity

To this assassination Krid decided that he will test his new sword that he made to know how effective it's radioactive chemical properties

After wearing the cloak and the mask he Krid made he removed the limiters in his stats and started jumping from roof to roof to find his prey

Thanks to Krid's black cloak he cannot be seen by a normal human eye and even adventure's will have hard time sensing him

After a while Krid finally located his target but Krid is a patient predator so he waited for his prey to get into a some sort of alley before striking

After 10 minutes of pure patient Krid's prey finally goes to an alley and in that time Krid knew that it was his time to attack

Krid doesn't want to give his prey a painless death so he approach his prey from the front

Who are you?!" The man said

You're death I guess?" Krid Said

Are you mocking me?!" The man said

Isn't it obvious you idiot" Krid Said

Oh so you're for death don't you? Then I shall give you your death but don't expect it do be painless as a result for mocking me do you understand?!" The man as he unsheathe his weapon

Kill me. If you can low level idiot" Krid Said as he Unsheathe his sword

Oh what a beautiful sword you have there nevermind giving you a painless death I'll take your sword instead as my reward so you shall be thankful!" The man said as he attack Krid

Krid simply stands there and did nothing but when the Man's sword was about to collide with Krid's head the Man's sword suddenly burst into pieces

Wh-what the?!" The Man said surprised

The suddenly the man cough blood then he look down into his chest and he sees a sword sticking out of his chest barely missing his heart

Yo-you bastard wh-when did yo-you get behind me?!" The man said as he cough another mouthful of blood

Why would I tell you? Well I suppose I'll tell you since your gonna die anyways... The reason I got behind is simply because you are too weak" Krid responded

Then Krid suddenly pulled out his sword giving the man intense pain he never experienced before

Then Krid continued stabbing the man also making sure not to hit any of his internal organs so that the man can die from loss of blood and Radioactive Poisoning

After a while the Radioactive chemical started showing its effects slowly killing the man and after another minute the man finally died


A Level 2 Enemy Has Been Killed

+200,000 exp


Author's Note:

Just wondering guys... Are you guys man of culture? If so then I shall give you guys a "nuke code" everytime I posted a chapter... What do you guys think?

Anyways spam E in the comments for the algorithm gods or else I'll send Krid to your house