
Support C2 - Society

Good Morning, Noon, Afternoon, and Evening everyone! This chapter will serve as my Royalty System in the world of Mysse. Including Humane & Damon sects and maybe the Neutral. I've decided to prioritize this- since my friends were confused about how the system works. I will also talk about words that may sound weird and unfamiliar. So shall we start?

First of all, the Royal System can also translate as Nobility Ranking. What is Nobility Ranking? It's a ranking for who is higher and who is more influential and powerful. If your rank is above some others, then you are superior to them.

As you've all might know, there are different types of systems around the globe, that includes: Austrian, British, European, and many more. I am now mentioning this to clarify one thing: I am not using any systems whatsoever but my own. I'll call this STGM Ranking. Shall we start? (note: I will give definitions of some words at the very bottom of this chapter.)

Primordial Arczians

1. The Twelve Constellations Saints & The 13 Apostles.

[ Twelve Constellations Saints. The saints are known as the contractor of the spirits. They ranked first above all in the sect of Humane. Greater than billions of Emperors combined and are known as Sainteintial Beings or God Disciples.

[ The 13 Apostles. They are known as chosen heroes by the Saintess of Time. A saint who traveled back in time to choose the apostles to defeat the Damon Lords. With a bloodline of Primordiality and are great inheritors.

2. The Primordial Bloodline & Royale Family.

[ The Primordial Bloodline. They are known as Arczians. The people from ancient times who inherited a quantity of Arcanery. The prodigies.

[ Royale Family. The family who served the rightful Inheritor: God Az. They are loyal vassals of the Az line and are known as extraordinary. They served as priests and saints in the Humane Society.

3. The Grand Titles.

[ The Grand Titles. They are known as vassals or magicians entitled by the 13 apostles and 12 constellations for their achievements or feats.

4. Helm 'of Sages

[ Helm 'of Sages. Known as the Prophecy of Future Eyes. Knowing one's fate and the gatekeeper of the God Sanctuary.

5. Emperor of the Phoenecians.

[ Emperor of the Phoenecians. The great sovereign of the Dragon Scaled Humans. More powerful than some of the apostles and barely some of the constellations.

6. Empress of the Phoenecians.

[ Empress of the Phoenecians. The right hand of the sovereign.

The Bound Passage

1. Emperors & Empress of the Humane.

[ Emperors of the Humane. Emperors who forced themselves higher than the rest. Like the Emperor of the Phoenecians. The emperors of Alfheim, Elfheim, Gwarvians, and Conjulheim, ranking equally or higher than one.

2. Arch Mech Emperor & Empress.

[ Arch Mech Emperor. Considered as the Cyborg God. A human with a quantity of knowledge, forcing himself into a title unheard of, The Cyborg God. Creating mecha beings with their own intellect and consciousness.

Arch Aristocracy

1. Pope

[ Pope. A pope is a religious person entrusted by a certain god. There are several popes for several worshipped beings. With the power of Light and Aether, the popes are ranked first amongst the nobility.

2. Holy Priests

[ Holy Priests. Assistant of the Popes and leaders of the Villages and Cities. They have the power of Light and Insignia greater than others and a pure heart.

3. The Plebian Emperor & The Granted Marquess

[ The Plebian Emperor. The emperor of the whole plebian territory. With great power and tyranny, this emperor goes beyond the nobles. Popes had blessed the Emperors that succeeded that throne and gifted them arcanery.

[ The Granted Marquess. Also known as Marquess Grant Pierce. A title, unlike Marquis or Margrave. The Granted Marquess is a unique title given by the 13 Apostles and the Twelve Constellations. The only person who had gotten these roles is Leighton Nicholas Cornelius Sage. This title is par with the emperor because of the unbelievable achievement Leighton had gotten. Discovering undiscovered tracks and traveling the dangerous Domains. The Granted Marquess.

4. The Monarch of the Chivalry Knight Order

[ The Monarch of The Chivalry Knight Order. The Monarch is the general of the whole order of knights. He is also in charge of the military, both offense and defense. Given the title of "The King of Arms."

Elite Nobility

1. Guardian of the Emperor & The Granted Marchioness(Marchioness Grant Pierce)

[ Guardian. Unlike Chivalry Knights, Guardians are more powerful and influential. They are blessed by the pope that becomes a guard as a one-person battalion.

2. King and Queen of a Country

[ Ruler. King and Queen are the rulers of a country and manages advanced affairs and are top tier decision making.

2.5 The Captain of the Chivalry Knight Order

[ Captain. A role specifically made for the right hand of the Monarch. The Captain of the Chivalry Order and the right hand of Monarch of the Chivalry Order.

3. Duke and Duchess of a Country

[ Duke. In charge of Artillery and War. Duke has a high position and a great authority among the common and noble folk.

4. Princes & Princesses

[ Royal Blood. Accepted by the people and their parents. These favored royal blooded nobles are the ones who possess a reputation amongst the country.

6. The Low Reputation of Princes & Princesses

[ Lowly Offsprings. Given the role of a prince and a princess. There are useless ones that do not serve one's country properly. The royal blood created the justice system to those royal bloodlines for the king and queen, emperor and empress, Granted marquess and Granted marchioness, and Guardians of the Empire.

7. The Chivalry Knights

[ Chivalry Knights. Knights of Humane that protects VIP members of countries, continents, and even races. A well-trusted power system of defense.

8. Arch Count & Countess

[ Arch. The roles Arch Count and Countess are known to handle affairs between countries and trading industries. They also have a high ranking in terms of nobility and respected even amongst the higher ranks.

High-Class Nobility

1. Count & Countess

[ Count. The Superior of Lords and the managers of small banks.

2. Viscountess & Viscount

[ Viscount. The Plebian Justice and the Tax Collector.

3. Baron & Baroness

[ Baron. A man/woman or a family that pledged their allegiance and loyalty to an elite noble.

3.5 Baronet

[ Baronet. Or a lady is a figure of elegance and etiquette. They are known as role models in society that are appointed by the Countess.

4. Lords

[ Lord. The lords are the landowners of an intermediate area.


1. Noble Blood

[ Noble Blood. High-Class Nobility offsprings. Baron's children, Viscount's children, Count's children, and Lord's children.

2. Entitled Peasants

[ Entitled Peasants. Forced to receive a title and a role in society.

3. Honor

[ Honors. Plebians who managed to have a role in society or a scholarship. They receive certifications and rewards.

Low Class

1. Plebians

[ Plebians. Humans without inheritance of their own.



Quiz Time!

We got three words!

Primordial - Which has a synonym of ancient. Basically, it's ancient.

Arczians - It's a group of civilized people that were the people of God Az.

Spirits - They are the companions of God Az as spirit animals of the wild.