
New World and The World

In the beginning, there was only light.

And with the light, came a gentle sensation of 'floating', as if one was between the realms of reality and dreams.

This was the realm of the Gods. Where nothing and everything simultaneously held true at the same time.

In a far distant corner of the divine realm, in the everlasting void, shine a single iota of light.

And within that light, sat a teenager.

Before the teenager could question his current predicament, a single voice, a gentle voice akin to that of grandparent talking to their grandchildren spoke.

"I'm... deeply sorry, Lin Zhi. I believe we both know the circumstances regarding your... passing."

Lin Zhi. University Student. Cause of death: crammed for too long and then passed away after his Finals.

The overworked student quickly regained his consciousness and immediately after, he kowtowed on the ground, realizing just who exactly was talking to him.

"For certain reasons, I cannot allow you to reincarnate back on Earth. I believe you know where this conversation is heading towards, so to cut everything short, where would you like to reincarnate?" The being asked.

"My Hero Academia!" Lin Zhi uncharacteristically yelled as his head seemingly snapped towards the endless void, facing no one in particular.

"Didn't you die because of school? Why would you want to go to another world just to go back to school?"

"Because I can have superpowers!"

In the world of My Hero Academia, everyone had quirks. Quirks are superhuman abilities that a majority of the population had. Quirks can be anything from a simple pair of wings to being able to create black holes at will.

It would've been nice if he could at least see his creator, but she didn't feel like showing herself for some reason.

"Well," the Goddess sounded somewhat amused, "What quirk would you like?"

"Isn't quirks based on genetics? I'll just get whatever my new family has, and I'll be fine with it!" Lin Zhi favored himself the child of fate.

"Ehhhh, there are quirk 'mutations,' where a child may manifest a Quirk that is entirely unrelated to their genetic lineage. I was planning on giving you that."

Lin Zhi perked up at that, he had only watched a few seasons of the anime and read a few manga chapters-- he didn't remember this!

Was this in the future chapters?!

Is this... spoilers?!

"It's not a spoiler," The Goddess chuckled, "isn't it common knowledge that quirks, which is heavily based off genetics, could undergo mutations?"

Lin Zhi stopped for a bit. 'Yeah, she's not wrong.'

"Since you don't want a specific quirk in mind, I'll give you what the quirk of 'your' original body."

"What would that be?" Lin Zhi couldn't help but ask, he was sure he would be fine with whatever he got as long as it wasn't too lame like an extra limb or something of the sort.

"You were meant to be Nejire Hado's younger brother, so your quirk would be related to shockwaves, can you guess what I'm thinking?"

Lin Zhi could feel the Goddess smiling; for some reason, he didn't like it.

A few seconds passed and Lin Zhi didn't respond. 'What would be related to shockwaves?'

His new would-be sister's quirk was 'Wave Motion,' granting her the ability to convert her vitality into energy and release it in the form of Shockwaves, be it small or massive.

The Goddess didn't wait for him to guess his quirk, almost like a child she interrupted. "Tremors! Have you not watched One Piece? Whitebeard's Devil Fruit!"

"No, no, no, no, please don't." Lin Zhi panicked.

Everyone knew how powerful Whitebeard's Devil Fruit was, the ability to control tremors at will. There was a reason why many regarded the Tremor-Tremor Fruit as the strongest Devil Fruit. A simple punch to the air could result in an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.0! And if he put too much force he could create an earthquake with the magnitude of 9.0! The same magnitude that left Japan nearly in ruins!

Fleet Admiral Sengoku, the previous holder of the highest rank in the Marines, had famously stated that Whitebeard had the "power to destroy the world" and he wasn't overexaggerating. It wasn't just earthquakes that he can create, he can also indirectly create tsunamis!

As a shut-in college student, Lin Zhi didn't want to be a walking natural disaster!

He just wanted to live by the rule of cool!

What's cool about killing tens of thousands of people through collateral?

"Then what do you want?" The Goddess asked. She wasn't angry or anything of the sort, she was just curious at why he would deny something of this magnitude.

"Could I have any power?"

"Yep. Normally I wouldn't allow this, but I don't think that you would commit any major crime so I'll allow it!"

Lin Zhi sat down on the ... just where was he?

He looked around; everything was dark except for the spot that he's sat on.

'Bah, it doesn't matter. What would be a cool quirk...'

As an avid anime watcher, Lin Zhi had many ideas. Devil Fruits, Nen abilities, the infamous Sharingan, Stands...

'Wait, Stands!'

Stands were supernatural powers unique to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. They're like quirks, except that Stands themselves could also fight! It is basically a powerful bodyguard that you could control at will, and they have special abilities on top of it!

There is a specific Stand that is iconic in the JoJo community; the user went by the name of Diio Brando, a vampire. DIO's Stand had the extraordinary ability to stop time for nine whole seconds!

"The World?" The Goddess read Lin Zhi's mind. "Okay, I could've sworn you would choose something with more utility like Pearl Jam, which could cure illnesses with food, or Heaven's Door which could turn someone into a book and 'edit' the contents of it. Even Weather Report, which passively protects the user through the manipulation of the atmosphere, is a better choice."

"I don't want the rest of the world to come after me to cure their ailments so definitely not Pearl Jam. Weather Report is honestly too powerful, even more so than Tremor-Tremor Fruit, it's too extreme. How could I explain that whatever bullets that were coming at me suddenly decided to turn in the opposite direction? Or that whenever someone comes at me with malintent, a thunderbolt comes flying straight down? Weather Report would continue protecting me even if I wanted to die! I also don't want to mess with someone's memory or force them to follow my commands with Heaven's Door, can you imagine what someone could do with mind control?"

"Understandable, this story is rated for Genera--" The Goddess stopped herself just in time. "What I meant to say is, you're right. But why The World in particular? All it does is stop time, aren't there better options like King Crimson?"

"You don't understand?" Lin Zhi asked, almost shocked that the Goddess didn't know why.

"Would you like to explain?"

"Because it's cool."


The floor under Lin Zhi immediately disappeared, and he crashed straight down.

He was immediately assaulted by the smell of lilies.

Author 'Yuri_Orlov' has opened up his two stories for adoption and I decided to take this one cuz lets be real, everyone likes nejire. I'm currently editing them for my own take on it.

it's a nice surprise that we actually have the same MC name, guess he also knows where to find chinese names on baidu

Robot9001creators' thoughts