
'One Day One Year' of love

Ric Ye is just your typical ordinary girl until her 26th birthday where she accidentally struck by lightning and transported to who knows where and then her journeys begins.

peerlessRicamae · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

The Fall

Early in the morning.........

= Outside the Green Gate =

"Big brother, wake up! wake up!" said Leng.

"What is it Leng?" said Chen yawning.

"Big brother, did you forgot? You promise me to take me with you in the town to buy new clothes for my birthday." said Leng excited.

"Ah yeah! Let's get ready for our trip."

"Yehey!" said Leng jumping.

= Inside the Green Gate =

"Florante, come inside first and eat some bread and drink coffee before you go to the market to sell our vegetables."

"No need, I'll just eat my breakfast there. I need to go now so that I can come home earlier for your birthday" said Florante smiling looking at his wife and then he jump in the couch and start the cart forward.

"Take care my dear!" shout Laura waiving at Florante.

Florante just waived back at his wife and run his cart faster.

Ding ding ding ding

Florante suddenly stop the cart and look at the tower with the bell ringing and then immediately turn the cart back to his home with a serious look.

While outside of the Green Gate, Chen and Leng stop walking in the forest near the entrance of the first gate and looked at the tower with the bell ringing and then they exchange glances where you can see their horrified expression.

All people at Pantashya stop what they are doing and look at the tower with the bell ringing and then immediately scattered everywhere like they already know that there would be a big calamity coming.

= Inside the tower of the Green Gate =

"Captain Quinn, what should we do? They're more than what we expect?" asked the soldier who is standing near the window looking at the beast crawling coming near the gate.

"Prepare for war!" said the Quinn with stoic expression and also looking at the beast.

"Sir Yes Sir!" replied the soldier and immediately run outside to inform the other soldier to prepare for battle.

"And also send someone to the palace to ask for reinforcements" Quinn commanded.

"Right away Sir!" replied the soldier.

"They're so many unlike before. I hope we can last until reinforcement arrived" Quinn said in his mind.

(Sound of the gate breaking and shouting of people)

"Leng let's head back right now before we become the food of this beast" whisper Chen.

"Uh hum!" agreed Leng.

They walked back silently to their home while hiding in the big wild plants in the forest. The ground are shaking because of the beast tremendous body.

"Leng, get on my back. We can't run back anymore because for sure we will be noticed and eaten by them. What we can only do now is to go the gate and hope they can save us."

"But big brother they're going there"

"But we don't have any choice. Atleast if we are near the gate maybe they will help us in some ways. That's better than fighting this many beast alone." explain Chen.

"Leng, what are you hesitating for? Come get on my back" shout Chen.

Leng then get on Chen back. Chen tie some clothes around his stomach and back of Leng so that it will not fall if in case there's some unexpected happens. Chen turns back his way to the gate silently to not arose the beast attention but he stop at his track in what he saw after he emerge from the dense forest.

The gate was complete shattered. The beast are running havoc inside the gate while eating it's folk. People are running and shouting everywhere. Soldiers are trying their best fighting the beasts.

"Oh no, what should we do now Leng?" asked Chen who doesn't know what to do anymore."

Leng didn't said anything just clutching at his big brothers shoulders lightly. Chen felt it and the tears that dropping at his back.

"Big brother....heck..I shouldn't have....heck..have....heck..have you go....heck....to town to buy me some clothes for my birthday...." said Leng trying to suppress his tears.

"Don't say that Leng. Ofcourse I would love to buy you new clothes for your birthday. I only have you Leng." replied Chen trying to console Leng.

"But big brother....."

Leng wasn't able to continue what he want to say because he saw one of the beast in front of the gate turn it's head toward their directions.

"Big brother watched out!" shout Leng while pointing at the beast.

Chen instantly run towards the gate trying his luck since whether he turns back or run forward is still the same, full of beast running havoc and people running aimelessy. Atleast inside the gate there are possibility that there's some kind of reinforcement.

When the beast is almost near them, he used his agility in avoiding it's attack and just continue running forward. The beast chase them like crazy. Leng just hug his brother tightly in the back and hide his face in his brother's back because of terror.

Chen is slowly losing his strength from running with his little brother at his back while also trying to escape from the beasts attack.

The beast is still chasing them. Suddenly Chen stumbled and was slump in the ground. When he turn his head toward the chasing beast he saw it's fang coming near them. The brothers are holding their hands tightly and close their eyes expecting their end.


The brothers was jolted by the sudden explosion and open their eyes immediately. They saw a man wearing blue hanfu standing at their front looking at the smoke like a god. They followed the man's line of sight and wait for the smoke to disappear and they were shocked by what they saw. The beast that is chasing them earlier is now become a roasted skeleton scattered in the ground.

"What are you still dazing for? Stand up and leave." said the man in blue hanfu.


Chen stand up with his brother still in his back.

"Before we go may I know the name of our saviour?" asked Chen.

"Sheng Li"

dingdididingding..Sheng Li is back

peerlessRicamaecreators' thoughts