
'One Day One Year' of love

Ric Ye is just your typical ordinary girl until her 26th birthday where she accidentally struck by lightning and transported to who knows where and then her journeys begins.

peerlessRicamae · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Ryan Dekendlon Duke of Swenshan

= In the castle =

Ye is still standing in the balcony frowning while looking at the Green Gate that is in chaos when suddenly she heard hurried footsteps coming from her back.

"Your highness! Bad news!" said Duke Ryan.

"Grrrrr...what is it again?" asked Ye irritated.

"The signal that is meant for reinforcement to the Green Gate has been ignored." said Duke Ryan agitated.

"Heh? What do you mean?" asked Ye confused.

"Your command has been ignored by the military!" answered Duke Ryan with face turning red from anger.

"Why is that?" asked Ye again with hatred.

"So the word of the queen don't have any value? Is that what you mean?" asked Ye with left eyebrow raising up.

"No, that's not it Your Highness. Let me explain. It's like this....."

"Even though you already pulled the sword and become it's owner you still haven't any authority yet because you haven't been crowned as queen legally."

"Ahhhh..so you mean I need to dethroned that damn king and replaced him to have the authority to control the kingdom?" asked Ye.

"Exactly Your Higness!" answered Duke Ryan nodding.

"What a pain in the ass!" cussed Ye.

"So will just watch them die like that? Did you even think or tried to rebel to the king?"

"Somebody tried before in which they ended up being thrown outside the kingdom and was forced to live in the forest in hiding because of the beast and wolves. To be honest I was almost wanted to join them but was too late since they already started making war in the castle and was defeated heavily by the soldiers under the control of the king."

"So afterwards, you people that remains are too afraid to even lift up your weapons against the king, am I right? hmph!" sneered Ye.

"It..it's not..not like that Your Higness!" answered Duke Ryan while lowering his head due to shame.

"It's just that we have our own priority and that is to have our family's safety. If we also be thrown outside the kingdom then we don't know if we will survive from the attacks of the beast and the wolf. We're powerless against the king. We can only follow the king with servitude not because we like it but because we need to survive." said Duke Ryan with sadness.

"Ah!" exclaimed Ye in a momentary lost.

"Ahem!" cough Ye to remove the sad atmosphere.

"Okay, there's no point in bringing the past now. What we need to do is to salvage the present situation." said Ye while massaging her knitted forehead.

After a while, Ye that is walking facing back and fort in the balcony suddenly stop.

"Uhmmmm..Duke Ryan, what do you think we need to do?" asked Ye sheepishly.

"Your higness, I have some connections in some of the officials in the 'Blue Gate'. I will asked them to send some reinforcements to the 'Green Gate'." replied Duke Ryan.

"Blue Gate?" wondered Ye while slowly turning around to look outside the balcony.

She can see three big gate with three different color. Near the castle is red, while next is blue and the last that is now being attacked is green.

(Da hel..now that I think of it. That is why it is called Green Gate because the color of the gate is literaly green. I haven't noticed it earlier. I just subconciously identify what they mean by Green Gate because I see the color of green that is now being attacked by the beast.) - Ye's mind.

She then looked back at Duke Ryan.

(So this man doesn't called Duke for nothing. Of course he has some brains and connections.) - Ye's mind.

"Okay let's follow your suggestion. But how do you inform them? It's so far away from here and it might be too late already for reinforcements to come." asked Ye confused.

"Haha..Your Highness! It's time to properly introduced my self to you. I haven't able to do it before because you shut yourself after you came in the castle. Please forgive my insolent."

"Oh sha sha. Just begin your introduction" said Ye waving her hands signalling to just nevermind it and continue with the introduction.

Suddenly there's a burst of aura that felt like a hurricane. Ye almost got thrown away if not for the invinsible shield that protected her.

"What the heck is going on here?" mumbled Ye in shocked.

"Greetings Your Highness! I am Ryan Dekendlon Duke of Swenshan inside the Blue Gate." introduced Duke Ryan.

"And my innate ability is wind." continued Duke Ryan while the wind swirling in him.

Ye's socket almost pop out from shocked. Her mouth open so wide that you can put a chicken egg on it.

(Sh*t! I shouldn't have take this world as ordinary because since the day that I was transported here there's no ordinary things happening here) said Ye in her mind while patting her heart to calm it down.

"Your Higness, are you alright?" asked Duke Ryan with concerned. He removed his aura and the shield that protected Ye.

"Ah! Yes yes I'm alright. I'm super duper alright..AHAHAHAH" answered Ye.

(Your Highness, are you really alright? Why does it seems that you're not.) said Duke Ryan in his mind, concerned.

"Duke Ryan, go call for reinforcements already before it's too late." command Ye politely.

"At your command Your Highness!" salute Duke Ryan.

"Oh sha sha. You're dismissed." said Ye holding her aching head.

(Damn it! So it seems that the people of this world has superpowers?)

(Like Li? I wonder where he is now.) said Ye in his mind while feeling gloomy all of a sudden.

(Wait..wait. Why am I thinking Li in times of this. What I need to think is how to save myself from this predicament.) said Ye again in his mind while trying to encourage her self.

(And there's an internal conflict and then that's not all cause there's also an enemy outside? I don't know people who are enemies with this kingdom but I know that we have beast enemies.)

(And the fact that I'm in the middle of it all makes me want to pull the hair of the one who makes my destiny like this. I will really shave his head bald. Not only will I shave his head but also his other hair in ....ah! AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH) said Ye in his mind laughing while imagining how to shave it.

= Meanwhile =

In another place of god knows where, there's a handsome man wearing a grey hanfu combing his long silver hair while looking at the half crescent moon shape mirror inside the big mansion in the tall mountain. He is sitting in a fluffy white chair near the round and big ancient chinese window. Outside of it is full of clouds.

"Ahh..ahhhh..achoooooo..Why do I got chill suddenly?" asked the man who momentarily stop combing his long silver hair while rubbing his nose.

"Or there's someone backbiting me again? I've been biting the left side of my toungue unintentionally lately. It's not what I think it is right?" wondered the man with silver hair while he continue to comb his hair.