
Chapter 1

31 March, 2018.

I slept for hours today. My mother woke me up as we want to visit the hospital.

'How long you will sleep? Aren't you in the plan to visit the hospital?' She pulled my blanket and turned off the fan.

I blabbered something but I don't know what is that. I almost crawled to the restroom door and stood up with the help of the restroom doorknob. Even after shower sleepiness hugged me. I wore my favorite white with a thin black striped shirt and a long black skirt hoping that it'll give me luck like it did in the yore.

I came out of my room and astonished. I saw two grown-up monkeys without a tail.

'What are you doing here?' I hid that I'm scared.

'To drop you in hospital,' Fazan said.

'I saw a fabulous sight of the beach from my room. Don't you want to enjoy that?' I tried to put my hand on his shoulder.

'I have already seen that. Aaannd don't you know that you can't reach my height.' He rested his hand on my shoulder.

'HA HA HA HA, ' We three laughed awkwardly.

'Let me go alone this time,' I made a puppy face.

'Yaa… you can go alone but don't ever show this puppy face. We're scared' Syed teased.

I drove the car and went to the hospital with my mother. Everyone comes to Pondicherry to enjoy their holidays but me--- Ugh, I wish I had some mystic abilities to skip my hard days.

'Maa, don't you think I'm good at driving?' I asked to cheer up her.

'Yeah, you're good at everything. But I'm always scared to travel with you.' She mocked at me.

'Maa, even you're teasing me.'

We reached the hospital. It was quite nice and it was surrounded by lots of trees. They gave me a strange comfy aura. We went inside the hospital. I enjoyed the comfy aura of the hospital. But... I hate the hospital smell.

'Where is Dr. Jagadhish from the cancer department?' my mom asked the receptionist. She guided us to go to the 4th floor.

"Why his name is Jagadhish? He's going to be old anyway…" I felt.

Because I never met a handsome doctor in my life. Even though my mother is a doctor.

I waited outside and my mother left to see the doctor who's going to operate me. I sat on the second row and looked around for an interesting thing for passing time. I found a tree grown-up high and tremendous. It provoked my inner emotions which I buried and honored with RIP.

"How am I going to live in this world?"

"Why I'm matured when others aren't?"

"You should have told me before. I feel like I'm deceived"

"I wanted to fall into your arms but I couldn't. I love you, Sh…"

'Excuse me, ' a boy interrupted my thoughts all of a sudden. I silently thanked him for not letting my tears out.

I looked at him without any expression. He looked young like he was at my age and he's definitely a crazy person like me.

'What's the time now?' he asked. I pointed the wall clock in the left sidewall.

'Haa! There's a clock. I didn't notice. Sorry and thanks.' he laughed.

I stooped and accepted his sorry and thanks.

'Is she dumb?' he muttered.

'Excuse me brother. I'm not dumb. I didn't let out words just because I don't want to' I cried out of impatience.

'Don't call me as a brother. I'm just 18. Haa! Now I'm hurt because of a stranger.' He acted dramatically.

'Hello, boss! What do you want?' I sounded a bit rude.

'Actually, I have a problem that I can't keep my mouth shut for more than 10 minutes. Can you share my loneliness?'

'Why me?'

He looked around and I did the same. There was no one in his age to talk. I could understand the feeling of a teenager.

I sighed. I had no choice.

'Why did you come here?' he asked an amused question.

'Someone I know said that this hospital provides tasty food. So, I thought of buying it' I said sarcastically.

'Really, I think I should try too.'

I'm pissed off.

I started gazing at the tree again. He was quiet. A bolt from the blue, his silence affected me.

'You look good when you smile, '

'I didn't smile, '

'Yepp, but I'm sure that you look bad when you don't smile.'

I burst out laughing. The way he said was really funny.

'Finally, you're smiling. You know how hard I tried to make you smile.' He explained.

'I felt. And yaar, have you done MF? You're solely good at bringing a smile in stranger's faces.' I said in a friendly manner.

'MF?' He was confused.

'Masters in Flirting. You don't know that.' I looked at him with a weird look.

'Yaar, When I saw you, I felt you were about to let your tears out. I thought I could do something to make you smile but you're teasing me. This is not fair.'