
Chapter Twenty: Found The Lost Narrator

"It doesn't matter whether if I'd found myself, I'm still a lost Narrator" Natural cried as white light looks at him as she disappeared "I feel like I wanna fall off a cliff, and i know I'm close to the edge" Natural said as silver spoke "Natural, Your not alone, You hear me, We're here, we're Here With You, all of us, So Don't You GIVE UP" They All Said as Natural gets Up, Hakai Suru uses light energy as Natural gets Pissed and runs At Him as Natural bend in like a tulip Blue-eyed foolish as he nevermind the bruises he didn't break the pattern as he screams as Natural grabbed Hakai Suru hand and tried to put his weight over his to slam him but Natural wasn't strong enough as Hakai Suru squeezes Naturals wrist as he yelled "Hhheeeeaaaahhhh" Natural said resisting the pain, sliding backwards as his hand sparked a power Light as Natural grabbed his wrist while rotating his whole body and threw Hakai Suru as he falls down, Natural breathing heavy but then a power light shined through Natural as he ran and does a sword skill like unknown as Hakai Suru eyes widened "no way, Impossible" Hakai Suru tried to grabbed the sword but Natural was too quick like Unknown as a spark faded and Natural looked at his hands "What the heck did I just do? Was that Unknowns Skill, but how?" Natural questioned he then crawled his fist as a power source formed into Neelys electric ability and Punches Hakai Suru in The face and Another one with an Upper Cut as hakai Suru uses thermal virus as it spread and Natural Uses Shield and blocks its toxic chimerical "I have to beat him, i can't hold on this shield much longer" Natural grunts trying to hold up the shield as long as he can, his powers sparked again and the shield faded as hakai Suru punched Natural as he flew but natural catched himself "I won't let up" Natural said yelling as another light of power glows through him as it was silver's void magic as he uses a card and throws it as they turn into blades, they hit through Hakai Suru as he yells and charges at Natural as he thinks fast without a blink natural swings his hands and chokes Hakai Suru with his Narration Power "Every person is bound to expect darkness and light, but I won't let you take away everything I've done to be here. What's the point, all I want is to be me, your the same as every else I killed on my list" Natural said anrgy and more furious than he has ever been "every person has a limit until they have had enough of the rain that thunder strikes them continuously" Natural said as his eyes turned blue, as Blue Light Came down with Zero as he spoke "Natural, Don't you dare hurt Hakai suru. You Became a Narrator because you wanted to bring peace into a world where you could smile in, make peace don't let it pass you on" Blue Light Said as Natural Turned around as he lets Hakai Suru go and Natural closes his eyes "oh, what's the point I'm only wrong in the end" Natural said as Blue Light brightens up the darkness as white can be seen everywhere "No You're wrong, if you think that you're wrong, Never Let Those Who Push You Make You Feel Limited By The Problems That Occur" Blue Light Said as Natural grabbed Hakai suru "Narration Combine Brake the code and Destroy Hak-" Natural interrupted by Zero as he jumps down and yells "Natural, No!! Don't" Zero cried out as Hakai Suru was on the ground bruised up as his eyes widened as Natural let go of Hakai Suru And was Confused "Zero how were you able to find me" Natural said as Zero cried out "Give Me A Few Minutes To Speak To Hakai Suru" Zero said as Natural tired and angered but also new that it was Zero's character, Zero Sees Hakai suru on the ground "Hakai Suru Please, Your My Character, be on my side and be our friend I don't want Natural to Kill you" Zero said crying as Natural walked to him "I can see how you feel zero, that's how I feel at this moment, he's trying to destroy us and including you zero, I'm sorry but that isn't the character you see right now" Natural said as Hakai Suru Cleared his throat "I new you were the one who made me after Static brought me to life" Hakai Suru said as Naturals eyes widened "then why did you captured me or tried to ruin me" Natural said taking his breath tired as he spoke "I saw the story that he made called the book of centuries and I thought my destiny was to kill you" Hakai Suru said as Zero's eyes widened "this is my fault, if only I didn't make the one I had read to you Natural then he wouldn't have done all of this" Zero said as Zero cried as Natural smiled "it's okay, it was a good story at least it felt real eh eh" Natural said coughing as Zero went over to Hakai suru "I'm Sorry That I Made You Think That, I'm Such a Bad Creator because of me you became threat" Zero said hugging him as Hakai suru smiled "No, it's not true, You made me realize that I almost hurt you're friend that made you possible to make me" Hakai suru said as Zero got off of him as hakai suru looked down as Natural reached out his hand "I'll Change my mine on killing you later, But Since You're Zero's Only Real Character of What He's Created-" Natural was interrupted by hakai suru "Natural can i be on your team" He said as Zero Sweat dropped "WHAT!!! Um, Sure I Guess....as long as you stay by Zero's side at all time" Natural laughing "I'm kidding, I'm The Disposition Originator and also that was a good battle, we should have another one and this time I'll for sure kick your ass" Natural smiled reaching his hand out as he backs up deformated as he smiled nervous as Hakai Suru Shakes his hand as Natural cases his Narration summon "Narration Combine, Fix Everything, Make Sure Everything Goes back to normal" Natural said as everything went back to normal. Unknown and The others waited as Neely confused "wait where's zero" Neely said as Netro face palmed as Natural, Zero And Hakai Suru Appeared as Unknown's eyes widened "Natural, Zero" Roxy said as Silver Hugged Natural "I'm Glad Your Safe" Silver said as Zero nervous as Netro face widened "I can't believe you went inside the code zero" Netro said heated as Natural Stepped in front of Netro "It's fine Cause I know why he went inside" Natural said as Zero and Natural Moved Aside as Everybody looked it was Hakai Suru as Unknown Drawed out his sword and thrust it forward, zero got in the way "No Don't, he's on our side" zero said, as Neely and the other variegated "HES WITH US NOW" they all said as Natural nodded "Not With Us, He's With Zero So Yeah he's pretty much on our side he apologised to me and we made peace" Natural said as Unknown crossed his arms "You Better Take Good Care Of Your Pet Or He's Gonna See Death" Unknown said as Zero blind raged "PET, You Mean Friend You Masked Face" Zero said while Natural sees Scrotris and his eyes widened "Scrotris, I'm so glad to see you again buddy" Natural said as He ran to give him a hug, silver had seen how much Hakai Suru means to zero "awww, I never seen zero act like that before, if only Unknown had a heart like that for me" Silver said to Natural he was sleeping "hey don't you forget it's gonna be Christmas soon so we need to get Kakashi something" Silver said as Natural Confused "Kakashi.." Natural said as Silver looked at him in a weird way "Zero didn't tell you that he changed Hakai Suru's name to Kakashi" Silver said as Natural finally remembered "well at least his name doesn't have to do with destroy anymore" Natural said as silver laughed, a week later Silver putted up Christmas Decorations as Natural was wearing a scarf with a holiday texture to it as Scrotris decided to hug Natural as he laughed "Scrotris I understand you missed me, but Oof" Natural said as Silver frown "if you guys don't stop hugging each other I'm gonna ship you guys" Silver said in a evil face as Natural deformated "I'm just happy to be with a friend that I haven't seen in awhile, wheres Unknown is he gone again" Natural said teasing as silver rephrased "Ah, Ah, Very Funny Natural" Silver said as Unknown came down stairs "nope I'm here for the holidays" Unknown said as Silver frowned "I wish you were hear last year" Silver said as Unknown jumped up as he gets nervous "still mad that I wasn't hear last year, huh" Unknown said as She nodded as Unknown smiled "hey, silver I brought something" Unknown said as silver jumped up excited "ooohhh you did, what is it" silver said charmed up as Unknown smiled "But you have to close your eyes" He said as She covered her eyes "my eyes are fully closed" Silver said as Unknown gave her a kiss as she freaked out "Unknown Not In front of-" Silver was interrupted by Unknown as he shows her an expensive box "oh my, is that a necklace....Unknown you didn't have to do that" Silver said as she hugs him "thanks so much" Silver said as Unknown smiled "no problem" he said, Zero puts a sticker on Scrotrises forehead as He turns to Zero in an evil expression "put another stick-" Scrotris was interrupted as Zero put a Heart sticker on Scrotris as He looked up and seen it "I hate you at the same time" Scrotris said as Zero smiles "I love you to buddy" zero said as Scrotris turns away crossing his arms annoyed as Zero gives him a gift "I got this for you" Zero said as Zero smiles, as Scrotris Surprised as he turns away "open it, it's something you've never had before" Zero said as Scrotris opens it up cause of his curiosity, it was a pair of headphones and an iPod as Scrotris looked Zero confused "What's this?" He asked as Zero explained "those are headphones and this little thing that looks like a phone is an ipod, you can play music on there" Zero shows him as he listens to music as he feels interested into it "so do you love it" Zero said charmed up waiting for an answer as Scrotris gives him a thumbs up with a smile "Yay" Zero said charmed up "I new you'd like it" he said, as kakashi looked very different as he came out of Zero's room  "Natural how was Hakai Suru able to change his hole appearance" Silver tapped Natural "since Zero made Hakai Suru he can control the way he looks and the way he is  or something like that Um, I think Netro knows About it but, hey at least Hakai Suru looks better" Natural said as silver losing Naturals train of thought "Your crazy you know that--" She said as Scrotris heard as he Winks at her as She charmed "YOU HAVE THE CUTEST WINKS EVER" She said as Natural laughed as Static looks at Natural "I know your mad at me, im sorry" Static said as Natural gave him a gift "here I got this gift for you, and I forgive you and besides you made zero a lot happier too" Natural said and smiled "Merry Christmas Static" Natural said as Static Opened The Gift as he saw that it was a brand new sweater and a picture of them when they were little, static looked at the photo as he was crying "I love it" Static said sobbing as Natural gave him a bro hug "I'm glad that your my best friend and brother, and I'm sorry if we couldn't go back to those times" Natural said as Static spoke "it's okay, no matter what your my brother" Static said as Natural smiled while Silver happy for both of them as silver looked at Unknown "oh Kosiatsi I almost forgot" Silver said as Unknown turned around to silver "what's that" Unknown Wondered as silver spoke "this is a new custome sweater that I had someone make for you, it has Scrotris symbol on it" Silver said as Scrotris looked at it "it looks Amazing, Unknown I didn't think you would like my symbol" Scrotris rubs Unknowns head smiling "well, what can I say, bro friend is bro friend, I cant lie I always wanted a friend to show how much I respect them so I'll just show how much of a good friend Scrotris is to us" Unknown said as he gives a scarf to Scrotris as he looked at him confused "why are you giving me your scarf" Scrotris said as Unknown spoke "to build our friendship, my scarf around your neck will keep you safe, can you show how much of a good friend I am to you" Unknown said as Scrotris pouted "of course I'll take good care of your scarf" Scrotris said smiling as silver grinned "I love that you and Scrotris are building a connection, why is that" Silver said curious "it's Christmas and showing respect and that you care for each other is a good way of showing friendship" Unknown said as Silver nodded "looks like Scrotris appreciates you being his friend, don't let em down okay he has a good heart for a demon" She said smiling as Scrotris was somewhat rubbing his face against the scarf as Unknown overwhelmed "I think he loves the scarf" Silver Laughed as Unknown frowned "it was the softest scarf I could ever asked for, I could see why" Unknown said as Silver looked at Unknown "and your the cutest that I could ever asked for" Silver kissed him as he blushed, it was almost new years Eve as Natural and the other's We're preparing for the new year, Scrotris was outside looking up at the night sky as Natural came outside "Hey, Scrotris it's almost time for the new year are you going to join us" natural wondered as Scrotris looked down sad as Natural went over to him "hey, what's Wrong" Natural said as Scrotris turn to natural "it's nothing, I just love seeing the night sky" Scrotris smiled with a grin as he looks up

As Natural looks up as well as he reaches his hand out, Natural knows you can't touch the sky but the feeling of it was what made him feel Different every time he'd looked up at the night sky, he knew he wasn't the only one that felt this way "I can see why you love the night sky, every time I would look up it makes me feel like I can reach for it" Natural said charmed up as Scrotris confused "What" Scrotris said as Natural looked at him "huh, nothing I was just wondering off a bet uh lets go inside and prepare for the new year" Natural said as they go inside as fireworks can be heard beneath the night sky.