
Chapter Six: other ways to Win

"tell me Natural, why is it that you Choose to get yourself caught, you have Narrating Power use it to set yourself free" Hakai Suru Said as he's Face To face With Natural As he could barely see, Natural looked at him in pain "Don't Tell me what should I and shouldn't do, And Just So You Know I'm The Story Teller,if You Kill Me Or Take My Power This Entire World Would Die Including Yours, and If that's What You Want Than go for it" Natural said yelling as he grunts in pain "Silent wakes walls break, I'm falling apart, I will not fall apart" Natural says trying to keep it together, Calabaza Spoke out as Unknown was being patched up by Roxy "i could've told you guys if you had let me come with you, in the first place" Calabaza Said as Unknown turned to him, he was gonna speak but he looked up at silver as she already speaking to Calabaza "we're sorry for not listening to you" Silver said after awhile Calabaza meditates, he then sees the future, he opens his eyes "well did anything, happen" Verilan Said as Netro tap him "Shush" he said as verilan stayed quiet, covering his mouth "we need to focus, not on yourself but with each other, give it your all, he said and stay confident" Calabaza Said as he opened his eyes "that was Natural, he wants us to do this. We need to save him together" Calabaza Said as Neely's eyes widened "it's about time we take this seriously, we need a plan if we're ever gonna get natural back" Neely said, "we'll start tracking them down, each and every one of them. Zero And Neely You Go After the dark Striver, Me And Silver Will go After Hakai Suru" Unknown said, as Verilan was too slow to keep up "wait, wait you want to split us both up" Verilan said Confused as Silver Looks at him with a frown expression "We have to, if we go together as a group we won't grasp on to them, groups of two should be our only solution" Silver said as Unknown spoke "Roxy And Netro You're Gonna Take down Maxamine, And Verilan you'll be facing heads with Desamite" Verilan Overwhelmed "There's No Other Person For Me, So I Have To Go Alone" Verilan Blind Raged, as Calabaza was right next to him while Face Palming "no, I'll be coming with you" Calabaza Smiled as Verilan Freaked "Not On Your Life" He said as Calabaza frowned, he sigh "finding them won't be easy, we need to think before we can even set out to find them" Calabaza said trying get eased while Verilan stares at him "what verilan, wait what's with Shinjuku and Purified city tech" Calabaza and the others Looked to see buildings Ruined, People running in fear, as Unknowns Eyes Widened "Where the Hell Is Static and That Blue Dragon When You Need them" Unknown yelled dramatically as Silver Yawning "My god, get a grip" Silver looked at the two cities as they were somewhat close to each other as her eyes widened "Nevermind, Forget what I said, we need to work together....right Unknown" Silver waited then she spoke "Right, Unknown?" Silver then confused as she made a fuss about it "Unknown Really I thought wer-" Silver paused as she seen him shut down, as he looked away "Were sticking to the plan, I will find away to think of something. Guys We All know What to do, Silver let's go" Unknown said as silver and him started to make there move as the others headed out as well; except Verilan, he was overwhelmed and deformated as Calabaza looked at him "So where do we go from here" Calabaza said as verilan paused then looked at him "Toshima, I'm guessing" Verilan Said as Calabaza nodded "then Let's Go" Calabaza shape shift into a huge Raven as Verilan Amazed "hey, hey, easy there big fella, hm... where is Toshima" Verilan scattered, Unknown uses Shadow mode To Find The Reapier as He creates an optic illusion of mirrors as Silver looks around, she used visionite and creates a fourth barrier then Makes the illusion go away, the Reapier suddenly appears out of smoke and smacks Unknown and tried to throw him but unknown latched onto his hand and Unknown Draws out his sword and tried to stab the Reapier in his stomach but he disintegrated like dust that blends within the smoke and shadow "Nice, What a good try, ehaha" The Reapier said as Silver and Unknown looked around "Your In A Dark Room That surrounds You, Our Battle Begins now" The Reapier Said as Silver Looks Around "what's happening" Silver said as Unknown slants forward mocking The Reapier as Silver Uses a trap card and throws it at The Reapier as Unknown uppercuts him in the face, the Reapier laughed "I can Read your mind, you can't stop me" it said as he makes the dark surround Unknown even more as he looks around, as He couldn't see silver hands appeared from darkness and grab him as he struggles to break free "Silver" he yelled, he closes his eyes as It tries to pull him downward as he suddenly hears Naturals voice as it yelled "Unknown Help!!!" it said as Unknown Couldn't move, he begans to get furious "I Won't Let you Die" Unknown yelled drastically "I Won't Lose" he opens his eyes he uses Shadow mode as He fades and he was able to break free, as if he was a ghost.

"Silver, where are you" he looks around dramatically, he then closes his eyes trying to concentrate to his hearing sensiblity, as everything was silent of darkness as Unknown was frustrated "I can't take this anymore, I don't have much Time" Unknown said ruthlessly As He uses a Bright Burst, and darkness fades and He could see, where they had left as silver was no where to be seen

Or found "silver...Silver...SILVER" Unknown Yelled Out looking Around.