

Gao Yang had always been alone and had crossed over to another world by chance. At the age of 18, Gao Yang accidentally discovers the secret of this world: it's full of weirdness, and his friends and family may all be terrible "beasts"。 Gao Yang nearly dies when he discovers the truth, but at a critical moment he gains the system [Luck] - the longer he lives, the stronger he becomes! A game of sheep and wolves begins ......

Daoistmpp · Thành thị
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12 Chs

The third slip of paper

It was Gao Yang's first time in an erotic hotel and, to be honest, didn't like it very much.

Red lights, red carpet, red walls, red furniture and red bed curtains, just like a realistic spider spirit cave.

Qing Ling unlocked the door to her room, drew the curtains, opened the iron box and studied it a little before assembling the sniper rifle.

There was still plenty of time, and they had nothing to do now.

Qingling sits on a strangely shaped love seat and Gao Yang sits on a soft water bed, their eyes facing each other in a delicate atmosphere - in fact, Qingling is very open, only Gao Yang's heart is racing.

Suddenly, Gao Yang's mobile phone rang.

It was a call from Prince Kai, "Brother! Impulsiveness is the devil! Think it over! If you take this step today you'll never go back!"

"Women are not good, she will only influence your judgement!"

"Come on out! We're playing a game together."

"I'm in the 601 gaming room! Big projection screen, advanced stereo surround sound, extra sensational, hurry up and come up!"

Gao Yang ignored it and hung up the phone straight away.

"Are you lonely?" Qing Ling asked.


"Then why do you want to make friends with idiots?" Qing Ling said with a puzzled look on her face.

"This ... is hard to say." Gao Yang laughed awkwardly.

Qing Ling got up and walked into the bathroom, "I'll take a shower."

The bathroom was a separate semi-obscure glass room, although it was frosted glass, you could still get a rough view.

Quickly, Qing Ling took off her jacket and skirt and hitched them up on the glass door, followed by her white underwear, which she hung up graciously.

Gao Yang saw this and hurriedly looked down, yet half a metre below the glass was transparent and Gao Yang could see Qing Ling's slender calves and bare ankles. The sound of the water running, hot water accompanied by the white foam of the shower gel, flowed along the line of her calves to her ankles and finally washed away on the floor.

Gao Yang had nothing else to do, so he took out his phone and swiped through the videos.

Qing Ling quickly finished washing and walked out of the bathroom wrapped in just a sexy bath towel.

She said to Gao Yang, "You should go take a shower too."

"Must we wash?"

"In the eyes of outsiders we are here to have sex in an erotic hotel, and all traces must be logical to the act and not arouse suspicion of any beast."

Qingling said as she walked to the bedside table, opened a box of condoms, took one out, tore open the bag, then wrapped the condom in toilet paper and put it in her book bag, as if she intended to take it with her.

She thought for a moment and asked, "Is one enough? How many do you usually use?"


Gao Yang was speechless, not even knowing what she was talking about, "Just ... one."

After creating all reasonable traces in the room, the two men squinted and rested for a while. Gao Yang, of course, was not sleepy, he was thinking.


At 5:30, the alarm clock went off and Qing Ling opened her eyes and rolled over to get up.

Gao Yang, who had been awake, got up after him and couldn't wait to ask her, "I remember you saying before that beasts don't have reproductive systems."

Qingling nodded as she walked over to the small cooler in the corner, opened the door and took out two drinks, one tossing it to Gao Yang and one opening it for herself and taking a sip.

"I have a question, ah." Gao Yang swirled the drink bottle in his hand, "Officer Huang ... is already married, right?"

Qing Ling nodded and waited for the following.

"According to the one in ten thousand ratio, then his wife, the odds are that she's a beast, right?"

"It should be."

"Then wouldn't something be wrong whenever they have sex with each other ...?"

QingLing took another sip: "It's not that beasts don't have a reproductive system, they don't have a true human reproductive system, but they can imitate it, there are subtle differences between the two."

"Mimicry? Differences?" Gao Yang pondered.

Qing Ling looked frank: "I awakened at a very young age, and the first human I met was my cousin."


"He slept with many girls until one day, he slept with a human girl and he found that it didn't feel quite the same as anything he had felt before."

"And then he awakened?" Gao Yang had mixed feelings, this awakening was too rash.

Qing Ling nodded: "My cousin told me that if one has never had sex with a human, then no matter how many times one has sex with a beast, one will not notice. But it only takes one time to notice that something is wrong."

"So ... you have experience with this?"


Qingling shook his head, "My cousin told me that males are actually quite distinguishable. Because the male beast is mimicking the human reproductive system, the lower half of the rod is instantly hardened, but the male human body, slowly hardens."

Gao Yang could not help but blush when he remembered that night when Qing Ling stroked his rod.

"It's a bit troublesome for cousin to tell the difference if it's a female beast." Qing Ling suddenly looked at Gao Yang, "Why don't we do it once, so that we all have experience."

Gao Yang spat out a mouthful of drink.

"What, is that ridiculous?" Qing Ling frowned.

"No, no, let's talk about it when we have the chance ...." Gao Yang scrambled to change the subject and glanced at his phone, "It's almost six o'clock."

Qingling took out the note in his pocket, a biting glint in his eyes.

"Is it about to kill someone?" Gao Yang had already guessed, "Kill who?"

Qing Ling handed the note to Gao Yang, "Read it yourself."

Only to see the note read

--6pm, scenic spot along the river outside the window, sightseeing deck 2, kill the woman next to me, aim for the head or heart.

Gao Yang looked at the note, lost in thought.

The "woman next to me" means that Officer Wong will also appear later, and the target must be his colleague, friend or family member; instead of killing her himself, Officer Wong wanted to be with her, to be in shooting range, in order to create the perfect "presence evidence" to clear himself of suspicion.

This was not a simple matter, it seemed.

She pulled back the curtain, pushed the love seat to the window, set up her sniper rifle, tilted her head and put her right eye to the magnifying glass. I have to say, the image of a tall, beautiful woman wrapped in a bath towel, sitting on a love seat and using a sniper rifle is still too sexy.

Not long after, Qing Ling spoke up, "Target has appeared."

Gao Yang hurriedly went over, "Let me take a look."

Through the magnifying glass, Gao Yang looked at the No. 2 observation deck along the river scenic area.

The early morning sunlight was clean and soft, and a woman with a literary and intellectual temperament was standing on Observation Deck No. 2, wearing a long red dress and wrapped in a white shawl, looking out over the sparkling river.

Not long after, Officer Wong appears. Wearing a tracksuit and running shoes, with a towel slung over his shoulder, he stops at the viewing platform. The woman turns around and hands him the mineral water in her hand with a gentle smile.

Officer Huang takes the water and the woman picks up the towel and wipes his sweat with a friendly, natural gesture.

After a short conversation, Officer Huang took the towel and continued on his way, seemingly with the intention of running two more round trips. The woman watched Officer Wong leave with affection, then turned to continue admiring the river.

"His wife?" Gao Yang asked.

Qing Ling nodded, her opinion the same: "Her wife probably sensed his Awakened identity, or at least, became suspicious of him. Officer Wong decided to kill her. Just in case, so he wants our help."


Qing Ling set up the snatch, "I'll do it."

Gao Yang didn't say anything, his mood was a bit mixed.

He wasn't a kind person, much less qualified to judge Officer Huang's decision. But he thought of himself, if the person under the sniper gun now was his grandmother, father, mother, sister, would he be able to pull the trigger?

He had mixed feelings and was distracted.

"The target isn't moving." Qing Ling

took a deep breath, "Three, two, one ..."

"Chirp-" Qing Ling fired, despite the silencer, the sound of the shot was still not quite right, muffled and short, it felt like it was muffled.

Gao Yang also sensed that something was wrong, and when he looked up, he saw an incredible sight.

Qing Ling was also frowning, she didn't expect it either.

The moment she pulled the trigger, a dark figure fell from the sky and blocked the gun, the bullet hitting the figure. Soon, Gao Yang and Qing Ling got a clear look.

The figure, was Wang Zikai.