

李星原本只是一名普通的市井小民,但为了救一个小女孩,他意外穿越到了一个古代王朝,并成为了那个时代的太子。 本来以为能过上纨绔太子的生活,醉卧美人膝,掌握天下权,但现实却残酷地打破了他的幻想。李星发现自己不仅是太子,还是一个超级极品,没有金钱也没有势力,更糟糕的是,他还惹恼了整个朝堂。 面对来自各方势力的压迫和威胁,为了保全性命,李星只能自己动手,艰苦奋斗,从零开始建立自己的势力,确保自己有足够的衣食无忧。他挑战皇帝的权威,揭露奸臣的丑恶勾当,平定逆贼的叛乱,甚至亲自率兵攻打敌对的城池,一步步地将自己推向了权力的巅峰。 这是一个关于普通人在古代王朝中逆袭成为权力巨擘的故事,充满了惊心动魄的战斗和智慧过人的谋略,展现了李星从无到有,从弱到强的成长历程,同时也揭示了权力与背叛、荣耀与牺牲之间的复杂关系。

DaoistRAmNMo · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


Li Xing opened his eyes, only to see someone undressing him. He immediately became alert and hugged himself, his face full of vigilance.

After moving away a bit, he could see clearly that the person in front of him was a classical beauty.

With eyebrows like distant mountains and eyes like stars, her charming face exuded a cold and resolute aura, giving off a distant and unapproachable feeling.

Li Xing cursed himself inwardly for his foolishness. Why stop her? Isn't it nice to have a brief encounter with such a beautiful girl, even if she's comparable to a national goddess?

"Your Highness, you've awakened!" The girl by the bed also snapped out of her shock, a hint of joy appearing on her face.

She walked to the bedside, pressed her hands against her abdomen, and knelt down, saying, "This servant, Yue'er, wishes Your Highness good health!"

As she bent down, her beautiful figure was fully exposed, almost causing Li Xing to sigh in amazement.

"So big," he almost blurted out.

Before he could finish his sentence, a sudden wave of pain surged through his head, forcing him to stop talking.

After the pain subsided, Li Xing realized that his mind was flooded with unfamiliar memories.

The owner of these memories shared the same name and surname as him, and he was the tenth son of the Emperor of Da Ye, the current Crown Prince.

Although this Crown Prince was the legitimate heir, he didn't take himself seriously. Instead, he was arrogant and bullied the officials and soldiers, causing dissatisfaction throughout the court and the people.

However, despite his position in the Eastern Palace, he was assassinated not long ago during a winter hunt, pierced through the heart by an arrow and died on the spot.

"Time travel?!" Li Xing exclaimed in shock.

He looked down at the bandage on his chest, utterly astonished.

He had only been hit by a car while trying to save a little girl. How did he end up time-traveling and taking over such a mess? Not to mention, now he had neither people nor money. Trying to fight against the Crown Prince and the Sixth Prince in the court was simply asking for death.

After calming down, he realized that his most important tasks were to make money and find reliable assistants.

Being familiar with the current Da Ye, he knew that there were business opportunities everywhere in this era. Moreover, with his background as a special forces soldier, he was extremely knowledgeable about firearms.

So, he began to make plans, preparing to build a modern army, vie for the throne, and realize his ideals.

Li Xing's heart was full of confidence and anticipation. He secretly thought that after becoming the Emperor, he could lie drunk at the knees of beauties and hold the power of the world, a dream of every man!

"Your Highness, are you okay?" Yue'er's gentle voice brought Li Xing back to reality.

"I'm fine." Li Xing shook his head, his eyes gleaming with determination.

The beautiful maid in front of him was not just a bed companion; she was also his ally and assistant in achieving his dreams.