

Tác giả: 南希北庆
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What is 承包大明

Đọc tiểu thuyết 承包大明 của tác giả 南希北庆 được xuất bản trên WebNovel.一名交易分析员因为一场事故,穿越到大明朝万历年间,成为一位大牙商的上门女婿。他原以为自己也能像穿越小说中那些主角,在古代混得风生水起,富可敌国,妻妾成群。直到他遇见了万历皇帝,就是那个大名鼎鼎的一本万历.....。“陛下,关于草民的佣金.....?”“你放心,少不了你的,朕这就命户部发给你。”“陛下,你先前让我帮你掏空国库,充盈内府,如今国库就只剩下老鼠屎!”“既然如此,那朕就再将国库承包于你。”...

Tóm tắt

一名交易分析员因为一场事故,穿越到大明朝万历年间,成为一位大牙商的上门女婿。 他原以为自己也能像穿越小说中那些主角,在古代混得风生水起,富可敌国,妻妾成群。 直到他遇见了万历皇帝,就是那个大名鼎鼎的一本万历.....。 “陛下,关于草民的佣金.....?” “你放心,少不了你的,朕这就命户部发给你。” “陛下,你先前让我帮你掏空国库,充盈内府,如今国库就只剩下老鼠屎!” “既然如此,那朕就再将国库承包于你。” “.......陛下,草民有句话不知当不当讲?” “你但说无妨。” “MMP!” (PS:粉丝群号:334767198)

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Why Is The Grand Duke Chasing Me?

"Grand Duke, I have no idea what you are talking about." He gave me a sly smile but I can see the anger behind them. I wanted to throw this glass ball at his handsome face but also, I don't want to end up in jail. "You have no idea?" He mockingly said and I can feel the anger slowly radiating off from where he stands. I secretly stepped back from the table and created a huge distance between the both of us, just to be sure. I kept my calm and looked at him straight in the eyes. "Yes. I have no idea." He smiled, "Wrong answer." I suddenly felt the tip of his sword on my throat and his eyes screaming insanity and just madness. I was calm the whole time even though my knees are ready to give up any moment now. Work with me body! Don't let me down or we are both dead! "Say that again, witch." I glared at him this time but I changed my expression and smiled at him. I may seem calm but I am trembling on the inside. Don't kill me, don't kill me. "I. Have. No. Idea." I just got reincarnated here! Let me live! - - - - Pandora is a beautiful fortune teller that is often mistaken as a witch but, she is actually is not. She is also a con woman in an era where women are vulnerable to talks of love and true happiness, like the ones that you find in those sucky love fairy tales. There are no problems about Pandora if you will just look at the outside. She is always full of smiles and laughter and everything she predicted seems to actually come true. However, Pandora is no witch at all. In fact, she is just a mob character in a game namely "Messengers of Love" wherein the heroine believes in fortune telling and, you guessed it, fate! Pandora was constantly visited by the villainess to seek answers from her. Pandora, being the con woman that she is, fed lies to the villainess and just to falsely believe that the grand duke, the one the villainess loves, feels the same way about her. Basically, she was the one who pushed the villainess to her death. However, the real Pandora is no more and in replace of her is a woman named Pia. A 28-year old bitter woman who had a job and 2 rescue cats. Pia doesn't believe in love, because it already destroyed her before. So she call bullshit to every reading she has with these hopeless ladies and told them the real, hard, truth. That love sucks! Everything is straightening up and even the villainess, who seems madly in love with the duke at first, started realizing that the duke doesn't feel the same way. The villainess started to change and that is where the plot began to shift. One faithful day, the Grand Duke himself visited Pandora and… What is this?! Why is the Grand Duke angry at me for telling the truth and why did he suddenly start to chase me?! O N - H O L D

heienzeya · Kỳ huyễn
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The Children's of God

Tell me young man, why is it that you wish to die" I then was reminded of why I came to this bridge in the first place "that's right I totally forgot, I came here to kill myself, how stupid of me to forget that" I thought. I let out a little giggle and looked down at the bottomless river below and replied "well its not that I want to die but rather I don't have the will to live. Nobody in this world truly wants to die, death is a scary thing without a doubt but you see, my will to live is much weaker than my fear of death and I have somewhat rationally decided that it would be better to die now than to suffer the rest of my worthless life. Now why do I feel this way? well looking back at my life it really wasn't all that bad but you see I and many other in this world have never felt true happiness, I have felt happiness before but never true happiness for true happiness stays forever while the only happiness I have ever felt and will ever feel in this world is temporary happiness and something that is temporary is what one could call fake." I finished my monologue and turned around to the old man awaiting a response, "so, are you going to hit me with some of your ancient wisdom or no." The old man then replied "life is hard kid, your not always gonna get what you want, thats just life is, you can't have it all." I laughed at the ironic things he just said in an attempt to convince me and I slowly climbed onto the railings of the bridge then replied "That's why I'm leaving this thing so called life, because its hard, because I can't have it all, because thats just how life is and I can't do anything about it..... but end it." The young man turned around to the old man and replied with a smile "sorry but you should really get out of here before it gets ugly, anything else you wanna say?" The old man smiled and said "very interesting" "What?" the young man replied "You are very interesting young man, I dont have anything else to say but something to offer or rather.... a demand since you don't really have a choice." I looked into the old man's eyes and I saw that the iris of the old man's eyes were bright red. He suddenly lunged straight at me, making me lose balance causing the both of us to fall into the river.

Yaboy_Her · Kỳ huyễn
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