
TWENTY FOUR: Pillow talk

"I think we should tell her."

I am lying on his bare chest, feeling entitled to it like a pregnant pussy cat. We are cuddled up in bed, bodies fresh from the well deserved shower, sincerely watching a movie for the first time. It's a cliché Christmas movie. The male lead has already had his first fight with the female leading character and she is questioning why she travelled so many miles for him instead of drinking hot cocoa with her Chihuahua back home. Normally, I wouldn't watch this. I prefer a good drama series but this is perfect when you've just had system rebooting sex with the father of your unborn twins.

"Babe?" I speak again, raising my eyes to see his face. I love the sound of that.. Babe..

"Hmm?" He responds. I feel the vibration of his voice from his chest. So this is it. This is love. Wow.

"I was thinking that we should tell Tamayah about us." I happily repeat myself, speaking as sweetly as possible.

" I heard you the first time."

I'm put off by the response.

"So? What do you say?" I ask, determined to maintain the good vibes.

"Let's not talk about it right now. It doesn't matter."

"What do you mean it doesn't matter?" I get off his chest to rest my head on my own pillow. I want to see him clearly as we speak.

" Come back here, let's not talk about her in this bed." He says.

But I want us to talk about it. I want us to talk about all of it.

"I can't help it. Don't you think she has to know from us? We can't hide this forever."

"Now is not the time." His responses continue to be short and meh.

"Yeah? Then when? I feel like you don't want to ever talk things through with me."

"Oh, my god.." He mutters under his breath.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I frown.

"Noniwe, babe, we have all the time." He says, pulling me closer to him.

I brush him off. I will not be dickmatized into sweeping important conversations under the carpet again. It's either we talk about this now or we don't ever talk about it. He huffs at me, and raises the volume. The female character is now going down memory lane of her short lived love at the airport.

"Pause the movie please." I say, hoping to be taken seriously.

I am ignored.

I sit up straight and pause the movie myself. He looks away.

"Tony, if we are going to do this," I begin to speak carefully, "We have to be able to talk about the slightest annoying things."

"I said now is not the time, Noniwe, please!" He is clearly frustrated.

"Tell me a good reason why we can't talk about this. Isn't this what you came here for??""

"I came here to have a good time, not talk about my problems."

"Your problems??"

I can't believe this man right now. He is rolling his eyes again. If he does that one more time, I'll pluck them out! I take a deep breath.

"Look, Tony, I did not ask you to show up here tonight. I did not ask you to leave 'your problems' and follow me!"

"Do you want me here or not?!" He yells at me.

"Who are you raising your voice at? Who do you think you are?!" I retort.

He gets out of bed, begins to dress up. What the hell? I am the pregnant one. I don't see why he should be acting up.

"Where are you going?" I ask, getting out of bed too.

There's a quick debate in my head trying to decide whether to let this go or to continue having a good time, watch the final reunion in the movie and then probably fuck each other to sleep.

"Don't you think you are being a little dramatic?" I ask him.

He is circling around the room, probably looking for his belt. I saw it under my dresser earlier, but I will not tell him, won't even turn my face lest he sees it.

"Babe, relax, please sit down." I ask him nicely.

He is still circling around like an irritated dog. I walk to him and touch him by his shoulder. He stops moving, lets out a loud sigh.

"Okay, I've let it go. We can talk about it in the morning. I just wanted to be sure that we are on the same page in regards to certain things. I wanted to know if she believed your little excuse about money. I doubt she did. She is too smart. I think I am feeling guilty. I am. I mean look at me. How do I even face her from now? What do I do?-"

"It's okay, it's okay." He hugs me, calming me down, hot tears fall down my face.

"Sshhh babe.. don't cry. Let's get back in bed.. sshh.. what do you want Hhm?" He console me, leading me back to the bed. Praise be the hormones!

I follow him and let him comfort me like a child. The night is saved. The movie is long forgotten, replaced by silence.

"I cannot call it a night right now." He states as a matter of fact. I glance at the digital clock on the bedside table. It's only a little past nine.

"What do you want to do?" I ask him.

"Lets go out for a drive." He immediately suggests.

"Yeah? Sounds nice." I say.

"Sure! We can get you more gummies on the way.'

" No, I want baobab fruits now."


"Baobab fruits. The multi-coloured ones."

"Dude, who sells that anymore?"

"People! Shops!" I exclaim.

"Are baobabs even in season?"

"Yes?" Honestly, I am not sure too.

"Let's go then. We'll figure something out. Some ice cream would be nice."

My turn to roll eyes and get out of the bed.

"Ice cream with baobab toppings. The twins won't negotiate with you any less."

"Eish, Noniwe!"

"Yes, babe?"

We are both laughing. He doesn't know, we are so having that talk in the car.