


sxliih · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


"Kikikiki!" They were all laughing. They just smirked at the human, who couldn't even stand up.

'Fuck. I wouldn't have worked out if there were this many.' He couldn't even stand up, so how could he possibly kill all of these goblins right now?

A few goblins had already charged at him, swinging their weapons left and right in an attempt to hit him no matter what. This prompted him to summon his weapon, but even with it, his arms remained immobile.

'My arms...!' And desperately tried to grasp his dagger, which didn't quite work. Meanwhile, they were already on him, attempting to hit him, but they were as stupid as always, missing a lot while hitting him.

He tried to flee, but he couldn't move very far. He was exhausted and his entire body ached. Even if he wasn't hurt, he wouldn't want to die.

'Come on,' While it was still not working, he reflected. His hand couldn't even hold it properly as it kept falling to the ground. Which burdened him by requiring him to pick it up every time.

He got cuts all over his body while attempting to properly hold his dagger. It was excruciating. He wanted to scream because it hurt so much, but no sound came out of his mouth. It appeared that it did not allow him to scream, which would be pathetic.

He felt compelled to hold it in and at the very least survive this in order to have a chance to change himself. He was desperate and clung to life.

'Almost...!' He finally managed to firmly grip the dagger and swung it with all the force he had left, killing the four goblins in front of him.

[You have killed a goblin!]

[You have obtained 3 XP!]

[You have obtained 100 Player Points!]

[You have killed a goblin!]

[You have obtained 3 XP!]

[You have obtained 100 Player Points!]

[You have killed a goblin!]

[You have obtained 3 XP!]

[You have obtained 100 Player Points!]

[You have killed a goblin!]

[You have obtained 3 XP!]

[You have obtained 100 Player Points!]


'10 points for Health, 4 points for Strength, and 3 points for Agility!' He said it in his head, and the system did what he said. It uses every stat point automatically.

Strength: 12

Agility: 10

Health: 15

Sense: 5

Mana: 5

Undistributed Stat Points: 0


He felt much stronger than before and believed he could easily kill 20 of them. His injuries also began to regenerate, and he felt much better than usual. His wounds eventually healed, and he felt as if he had never been sore.

They were already charging toward him after only a few seconds. This time, instead of the usual small groups, there were ten of them.

'Tch, they really want to die that badly, huh?' And dashed forward, feeling compelled to put his newfound strength to good use by killing all of them.

Cut, cut, cut

In one swing, he severed all of their heads from their bodies. He felt more powerful. He had the impression that he could do anything right now.

He kept cutting, but the number of cuts increased. He couldn't hold on for long because they kept coming at him, jumping him and cutting deeper as if they were never serious.

"Ugh..." He was in excruciating pain as a result of all the cuts he received from them. Despite the cuts, he stood up, distanced himself, and rushed forward, unconcerned about what the injuries might do to him later.


Huff, huff, huff

'How many goblins have I already killed? It appears that their number will continue to rise. And more and more are arriving from who knows where.'

He undoubtedly killed more than 50 goblins. At the very least, that's how he felt. They continued to come from the same direction as if to say he couldn't escape the wrath of these goblins.

"Fuck....!" He lunged forward and did the same thing again because he had nothing else to win with but this dagger and his body.

It was relatively easy because they were small and stupid, but if so many lunged at him, he would surely tire himself out and be overwhelmed by their numbers.

'I need something long because this is going to drag on forever.' He was in pain. Not because they were powerful, but because they were carrying far too much. If he was stronger, he might be able to handle this much, but right now, it's impossible.

He received a new notification in front of him that surprised him quite a bit as if he had gained the favor of a certain God.

[You have learned the skill: Aura Manipulation!]

[Aura Manipulation: Capable of creating, shaping, and manipulating a type of life force. Could be used on weapons as well as the human body]

'My first skill?' He took a look at the skill and realized it could be very useful to him right now. He seemed to be able to imbue anything with a life force that would be useful now.

'Shall we begin?' And it is activated by concentrating on the weapon.


Suddenly, a yellow color encircled the dagger, giving it a bright color with killing intent. It appeared menacing and powerful as if it could annihilate every single goblin in a single shot. He had the impression that he could swing it once and kill dozens of them.

He focused his attention and applied his new skill. The bright yellow gushed out of the dagger, as if parting ways with the other yellow life force, and shot out in a horizontal line with great force. As he had imagined. With just one shot of his life force, he could easily kill them.

It literally split each goblin's body in half, killing it instantly. Yellow blood splattered everywhere, even on the goblins themselves, blinding some of them.

'Amazing. To think that something like this existed. This was exactly what I needed.' As he examined his stats, a smirk formed on his face, and he reasoned that this aura might have something to do with his mana. He didn't know if it could help him, but he kept it for now because he wasn't sure.

The more he used it, the more control he gained and the more he memorized. He could also project the aura vertically rather than horizontally. He could also kill a goblin with little to no aura. However, this only worked in close combat.

He didn't need any MP to use Aura Manipulation, so he just kept doing it until he was mentally exhausted. He was far from exhausted and had only just begun his killing spree.


[You have killed a total of 146 goblins!]

[You have obtained the title: Goblin Slayer!]

[You have obtained 438 XP!]

[You have obtained 1,460 Player Points!]

[You have set a new record! You have received a reward from the Infinite Tower! - Please look in your inventory to be able to inspect the item.]

[You have triggered a Mystery Quest! - Kill the Goblin King!

Time: ∞

Reward: ???]


A slew of notifications flooded in front of him, and he quickly dealt with each and every one of them. He fought for an hour just to kill them all. They were quite persistent, but he still managed to complete the task.

"I guess I'll have to kill the king now-" he said, his vision blurring. He also felt extremely heavy for the first time in his life. He was unable to stand on his own and fell to his knees.

"What's....happening....-" He couldn't keep standing on his knees and fell to the ground, his face on the ground.

He immediately passed out as a result of everything that had just happened to him. That is self-evident. He worked out, couldn't move properly, had to kill to survive, and kept doing so until he was safe.

He would fall asleep the moment he closed his eyes and sleep for days, if not weeks, before waking up.


Meanwhile, in a completely different location.

The room was completely dark, with no light filtering in. There are no windows or even a door to pass through. It was just a dark room with one oval but a massive table in the middle.

If you looked closely, you could see a total of 13 chairs under the table. Three sat on each side of the table, with the rest in the center. The entire room was occupied by those 13 enigmatic individuals.

Someone sat in each chair. Someone whose face was hidden from view. Some wore a veil, while others didn't mind because the darkness covered their entire face and body.

"We haven't sat there in a long time," The room was filled with the sound of a hoarse voice. It was the first person to speak in this otherwise silent room.

"This is the first time we've had a meeting in this room in an eon." He went on. "Right, my brothers and sisters?"

The moment the man began speaking, the quiet room was filled with murderous intent.

They quickly ceased their murderous intent and calmed down. They remained silent as before, waiting for something to happen.

"Please hurry up and explain why we had to come here. We have more important things to do than waste time here." A female voice spoke up. Even though you couldn't see her face, it sounded irritated.

The others simply stared at the man and waited for him to speak, as if he were the group's leader. The man closed his eyes for a second before quickly opening them again, this time with a more serious expression, and said the following words, which shocked everyone in the room.

"The Infinite Tower has returned."