"This world shall be cleansed of pain," Nagato said, flying above the world. "But before that, people need to experience it." - https://discord.gg/3D4dPgH4Vk
"That's impossible." Thor's anger subsided, his legs growing weak. Mjolnir was a weapon destined to be wielded by the Gods. How could it ever be lifted by a mortal? 'No way... is he truly worthy?'
"It's truly a remarkable weapon. However, it seems to have some permanent attachment to you." Nagato's cheeks rose upwards, Mjolnir trying to unsuccessfully leave his hand. It seemed to have a soul of its own. "A pity, but I will return it back."
Nagato extended his hand behind his back and, infusing a tremendous amount of power, threw Mjolnir back at the startled God. He tried and failed to resist the superimposed force behind the weapon as he was sent off flying out of the building.
Natasha gulped heavily at the sight, taking a step back. She was wrong... so wrong. Even Gods can't do anything against this monster. All her instincts told her to run, but she pressed her nerves and stayed.
"Jarvis, how long till it's ready?" Tony asked loudly, regarding the approaching man. His eyes gleamed with killing intent. Damn, this person truly seemed like some ancient god, unlike those two brothers.
"There is no use in resistance, just hand over the cube." Nagato didn't feel too encouraged to talk anymore. There was no use in explaining his plans to those pebbles. He extended his hands towards the Tesseract. However, a crimson armored figure blocked the way.
Tony, equipped with the new prototype, acted immediately as multiple missiles formed through the aggregate of his body. In an instant, all of them were sent off towards Nagato.
"Almighty push." Nagato's body excluded an immense amount of pressure, forcing all the missiles to explode in the air. Smoke covered every bit of Nagato's sight.
'So that's their plan.' Nagato remained in the same position, closing his eyes. He has already predicted such a turn of events, so he placed his invisible summon in the room's corner before the beginning of the battle.
Soon, Nagato opened his eyes and turned west. Bullets shot through the smoke, flying not so accurately. Nagato grabbed the black rod underneath his sleeve and blocked the incoming bullet with ease.
As five seconds passed, Nagato used the Almighty Push anew. The smoke dissipated through the cracks in the window and a loud thud echoed through the room.
Looking around, Nagato noticed Natasha leaning against the wall in the corner. Her costume was ripped apart from the little pieces of glass, revealing blood underneath it.
Tessaract was settled on the ground beside her. However, Nagato didn't move an inch. "I already told you that resistance is futile. Just give up."
he said, looking outside of the building.
Thor lingered in the air just a few meters away, gleaming with an immense amount of electricity around him. His eyes turned blue as he directed all this energy at Nagato.
"Useless." Nagato greeted the incoming lightning with little worry. Instead of dodging or pushing it away as the avengers have predicted, Nagato actually absorbed the electricity. Thor regarded the scene with uncertainty, his eyes slowly turning normal again.
While Nagato was occupied with Thor's attack, Tony appeared from behind. His eyes shimmered with killing intent as he revealed a sharp piece of metal in his palm.
"Caught you." Nagato smiled intensely, a third hand forming on his back and ripping his coat apart. It grabbed Tony by the neck, catching him by surprise as he tried to fly away.
"What the hell-" Tony's throat swelled with pain, words not forming. His armor cracked as he reached out desperately. Natasha, noticing the gravity of the situation, shot the remaining bullets at the monster.
Nagato paid them no hindrance at all. His side unfolded into a peculiar-looking blade - not even one bullet could penetrate his skin. Natasha's weapon almost slipped out of her hands from the hysteria.
This person... truly looked nothing like a human anymore. Especially those eyes. They just screamed with eagerness to kill everyone in sight. The piercing yell from above interrupted Natasha's thoughts. Thor was flying perilously towards Nagato, Mjolnir extended forth. The electricity around has already diminished into nothingness.
"Once again, everything is useless," Nagato revealed a bunch of rods hidden beneath the coat, his expression indifferent. Suddenly, Tony and Thor felt incredible pressure descending upon them. They didn't even blink before they hit the nearest wall.
"Damn it." Thor flickered a few times in a frenzy, then tried to rush forth again. However, he felt power leaving his body rapidly. Glancing down, Thor noticed three black spikes sticking out of his body. He tried and ultimately failed to take them out, his eyes growing weary.
"I have warned you," Nagato said, looking incredibly imposing in Thor's eyes. Almost like his dad. That shouldn't be possible... how did a mortal gain such power.
'I will take care of them later.' Nagato inspected the remains of the building, noticing a woman crawling towards the staircase with difficulty. Blood enveloped her body. Nagato felt no pity at all, only disgust. She was already in such a state, yet she still held onto the Tesseract.
"Enough." Nagato walked towards her quietly, followed by the exhausted eyes of every avenger in the room. They shouted, struggled to force these rods out of their bodies, but it was all futile.
"Your name was Natasha, right?" Nagato stopped just beside her as she hauled to a stop. Her eyes sparkled with fright. "Do you know why I left you alive back there?" he asked, grabbing her by the hair and lifting her into the air.
"Ahh..." Natasha struggled to get away, yet Nagato didn't pay her any recognition. "It's quite simple, actually." Nagato continued, his eyes suddenly turning terribly dangerous. "Because I knew I could kill you whenever I wanted."
With that, Nagato's forearm formed into a blade as he drilled it straight through Natasha's stomach. She strived to stay awake, but it was truly hopeless this time.
"Bastard," Natasha mumbled one last time, before falling into the corral of death. Nagato glanced at her one last time, then he simply released her to fall against the ground.
A moment later, the blood of an avenger spread through the floor like a river. Thor and Tony, though stung by the rods, were beaming with unimaginable fury. Yes... they need to feel that despair.
"What a peculiar power." Nagato retracted his eyes from the woman, finally settling his attention on the shining Tesseract. From up close, it looked even more majestic.
Nagato reached out and grabbed the cube. Immediately, he felt an endless power spreading through his veins. It seemed as if the entire world has opened up to him. Truly remarkable.
Nagato ingested his own powers into the cube, however, frowned at what followed. Torturing pain passed through his skin, and Nagato's 'chakra' disappeared after just a second.
He spared the avengers one last glance, the pain still clear in their eyes. Good. Unfortunately, Nagato wouldn't have the ability to kill them right now, but at least they have felt that despair. Even if it's just for a moment.
As Nagato felt the last bit of his body going numb, his eyes fell into perpetual darkness. Soon, he disappeared from the scene, leaving all the avengers on the brink of death.