
告诉我为什么 告诉我


RecklessInsanity · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs


''is not going to the beach prohibited'' said by ethan as they walk

''who knows what is going on teacher mind'' by issac as he walks Infront of them

as he looks at sun as the other two also looked at sun

''don't ask me''

''oh, come on sun, if you know you can tell us''

''it is a secret'' said by sun as in his though ''i have no clue myself ''

as they started hearing the sound of the water crashing sound as they saw the beach..

The frothy, blue green saltwater crashes into the setting sun reflected. shoreline in waves, then gently rolls up to the increasingly rising tide line. The wave stops as it reaches the tide line and slowly rolls back into the. churning ocean water. This relaxing rhythm of continuous lapping waves is.

''it's beautiful'' said by sun as he looked at it

''come on let's go'' said by issac as he started to run

as ethan let out a small laugh'' let's go''

as they were cooling their foot in the water as the waves comes and go.

sun was going ahead as he touched the boat as they were several old boats as he looked in front as he pointed as the other three was looking at sun.

''humans. There lived humans''

as sun was looking at it, issac throw waters at him as sun looked at sun

''are you'' throws water again as sun started throwing water as both of them started throwing water as they were playing, the water also got to cato and ethan as they too join..they laugh as they enjoy doing it but after a while sun was throwing it all of them too fast, they joined together at throwing water at sun as sun was getting overwhelmed by them, he started to lift the boat as he was ready to throw the boat at them as they all ran away as sun let the boat on the water as he laughs..

''guys'' scream by issac

as they started heading where issac was screaming

''ah this is?'' said by ethan

''it doesn't look like us at all'' said by issac

''it's-it's a human''

''you are right sun''

''human?'' said by both ethan and issac together as they look together and then look at sun and cato

''it is really a human''

''guys, i think we should go back and bring the elder here before this human wakes up'' said by ethan

''oh, Ethan you scare''


''you scare of a human?'' said as he let out a small laugh ''i can handle this human just fine by myself''

''what if he wakes up, sun'' said by issac

''oh, i will just defeat him then'' said as he smiles at it

as they were talking, cato looked around to see if there is any other than this.

''let's just tie him around the tree first guys'' said by cato

''let's do that since ethan is so afraid'' said by sun as he looked at ethan

''i am not afraid, sun'' scream as he looked at sun.

''oh, come on let it go ethan, you know how he is'' said by issac to ethan as he pat his shoulder

as the human was now starting to open his eyes as three of them looked at him..

as the human then broke the things, they tie him to as he was now in fighting stance as he looked at them as his four fingers indicate come at me.

as they were confused on what to do, sun went ahead and started charging at him as he dodges it and kick him at his stomach, but sun too dodge it as he looked at him.

as sun was now walking towards him slowly as sun was over 7ft tall at age 14 as he looked down at him as they both stared at each other.

as sun back round kick him but he block it with his hand as sun jump front kick as he was push away a little as sun was walking towards him as the human was now finally started to punch sun but sun dodge it as went on his back as he grab his body but he started stomping on sun foot and using his elbow to hit his stomach as sun let go of him as he started to punch sun stomach as sun grab both of his hand as he was lifting him up but he started to kick right at sun face as he let go of it as move a bit away..

''this.'' said as he looked at the human angrily

''one of us should go and get the elder here'' said by ethan

''no, that won't be necessary'' said by cato as he moved toward the human

''teacher, that's you''


''i figure out that it is indeed you teacher''


''it is just too strange of a day for you to ask us to come first and then just finding a human and plus if he was a really a human, there could be another human as well since they never come here alone even if one did come alone or get separate he would have use his power which he has not used at all as he is very calm in this situation where there is three of us and who knows more''

''impressive as always cato with this knowledge''

''and one ability that we have is the ability to transform into human oh well looks like human''

''it is indeed true that i am your teacher'' said as he transforms back.

''no wonder why i was having a hard time'' said by sun as he looked

''you did good there'' said by his teacher

''so, why did you do this'' said by issac

''well i want to show you how humans look and want to see how you react''

as he was walking, '' come on i will teach you guys''

as they all follow up.