

Why are you afraid of the Apocalypse When you can become the Apocalypse! ******** It's the Galactic era, and homo sapiens has reached perfection through genetic engineering and nanotechnology. Before War became their future, before it became all of their futures, earth was a peaceful place... Well not really, or so they thought. And then, the elven Gods of another universe know as the Devourer's decided they wanted to play a game. They wanted power. They wanted the ASTRA point of all creation.... They wanted EARTH. And so they brought death, They brought pain, and suffering and loss unlike any other as humanity died in the millions. But they brought magic and the system. Something their technologies couldn't comprehend. However, a boy was born through sacrilege. A priest for a father. A succubus for a mother. He was taken away by the government authorities and was placed under inspection and intensive experimentation. He was hated by the already- perishing humanity for a crime he never committed. When he finally breaks free from the shackles of his captors, will humanity be able to face his wrath? Either he destroys those who brought the unending doom on humanity or watch the world burn in flames while he stands at the center was his choice to make....

Celestial_prince · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Evolved Arachnids

Suddenly, they saw a flicker of light in the distance. It grew brighter and brighter until it became a blinding, white-hot flame. They both squinted, shielding their eyes from the brightness. As the flame died down, they saw that it was a fighter jet, hovering in mid-air. Its wingspan was impressive, and the roar of the engines was deafening.

Magnus watched, mesmerized, as the jet swooped down toward the monsters. It fired a barrage of missiles at them, each one exploding on impact, sending the monsters flying backward. The creatures were momentarily stunned, giving the jet an opportunity to unleash another round of missiles at them. This time, the monsters were obliterated into pieces.

The jet landed on the tarmac. As it did so, Magnus caught sight of a man wearing black armor emerging from its belly.

The man emerged from the jet with a determined stride, his head held high and his eyes scanning the area around him. Dressed in his military uniform, he carried himself with confidence and authority, as if he was born to lead. He was flanked by a group of soldiers, all of whom were armed and ready for action.

Despite the tense atmosphere, the man appeared calm and collected. There was a slight hint of concern in his eyes, but it was clear that he was in complete control of the situation. As he walked towards them, his posture exuded a sense of purpose, inspiring confidence in those around him.

The soldiers behind him moved with precision and discipline, their weapons at the ready. They watched his every move, following his lead without question. It was clear that this man had earned the respect of his troops through his dedication and skill.

"Captain Galen Nightshade of the special force operation" His voice sounded with great conviction as he extended his arms towards magnus' Father.

"Save the crap for another day. Who are you and what do you want?" his father replied coldly.

"Is that your way of paying back gratitude? Well, we have intelligence suggesting that the planet's surface was affected by a powerful radiation source. We've tracked the source of the radiation to its source and identified that it was something out of the ordinary. Supernatural I'd rather say." his voice had become more serious.

"All hands are on deck to resolve this issue, trust me".

"Resolve which issue? This? Magnus'father pointed out incredulously.

"And what does that have to do with me? he asked.

"No, not you, but your son," Captain Galen responded calmly. Magnus felt a jolt in his chest when his father turned to look at him.

"We have been keeping a close eye on all the children born into this world. Especially those whose genetic code is unusual. Now we are facing a global catastrophe, don't you think it's time we take advantage of it? And yes, before you may call me sir or Captain or whatever you please, just keep in mind that this is my job". he paused for a moment, studying them.

"Seize him," Captain Galen ordered his men.

Magnus'father tried to fight back, Two soldiers grabbed him and dragged him away. One of his guards grabbed hold of the boy, pushing him forward. As the soldiers marched Magnus through the wreckage left behind by the monster fight, the boy looked back and saw his father being restrained.

"No!! !" he shouted, struggling against his captors.

"You can't take him! You can't!"

Magnus struggled harder.

"Leave him alone! Leave my son alone!"

His struggles didn't seem to be having any effect. He knew his father was trying hard to break free from the soldiers, but the restraint placed on his arm made it impossible for him to do anything.

While they all ignored their pleas, they also failed to notice that some meters away from them were Insectoids in their numbers, running furiously toward them.

{Incoming threat detected. I repeat incoming....}

Before one of the soldiers could finish his announcement over the comms, the insectoid horde had reached them. They swarmed all over the Soldier, immobilizing his limbs. Their mandibles wrapped tightly around his body like a steel cocoon. In less than a few moments, they would have him entirely encased, and there would be no escape.

His screams, however, seemed to get the message across as more of his comrades joined in the attack, shooting, defending, and retreating toward the jet.

Soon his screams faded into whimpers. His life ebbed away, leaving only his bloodstained bones as evidence that he ever existed.

"Towards the jet! Protect the boy and me!! Hurry!! Move!!" Captain Galen Nightshade screamed.

One soldier broke from the group and rushed to his captain's side while his men formed a defensive ring around them.

The remaining guards surrounded them like another protective layer, aiming their pistols at the surrounding monsters and shooting as quickly as possible.

The air filled with the cacophonous sound of gunfire and explosions, as bullets and shrapnel rained down on the evolved insects below.

The insectoids continued their assault even after a volley of fire reduced them to nothing but a pile of scrap flesh and ash. They advanced relentlessly toward them.

"Get inside the ship, now!"

The captain, Magnus, and a few of the soldiers managed to get to the jet.

"Wait, my father is still out there" Magnus pointed at his father who was being dragged by one of the soldiers while the other one shot at the swarm, trying to deter them enough for them to get away.

"Please help them." he pleaded desperately."

The captain gave Magnus a disappointing sigh.

"There's nothing anyone can do at this point," he told him sadly."The enemies are too many for us, and they are too strong. We're outnumbered three times over."

"That doesn't mean you should leave him to die!" Magnus protested.

{Prepare to take off} the captain said over his communicator.

As the jet lifted from the ground, Magnus' father looked up, tears streaming down his face. A small smile played on his lips.

Before the hatch of the jet could close completely, Magnus reached for his father, screaming "Wait!"

Before his father could react, one out of the horde of insectoids launched itself toward the soldiers who were protecting him and yanked them aside. Before they could shoot, thousands of the evolved Arachnids descended onto them, crushing the soldiers beneath their bodies, and reducing them to a bloody pulp.

Magnus watched in horror as one of these monster-like spiders popularly known as "Black widow", used its right mandible and pierced through his father's left chest.

The creature dabbled with his heart and pulled it out. With a flick, the chunk of red meat shot through the air and plunged deep into the creature's mouth. It let go of his father's limp body and he sank to his knees, crumpling under his own weight.

The soldiers tried to shoot from above, but the spider was faster and dodged everything they threw at it, using its mandibles like a whip.

Magnus watched as the place became swarmed with various mutated animals and insects likewise.

"Goodbye, father" Magnus' voice whispered as everything surrounding him went black.

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