
『Vampirification』〔BloodCore Evolution〕

The majestic tale of a human who became a vampire. ___ Cain found himself reincarnated in a family of Vampires. In this world of monsters, he felt like a bug. Sense of unbelonging engulfed him. However, it all changed when he awakened one of the most potent 'Core' within the Bloodborne family. Due to the 'Core', he gained power, respect and fame. But often, prosperity reveals the true nature of a man. And Cain was a scum at his core. On Earth, he was born in an affluent family. He would flaunt his wealth in high school and bully others to feel superior. The more he lived, the more supercilious he got until he died at the age of 30 and reincarnated here. However, everything comes at a price. The price of his flaws and sins came in the form of a 200-year solitude. Cain got captured and chained down inside a cell. For 200 years, they tortured him and extracted his blood. Those years he deeply contemplated and realized the worthlessness of his life. Thus, awakening the true nature of his Bloodcore and returned to his adolescent vampire years. Once again, he shall walk a path, not as a petty human. But as a larva seeking to become a true Majestic Vampire. ____ And I shall strive towards becoming a great author and giving birth to some glorious fantasies. So, rate and comment on the novel to help and support me on my quest. I shall always welcome any form of criticism and pieces of advice.

DefileAbyss · Thành thị
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2 Chs

Chapter 0002「Commandments」

After obtaining the scarlet eyes, he exited the labyrinth and returned to the garden.

From the garden, he could see the colossal walls--made from crimson rocks and river gold plating--surrounding the mansion of the Bloodbournes. And right after the walls, the extensive estate.

He recalled the memories from his past. After he had killed the Snow Wolf, he severed its head and carried it with him. The 'Core' awakening changed something within him. As even he did not realize the reasons behind his subsequent actions.

The Bloodborne family had organized a monumental family gathering that day. Cain barged in that gathering by breaking the door with a kick. Still holding the wolf's severed head in his hand.

And he himself drenched in blood.

This had made him stand out. Everyone in that room had sensed the boldness of his actions and power emanating from his newly awakened 'Core'.

One of the family heads, Davorin Bloodborne, had taken a keen interest within Cain after his incident. Thus, his journey of rising to power had begun.

At present, Cain had no interest in evolving through that route.

Cain stood over 1.6 meters tall. Compared to his other siblings of the same age, he was relatively short. But, there still remained plenty of time to grow.

In his room, he took a shower and got dressed. He wore dark pants with a black and red overcoat,

Looking into the mirror, he realized the colour of his Scarlet eyes had dimmed a bit. But, it made sense as it had been a while since he drank blood.

He left the room. The halls and pathways were desolate as most family members had left for the banquet, and servants were busy preparing that banquet.

The gathering was held in the main household mansion. Currently, he was in the house of pupils—the house where all the young members of Bloodbourne were raised and trained.

Cain halted before a room and slammed it open.

"My, my. Invading my office without even a knock. How rude," said the man who sat behind the desk by the window. His eyes sparkled like a glistering wild strawberry, while his black hair remained undisturbed by the wind rushing through the window.

He was Stalin Bloodbourne. The eldest of the Bloodbourne siblings. He was the type of man who had no interest in social events.

The responsibility of raising the 32 siblings of the Bloodbourne Family rested on his shoulders.

"That's not how a gentleman enters a room—" Stalin paused as his eyes shifted from the book he held to Cain's eyes. "So, finally your eyes are the same colour as ours."

"The inheritance. I have decided which one I want," said Cain, as he walked closer

"The snow wolf—" Stalin closed the book in his hand, "Did you kill it?"

Cain's eyes narrowed as he noticed the attempt to change the subject.

"I didn't," Cane said firmly."The dire wolf has nothing to do with the inheritance,"

Stalin chuckled. "Indeed it doesn't. But do you know, why children are advised to kill the dire wolves right at age of 12?"

"I've no regard for it whatsoever,"

Stalin ignored Cain's words. He stood up, "The dire wolf raised for an individual has to get killed by that very individual" He walked across the table, "The sooner you kill, the more of the privileges you get. However, that is not the only reason" He circled Cain while speaking, "Vampire progress through age and gradual evolution. However, dire wolves. They evolve overnight. One day, they would be fragile enough to get killed with a little touch. Next day, they would be strong enough to devour a hound." The mannerism of his speech was extremely fast and monotonous. "But no one can predict when they will evolve. So, it is advised to kill the direwolf during its infancy years, before it can reach the age of 16. Otherwise—" Cane interrupted, "As I said, I have no regard, whatsoever" Their eyesights met.

Stalin shrugged, "I thought as the elderly I should share some interesting facts. But well," He returned to his chair, "Now, then you said inheritance. Young ones cannot be blamed for being naive and full of themselves, but sure can get scolded for making stupid decisions" The look in his eyes turned cold, "And that, dear Cain, is a very stupid decision."

"Still, it's my decision," said Cain, "The Archconstitution states, 'If any decision made, no matter the age or gender, doesn't defy the Laws of Vampire Order. Then, it shall not be denied'"

"Indeed, one is allowed to take part in the Inheritance Avenue once they obtain Scarlet eyes. However, only a fool would take part without even being 100 years old. Our ancestors spread the inheritance throughout different realms under crypts and dungeons. You won't even make it past the—" Cane interrupted, "I won't go to any crypts or dungeons."

Stalin flinched.

"The Valley of Alchemists," said Cain. "That's the path I'll follow."

From the open window, a red-eyed bat entered and rested on Stalin's shoulders.

"You know there were many like you", Stalin brew a cold smile, "A vampire shall only seek the inheritance left by the ancestors once. One chance was all they had. They presumed, as the inheritance was buried somewhere within a civilization, and not the crypts or dungeons, where monsters rested. They thought they would be safe. And they were safe. But no one ever found the inheritance, as there was none."

That was not true. The inheritance did exist. Right after ten years, the inheritance would get discovered. That would lead the vampires to start a war with all other races. That was the very war where Cain got captured. In a way, that inheritance played a vital role in ruing Cain's past life. However, it also gave Cain a chance. A chance to think. Within the solitude, Cain repeatedly thought about his life—the number of opportunities he had received, the number of times he failed to seize those opportunities.

What would have happened if he had made an alternate decision?

What would have happened if he had taken the untaken path?

What would have happened if he had handled certain situations in a different manner?

He repeatedly thought about such things. And now, he sought to do everything in his power to obtains those missed opportunities.

"Should I fail I'm prepared to face the consequences. And my decision shall not change," Cain said with adamant eyes.

Stalin's eyes narrowed, "Such a troublesome situation." he whispered. Few more bats came by the window. Some rested on Stalin's thighs, some on his head.

"Let's wait till the banquet's over, and discuss this with-" Cain interrupted, "Among us, there are a total of 33 siblings. And I happen to be the one least favourite. None of the family heads would care for my decision"

Stalin held one of the bats in his hands, "I certainly cannot deny that statement. But don't come crying if you fail to rise in ranks due to lack of resources."

A swarm of bats gathered around Stalin's hand. After a moment, they flew away by the window. However, now, on his hand was a sealed paper, folded in a cylindrical manner.

Stalin's sighed. "It's bothersome, but mandatory that I read this before I send you outside this realm."

Cain flinched. It was the commandments. One of the things he despised the most.

"So, Under the Archconstitution. Following the Laws of the Vampire Order. The following commandments shall be engraved within your heart."

—Under any circumstance, should you get captured by any Race other than your own. And your mind shall realize your helplessness. Your heart shall get strangled by the Law, and all samples of your blood, bones and flesh shall get evaporated.

—During the Inheritance Avenue, should you find any weapons, medicines, magical beast eggs, or techniques. Then, by the Law, you obtain your right over them. However, should you discover any blood reminiscent of PureBlood Vampire or any Vampire higher than your generation. Then, by the Law, you're prohibited from consuming, contaminating or hiding the sample

—During your expedition outside the Vampire Province, should you discover anything outside the Inheritance Avenue, then by Law, the discovered property should be handed to the respective Family Heads.

—During your expedition outside the Vampire Province, should you turn anyone else into a vampire or conduct experiments on other Races. Then, by Law, you're required to provide the full detail and the found results of your experiment.

—During Inheritance Avenue, should you come in physical contact with an opposite-gender of any other race. Then, by Law, female vampires shall be executed in case of a pregnancy. Male vampires shall kill the mate they impregnated and hand over the corpse to their respective family heads.

—During Inheritance Avenue, should you attempt to leak any information about the Vampire Provinces. Then by Law, you shall get tortured for 500 years, then undergo another 500 years of rehabilitation in solitude. If the results of rehabilitation are deemed unsatisfactory, you shall get executed

—During Inheritance Avenue, should you go after an inheritance other than the one you initially choose. Then by Law, you shall get executed by hellfire.

—During Inheritance Avenue, should you exceed the time limit of your quest. Then by Law, you lose the privilege to compete in any further rank ascension. And any one of your blood relatives shall gain the liberty to devour your 'Core'.

﹝Time Limit: Before the finalization of 12 stages of Vampirification﹞

Right after, Stalin completed reciting the last line. Cain felt a strange sense of strangulation within his heart. It was the sign that the commandments had been fully engraved in his heart.

"Now, I bid you farewell, dear brother," said Stalin with a light smile.

A swarm of bats entered through the window. They all circled Cain.

Rain poured down along with thunder from the black clouds. The forest grounds got drenched.

The wind brushed past many trees and leaves. And somewhere along with those winds, a swarm of bats swirled.

As the bats dissipated, a man stepped onto the ground.

[Foreign Environment detected]

Cain felt a sense of suffocation the moment he landed on the ground.

[Adjusting to the Environment Change]

Vampires possessed a unique type of body. From birth, they would possess monstrous senses and instincts. However, to live every day with such heightened senses would be strenuous and unpleasant. Hence, over time the new generation of vampires developed a safety lock. From birth, their true senses would be suppressed. This safety lock helped Vampires enter a Normal State and live more freely. This state became instinctual. However, with time, they would have to learn to control their senses on their own. And create their own various forms while adapting to new conditions.

Cain's body had never left the Vampire Province in this life. And now, when for the first time, he faced a sudden change in the atmospheric pressure, air density, gravitational pull and other foreign factors.

His body experienced a change.

Some of his senses suddenly dulled. He lost the sense of smell and vision. However, the sense of hearing heightened to the extreme.

He used his arms to cover both of his ears. His face frowned, as every time a raindrop poured, it was loud like a drumbeat up close. And every moment, countless raindrops poured, leaves fluttered, branches broke, insects cried and flapped their wings. He heard them all.

Being a vampire, his eardrums could handle the noise. However, it was a strain on his mind. This had happened to him, even in the past life, when he first left the Vampire Province.

He had struggled for days before finally adjusting his body in the past. But in this life, he was prepared.

He took two long breaths. Little by little, he began to cancel out the noises. He concentrated on just one out of the countless drops—the one drop, which fell on a tree and flowed towards a leaf. And dropped from the fluttering leaf to the ground. Then, drifted along with the grasses on the soil.

While concentrating on that drop, he tried to cancel out the other noises

After a while, he gently opened his eyes. Little by little, his vision returned.

Soon, he could even smell the freshness of the forest.

[Adjustment Successful]

[New State: Normal State-II][Successfully Created]

For a while he just embraced the rain, then took a long breath. As it was finally the time to start a new phase in this life.

The very first arc will begin from the next chapter.

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