
『Reborn Prodigy: My Supreme Sword Art Is Undefeated In Another World』

Once an ordinary individual, he now wields a sword that has claimed countless lives. And now, he lies among them. Having expended every ounce of strength within his body, it was time for him to succumb to sleep. He pondered why he felt such overwhelming exhaustion. Never before had he experienced such weariness. So why now? Why did the overwhelming urge to sleep and discomfort consume him? His mind urged him to rest. Though he had emerged from the battle unscathed, fatigue seized his body. He could no longer even lift a finger. At that moment, he reassured himself that it was acceptable to rest. Without any wounds to tend to, slumber couldn't hurt. Even as the world blurred into shades of crimson, rest remained imperative. And before he knew it, his eyes had closed. And thus began the slumber from which they never reopened. This is the story of the strongest swordsman, reborn in an apocalyptic world as the cast-off son of the Duchess.

frill_llow · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: The Unfamilliar Feeling

Lux examined his own body, noticing how skinny and weak he appeared. His limbs lacked muscle, and even swinging a sword caused his arms to tremble, rendering his techniques feeble.


"What happened to my once strong physique and muscular frame?" Lux pondered.


Initially, he had disregarded these bodily changes while engaged in combat, but witnessing them now left him bewildered. He couldn't find any logical explanation for such a sudden transformation, no matter how much time he was given.


This unexplainable phenomenon raised unsettling thoughts in Lux's mind, leading him to a sudden realization, akin to a thunderbolt.


"Perhaps... I am possessing this kid's body," Lux muttered, his voice barely audible, as memories flooded back to him. "Did that individual take advantage of my situation to employ the soul possession technique on me?"


"Soul possession" was not a foreign concept in Lux's world. With the presence of a heavenly demon who had mastered this technique, it had spread fear throughout the martial arts world. The technique allowed the user to take control of someone else's body at the cost of their mental and physical well-being. Countless lives had been lost due to this destructive technique, which corrupted and destroyed the mind of its targets.


The top ten sects in the martial arts world had invested considerable resources and effort into deciphering and combating this technique due to the havoc it wreaked on their communities. The cost and effort required to find a way to cure and destroy this technique were incalculable.


Lux himself had encountered someone possessed by the soul possession technique in the past, catching him off guard. This recent situation had caught him completely unprepared.


"I thought the heavenly demon was dead, but was he truly alive all this time, preparing to launch a surprise attack?" Lux seethed with anger, recalling the heavenly demon's defeat at his hands, followed by his decapitation.


"Your technique surpassed mine. The title of the strongest man in this world belongs to you," the heavenly demon had admitted defeat.


"I should have buried his body hundreds of meters underground," Lux cursed the heavenly demon under his breath, lamenting his previous actions.


"Fuck you! Don't involve me in your stupidity," a voice resounded from somewhere, unheard by anyone in this world.


Given his knowledge and experience, Lux could only come to the conclusion that the soul possession technique was the most plausible explanation for the strange occurrences he was facing, rather than simple reincarnation.


"I've heard that only the user of the technique can possess the body of their target. I didn't sense anything before my soul was transferred here. Did the heavenly demon enhance this technique during his absence from the martial arts world?" Lux trembled at the thought.


However, at that moment, memories of the body's previous owner flooded into Lux's mind, cascading like an everlasting waterfall.


"What in the world is happening?" Lux questioned, as he experienced a flurry of scenarios and piercing pain in his brain.


Overwhelmed by impulsive memories and the all-consuming focus on his current situation, Lux's body gradually weakened and collapsed.


But before succumbing entirely, he instinctively drove his sword into the ground, symbolizing his refusal to give up.


Meanwhile, Azu and his wife observed this bizarre spectacle before them, their confusion apparent.


"What even is this?" Azu wondered. "Is this truly the grandson of that man? A moment ago he was fighting against us, and now he's like this? This kid is no different from a madman." Azu couldn't help but contemplate the circumstances that had led to this moment.


This peculiar and nonsensical behavior perplexed them. They couldn't comprehend how these events unfolded or make sense of the situation.


"He's unconscious," Ishary calmly informed her husband.


After closely observing Lux's strange behavior, Ishary was the first to notice certain abnormalities when she looked into his eyes. Relying on her previous medical experience and activating "The Eye of the Mystery," she confirmed that Lux had indeed lost consciousness. She decided to share this information with her husband.


"What?" Azu replied, his voice filled with confusion.


Ishary proceeded to explain Lux's condition step by step. "His mental state is extremely severe. His brain is experiencing intense pain, as if needles are continuously piercing through it due to an overwhelming surge of energy. If this continues, the pain will soon spread throughout his entire body. His brain is currently focused on restoring a normal energy flow and minimizing any further damage."


"What?" Azu exclaimed in shock. "But how can he still be standing, holding that sword in a battle-ready stance?" Azu questioned, his mind overwhelmed by this complicated and perplexing situation.


Ishary nodded in agreement. She understood her husband's confusion, as she herself couldn't fully comprehend how Lux had suddenly entered this state. She could only speculate that it was related to his earlier strange behavior.


However, Ishary failed to realize that the energy she referred to was the result of the original Lux's memories incessantly imprinting themselves into his mind.


After contemplating for a moment, Ishary concluded, "Given his unconscious state, I believe his current actions are driven by muscle memory and instinct."


"I see. In that case, we must stop him before things escalate further," Azu stated, seemingly less overwhelmed by the situation now.


Ishary nodded in agreement. "You distract him while I restrain him using my magic."


Without wasting any more time, the two quickly reached a silent agreement and prepared to take action.


Azu swiftly positioned his daughter safely aside, assuming a battle stance as he channeled his strength into his sword. With determination, he lunged forward.


In the blink of an eye, Azu appeared directly in front of Lux, swinging his sword without hesitation. However, contrary to everyone's expectations, when the sword was about to pierce Lux's skin, both the sword and Azu's body disappeared, only to reappear behind Lux.


Azu's right hand aimed to strike Lux's neck, intending to render him unconscious. As his hand neared its target, Azu felt a light tap on his chest—a tap from Lux's palm.


"When did he do that?" Azu wondered.


Uncertain of the reason, his instincts urged him to immediately retreat. But, alas, it was already too late.


Lux's entire being radiated a brilliant golden glow.


Before Azu could comprehend the unfolding spectacle, an intense energy, akin to a colossal rock colliding with his body, surged forth from Lux's palm.


Bewildered, Azu witnessed an enormous golden palm materialize inexplicably obliterating his body and forcefully propelling him into a nearby wall.



 Once Azu's body collided with the wall, a tremendous explosion resounded through the air. The resulting smoke and dust filled the sky, while debris from the wall rained down around them.

Ishary stood frozen in shock, unable to articulate her thoughts. Her mouth hung open as she beheld the spectacle before her, something she had never witnessed in her entire life.

The sight was truly jaw-dropping, enough to leave anyone amazed upon seeing it for the first time.

From within the dense smoke, a voice emerged. "Ahh, that was refreshing... Copy technique: Shaolin 72 Arts, internal art Divine Buddha Palm," said Lux calmly.

As the smoke gradually dissipated, Lux's composed demeanor was revealed to Ishary.

Ishary found herself stunned and bewildered by the unexpected display of power, her astonishment only growing as she realized that there was no trace of mana in the technique. It was an energy, unlike anything she had ever encountered.

'What kind of technique was that? There is no mana emanating from it,' Ishary thought in disbelief. She had failed to notice earlier that all of Lux's techniques thus far had been devoid of mana.

In this world, mana was the life force that fueled magic, sword techniques, runes, and magical artifacts. It was the foundation upon which mages and warriors built their skills, allowing them to create and manipulate elements, as well as perform incredible feats.

Without mana, one's path to becoming a warrior or mage was essentially closed off.

Or so it was believed.

But Lux was different. He could create techniques, like the golden palm and sword techniques, without relying on mana. He possessed another method of channeling and harnessing energies, defying the established norms.

This revelation was not only shocking but had the potential to reshape the understanding of magic and combat for generations to come. And Ishary had the privilege of witnessing it firsthand.

Yet, amidst this awe-inspiring revelation, it was not the discovery itself that held Ishary's attention, but the person who had achieved it.

She looked at Lux with eyes filled with a mix of fascination, admiration, and something she couldn't quite put into words. Her emotions were tumultuous and unfamiliar, yet she knew she had to regain her composure for she is not that type of person.

After taking a deep breath to calm herself, Ishary spoke with a serious tone. "...that energy and your ability to overcome the excessive mana in your brain... What did you do?"

Observing her perplexed reaction, Lux instantly understood the underlying question and nodded knowingly. "Of course, it's not something easily comprehended, even when witnessed firsthand. This technique is one I've been honing since I was five," Lux responded with a fragile yet soft voice, discernible anger hidden beneath his words.

"Since you were five?" Ishary exclaimed, astonished by his revelation.

Ishary could feel the anger hidden within his words, though she could understand that, she chose to ignore it.

Seeing her reaction, Lux remained unfazed. He had fabricated this lie after regaining the memories of the previous Lux. He understood that Ishary's response was within his anticipated range.


Curiosity and uncertainty mingled within him. Was this world he found himself in real? or merely a construct born from the compassion and pity within his soul, shaped by the traumas of war? Regardless of the answer, his instincts urged him to maintain the façade and go along with the flow.

His lack of surprise reflected his decision. Lux let go of the notion of being ignorant in this situation.

During battle, a single miscalculated thought could lead to disaster. Lux, who had experienced countless battles, relied heavily on his instincts. Even if he stood on the precipice of uncertainty, he saw no harm in accepting the reality presented before him.

This was the path Lux had chosen.

Continuing his explanation, Lux added, "As for the surplus energy in my mind, it was an unintended consequence of hastily utilizing my power for the first time in a desperate situation. I briefly lost consciousness, and it was sort of a miracle that I managed to regain control."

"I see," Ishary replied, finally understanding the reasoning behind Lux's strange behavior earlier, though she remained speechless.

Gifted individuals were rare, especially among the nobility. How many prodigies could match Lux's accomplishments at such a young age, particularly considering his partially crippled mana core? Despite this setback, he had found another way to become a formidable warrior, relying on his knowledge and understanding.

Truly, he was an extraordinary talent, a one-in-a-century marvel.

Ishary pondered. Having an immense comprehension of magic, swordsmanship, and artifacts is required to be regarded as a genius. It was an undeniable truth that intelligence played a vital role in learning and comprehension. Without sufficient intelligence, the road to becoming a powerful warrior, especially for mages who needed to discern intricate magic patterns, would be long and arduous.

However, these assumptions held true only for those who clung to the knowledge passed down by their ancestors, blind to the possibility of alternative methods of channeling energy.

Lux, unburdened by past knowledge, had discovered a unique approach to fuse various energies with his sword on his own without the help of other people.

"A truly remarkable discovery," Ishary whispered to herself.

But just then...

A voice cut through the air, shattering the silence. "So, speak!" said a man standing behind Lux, his tone laced with authority and menace ignoring the presence of other people.

Lux immediately felt a sharp, eerie sensation around his neck, accompanied by an overwhelming aura of intimidation. As he turned his gaze, he saw an old man, approximately sixty years old, donning the same emblem as Lux on his uniform. The old man held a sword, its edge ominously close to Lux's neck.

'this person is... Felix Vin V Dracar.' Lux muttered.