
Chapter 3

Next day, i was still feeling bad that i yelled at him, i went school thinking that if i met him i will apologize, i tried to find him during lunch time but i cant find him. School is over now i packed my bag when i get out of class room i saw him standing there with my umbrella, i get there for him, i said "hey!" he turned to me and said " h-hey" he hand me my umbrella and said " thank you " and then i think its my chance to apologize, i apologize to him for yelling, he was confused and then he said " no-no...its fine.. its been a while that someone yelled at me.." i was shocked then he said " i think I should go now...i have to make lunch for my siblings ", i said " huh? you made lunch for you siblings?" he said "yeah...because my mom is sick...my dad stays with her in next town" i was just.. just so confused then he said " i am late , i should go " he start walking, i said " wait! what is your name? " he turned with a smile and said "Kazuma Mitsuki , may i know your name? " i said " Yume Nakahara " , he walked away he was still smiling.

I went home Akiko was making lunch then she said " Yume...lunch is ready " i went to eat lunch after that i start studying....