


Approaching the other group took Emery and his companions several minutes. As per Jinkan's request, they were fully prepared, brimming with anticipation and determination as they drew nearer to their destination.

Jinkan led the Amrhiks group alongside the Proxima head, their combined forces heading directly for the Celestial temple. As they closed in on their objective, a group of 50 magus, dressed in a bewildering array of outfits that seemed like a combination of three or four different group, rushed out from the temple area to welcome them.

Emery's group, numbering 20 magus, now found themselves facing off against these rogue magus, the group of 50. The numbers were certainly in favor of the rogue magus, but upon seeing who they were confronting, a noticeable hesitation swept across their expressions.

After all, the majority of these rogue magus were mere crescent moon level, with some only at the new moon stage. There were ten of them who had reached the half moon stage, offering a somewhat higher level of expertise, but there were no Full moon magus that could challenge them.

In the midst of this tense standoff, Jinkan took a casual step forward, her commanding presence asserting itself. She spoke with authority, addressing the assembled group of rogue magus, "Who is the leader here?" Her inquiry hung in the air, prompting a momentary pause as they awaited a response.

Three of the half moon magus, seemingly the highest-ranking among the group, took a step forward, each displaying distinct reactions to the confrontation. Of the three, the one who exuded the greatest aura of strength and confidence locked his gaze onto Jinkan. With a faint smile and a respectful bow, he introduced himself, "I am the leader here; my name is Rolo. You must be one of the Nephilim nobles."

As Rolo spoke, Emery cast his gaze upon the man and, using the device provided by Jinkan, received a stream of information. The device's display illuminated with details about this enigmatic figure:

[Rolo Eopa]

[Magus Realm: Half Moon Magus]

[Battle Power: 385]

[Soul Force: 228]

[Law of Light - 2%]

[Law of Fire - 21%]

Additionally, the device provided information about Rolo's notoriety as one of the new space pirate leaders in the Neutral zone. It also revealed that the two individuals standing beside him, despite belonging to different groups, were known bandits of the same area. What particularly caught Emery's attention was the status labeled "kill on sight," indicating that eliminating these individuals would not incur any repercussions for their respective factions and was unlikely to cause trouble for the larger magus alliance as well.

Jinkan's response was a model of calm authority. She addressed the group led by Rolo directly, her voice steady and firm, "Get lost from this vault. We have taken claim of this place."

The Nephilim princess demonstrated an unexpected degree of caution, allowing these intruders the opportunity to leave without conflict. In Emery's estimation, the group of 50 rogue magus posed little real threat to their combined forces.

In response to Jinkan's directive, Rolo spoke, a hint of wryness in his tone, "I'm sure there are plenty of things to share. But if you fancy this temple, we shall leave this one to you."

Jinkan was not pleased with this response, her patience reaching its limits. With a decisive command, she ordered, "Round them up." The situation had escalated, and it seemed that peaceful coexistence was no longer an option as the confrontation between the two groups reached a turning point.

The moment Jinkan issued the command, a flurry of action unfolded across the celestial temple. Multiple energy signatures suddenly materialized around the area. These were the Albatross magus, demonstrating their exceptional skills at concealing their energy signatures. They positioned themselves with precision, encircling the place and simultaneously confronting a group of hidden magus.

Among these hidden magus were ten individuals, equipped with artifacts that made them challenging to detect. However, their concealment abilities proved insufficient against the prowess of the Albatross spirit masters. The rogue magus were taken aback as they witnessed their ten comrades willingly returning, their eyes vacant of any pupils, having been ensnared by enchantments.

Simultaneously, the Proxima knights readied themselves for the impending engagement, positioning themselves to encircle the group of 50 rogue magus. They awaited the final order, poised for action as the situation in the celestial temple escalated to a tense standoff.

Amidst the tense standoff, Rolo, the magus who had introduced himself as the leader of the rogue group sought to defuse the escalating confrontation by suggesting, "Wait, there must be a way we could settle this without a fight."

However, one of the other half moon magus beside him, evidently more inclined towards confrontation, urged, "Brother, there are more of us! There's no need to be afraid!"

Rolo responded sternly to his comrade, "You fool!" Before he turned his attention back to Jinkan. With both arms raised in a sign of surrender, he conceded, "Alright, we will leave this vault to you. Just let us go."

Jinkan, however, displayed a measured determination. She casually pointed out five of them with her finger, all of whom were half-moon magus. Her tone was unwavering as she declared, "I need these five. As for the rest of you, you may choose to leave or meet your end here."

The Nephilim's princess directive set the wheels in motion, and Emery was the first to respond. He firmly tapped his new staff into the ground, and almost instantaneously, roots sprouted from the earth, ensnaring the feet of the five individuals selected by Jinkan. Rolo's anguished cry pierced the air, as he urgently implored his comrades, "Fight them!! Fight!!"

Several among the rogue magus dared to charge forward, driven by desperation, but they were met with swift and decisive retaliation. Eeshoo, wielding his [Soaring Shuttle], and Neo, with his flying sword, launched formidable attacks that left their adversaries critically wounded after just a single strike.

The female Albatross Magus, began to play her musical instrument, producing a haunting melody that sent shivers down the spines of those with weaker minds. The new moon magus were the first to succumb to this mental assault, dropping their weapons and hastily retreating. Witnessing the Proxima knights step aside letting them leave, the remaining rogue magus followed suit.

Within the span of just a minute, only the five individuals pointed out by Jinkan remained in front of the temple, their fate sealed by their refusal to comply.

Jinkan, with a sigh of disappointment, expressed her hope for greater loyalty, remarking, "I had hoped you bandits would have more loyalty than this... this is just pathetic." The situation had been resolved with minimal confrontation, and the Nephilim princess retained control over the celestial temple.

The five rogue magus struggled relentlessly to break free from Emery's root spell, but their efforts proved futile. Rolo, realizing the futility of resistance, finally surrendered. He implored Jinkan, "You win... Please, tell me what you want. I'll do anything. Just let us go."

Jinkan, her gaze steady and unyielding, directed her attention to the three half moon magus who had remained relatively passive throughout the confrontation. She remarked in a casual tone, "You three should be fine, as long as you tell me who those two were."

Upon Jinkan's words, Emery sensed a surge of spirit energy emanating from the two magus behind him. This energy provided them with the power to break free from his root spell, and with newfound determination, they made a hasty escape in opposite directions.

Jinkan, quick to react, commanded, "Do not kill them!"

Lambert and Mahinder were poised to apprehend the fleeing magus.

However, the situation took an unexpected turn. A strange and powerful energy began to emanate from the two escapees. Bright, radiant light erupted from their chests, bathing the area in an otherworldly glow.

The sudden burst of energy sent shockwaves that forcefully pushed Lambert and Mahinder back, thwarting their capture attempt. In a matter of seconds, the two escapees were consumed by the intense radiance, disintegrating into countless fragments. There remained no trace of their souls, leaving behind an eerie sense of emptiness.

Jinkan let out a deep sigh, her disappointment evident. She turned her attention to the three terrified captives and said, "Now, tell me everything you know about those two."

To be continued