


With their Earth Magus group finally assembled, they made their way to their designated residence near the training ground. It was part of a luxury residential complex, and to their pleasant surprise, they were led to one of the grander abodes.

Observing the impressive building, Chumo couldn't resist a quip. "It seems that now the VIPs have arrived, our living conditions are also upgraded."

Klea chimed in with a playful smile, "Yes, definitely an upgrade," her gaze flickering to Emery. The subtle exchange of glances spoke volumes about their shared sentiment.

Not willing to let playful teasing consume their precious time, Emery led the way into the place, stepping into the grand living room. He turned to Klea and Chumo, who had been residing there for the past six months, and requested an explanation of the current situation.

Klea, with her usual intelligence, stepped forward to elucidate. "It's mainly political, actually."

She went on to clarify that the Ancient Celestial Ruin expedition was more than just a platform for young Magus to grow. It was also a display of the power and influence of each faction and family. The large number of young talents from a faction symbolized a bright future for that faction.

"There are expected to be 30,000 human Magus participating in the expedition," Klea continued, "and as one of the top-grade factions, the Nephilim will be sending 1,000 young Magus to join"

The magnitude of the expedition and the stakes involved in showcasing their strength were starting to become clear to the Earth Magus group.

As they learned that the Nephilim were sending a substantial 3% of the total participants for the Ancient Celestial Ruin expedition, it became clear that they had a significant representation. But within the Nephilim faction, competition would be fierce, as it was composed of multiple families, and they would vie against one another for a chance to thrive in the expedition.

Klea went on to break down the allocation of slots among the Nephilim families. The two major families, Aztebas and Azazel, would each receive 300 slots. Amarhikss was to be granted 200 slots, and the remaining Nephilim smaller families would receive another 200.

Thrax pondered, "So we'll be among the 200 group, right?"

Klea explained further, revealing that the Amarhikss family itself was divided into two branches: Jinkan's and her cousin Linhao, the Amarhikss prince and 6th in line for the throne. As a male heir, Linhao was allocated 150 slots, while Jinkan received only 50 slots. Their group of seven would be among the 50.

Julian, trying to grasp the political dynamics at play, inquired, "So this is a political battle between Jinkan and Linhao, with each trying to prove they are the better heir for the Amarhikss throne?"

Klea responded thoughtfully, "Something like that." However, she added, "As a female, I believe Jinkan was aiming for more. She couldn't just settle for outperforming Linhao. She needs to show that her team is superior to the other two main family"

Klea stressed the intensity of the competition and mentioned that each family might resort to sabotage, even murder if necessary, to gain an advantage of the other. The gravity of the situation became increasingly evident to the Earth Magus group.

Upon hearing the details of the faction intrigue and internal conflicts surrounding the expedition, Emery let out a heavy sigh and shared his thoughts. "Faction intrigue like this is always a human flaw," he remarked. "And now it's happening while the elves are around. No wonder the number of human casualties is high for this expedition."

Emery's words emphasized the challenges and dangers that lay ahead, exacerbated by the political maneuvering within the factions. The presence of the elves added another layer of complexity to the situation, making it clear that the expedition would not be without its perils and obstacles.

Klea acknowledged the high level of danger involved in the expedition and continued, "Following the Nephilim might be as advantageous as it is threatening. However, the potential rewards that could be gained from the expedition are substantial

She revealed that Jinkan would provide tier 6 artifacts to the group, one for every 50 participants, and these artifacts could be kept if they managed to prove themselves among the top 1000 of the expedition. This generous offer came also with Nephilim paying the full amount of the expeditions.

The group began to understand the immense preparations and rigorous selection process that had been occurring for weeks to ensure that only the best 50 participants would be chosen.

Klea looked at Emery, her eyes filled with gratitude and admiration. "Seeing all seven of us secure spots without having to go through the testing process really shows how much Jinkan values you, Emery."

Thrax, thrilled and spirited, chimed in, "Of course he's highly valued! Our Emery could take on the whole Kronos Magus himself!"

As they enjoyed a lighter conversation, the group reminisced about their past and discussed their hopes for the future. They all agreed that this opportunity was vital for their growth, especially considering the impending challenge that lay ahead.

The atmosphere turned celebratory as they continued their reunion with a feast filled with delicious food and drinks. The dishes and drinks reminded them of the camaraderie they shared during their days at the academy. They raised their glasses in honor of their fellow Earth warriors who had fallen before them. Names were called out, and one name, in particular, struck a chord in their hearts – Lord Izta.

Thrax, filled with passion and determination, suddenly stood up and shouted, "Let's show them tomorrow that the Earth team is not just about Emery... We need to demonstrate that we've earned those 50 slots!"

"Agreed!!" A resounding chorus echoed through the room.

After the feast, Klea approached Emery, who was deep in thought about the situation. She gently suggested, "You really should bring Morgana here, you know. I'm certain Jinkan would make room for another participant. You.. should also know that... I kinda like her."

Emery wrapped his arm around her shoulders and smiled, responding, "I think she likes you too."

To be continued