


As tomorrow was the day Emery would be participating in the Spirit Master competition, the trio decided to head back to the guest house provided by Emissary Duncan.

Nyx, in particular, was quite excited to have the opportunity to stay in the residence of one of the most prominent families in the city.

Upon their return to the guest house, they received an unexpected invitation to a family evening dinner hosted by Emissary Duncan. The dinner gathering included about a dozen family members, and Nyx was warmly welcomed into the fold without any concern for her background.

During the meal, the conversation flowed smoothly, focusing on various aspects of life in Centauri City. Emissary Duncan inquired about Emery's impressions of the city so far and seemed genuinely interested in his experiences.

The Emissary also commended Emery on the news he had heard from the Magus Alliance headquarters. "It seems you've made friends with many powerful factions today," he remarked, acknowledging the potential alliances Emery had formed.

Their discussion naturally turned to Emery's participation in the Spirit Master competition, and the Emissary expressed his interest in attending to watch the event.

Before bidding them goodnight, Emissary Duncan also mentioned that the King would be returning in two to three days and advised them to be prepared for a meeting with him.

After the pleasant dinner, the three returned to the guest house, where Nyx lent a helping hand in preparing Emery for the upcoming competition.

Back at the guest house, Nyx was dedicatedly assisting Emery in his preparations for the upcoming Spirit Master competition. She had a wealth of knowledge about the competition, even though the exact nature of the test changed every year. Nyx explained that there was no defined sample for the test, but she shared details of a few previous years' challenges.

Emery found the variety of challenges intriguing. Unlike the standardized tests on privileged planets that focused on spirit power, control, or pool, the Spirit Master competition included elements of illusion, puzzle-solving, and even once was done with a musical test. Fighting was a rare component, which made Emery even more eager to participate.

As Emery discussed the competition with Nyx, he realized something significant. He had never truly had a dedicated master to teach him the intricacies of spirit mastery. His early training at the Magus Academy was brief, followed by a short period of learning from Urix in the Light Institutes and a few days with Master Flemming in the Demon's Pit. While he had gained valuable knowledge and experiences from each of them, he never had the opportunity for comprehensive and specialized training in spirit mastery.

On the other hand, Emery possessed unique abilities that enhanced his mental power. His Fey transformation granted him magus resistance, his [Emperor Focus], and his [Spirit Devour]. These abilities left him wondering what he could achieve with proper guidance from a skilled spirit master.

"I can teach you a thing or two if you let me," Nyx offered her willingness to help evident in her eyes.

Emery agreed, and the two of them sat in lotus positions and touched each other's palms, initiating their journey into the spirit realm together. As they entered this ethereal realm, Nyx began her guidance.

"There are two types of spirit masters," Nyx explained, her voice resonating within the spiritual plane, "those who master their spirits by suppressing emotions and those who excel through harnessing emotions. Which one are you?"

Emery didn't have to ponder this question for long. It was evident that he belonged to the latter category, especially with his wolf bloodlines that were inherently filled with unstoppable urges.

Nyx continued, "The key to training is to gain better control over your feelings."

She directed Emery to delve deep into his memories, prompting him to recall moments in his life when he had experienced extreme emotions. Nyx asked him to remember a time when he was most joyful, one when he felt intense anger, and another when he was consumed by sorrow.

Happiness came to Emery in various forms, from the times spent with his friends working together for the Magus Games to the moments of camaraderie they shared. Next was anger, which he associated with the Nephilim, a complex mix of frustration, injustice, and indignation. Finally, there was sorrow, and for Emery, there were far too many memories linked to this emotion—the death of his father, the loss of his master, and the heartbreaking farewell to someone dear to him. Each of these experiences carried the weight of his perceived inability to prevent these tragedies.

The training session continued as Emery delved deeper into the intricacies of mastering his emotions. Nyx guided him through the process of harnessing each of these powerful feelings and transforming them into a source of inner strength. With her guidance, he learned to channel these emotions, whether it was happiness, anger, or sorrow, into a controlled wellspring of power. The process was both mentally and emotionally challenging, but it was a necessary step in his journey towards becoming a spirit master.

Nyx astutely observed that sorrow seemed to be the emotion that fueled Emery the most, a wellspring of intensity that resonated deeply within him. It was so potent that it even moved the Succubus herself, causing a single tear to escape her eyes as she witnessed his emotional journey and struggle for control.

As Emery delved into the depths of his emotions, a vivid image of a white-haired girl, flashed before his mind's eye. The unexpected intrusion of this memory shattered his concentration, and the connection with the spiritual realm was abruptly severed.

"Who is she?"

"My wife."

It became evident that Emery still had much to learn about controlling and harnessing his emotions effectively.

In an effort to regain his composure, Emery decided to conclude the mental training for the time being. He reached for two swords, The pitch-black [Savage Sword] and the pearly white [Gentle Sword]. With these swords in hand, he began a practice session in memory of her.

To be continued