


The final hours on the planet ticked away, each second pushing Emery closer to his impending departure. With Morgana's decision to remain on Earth, Emery gained a unique advantage: he could utilize the Khaos gate, a powerful artifact capable of bridging the vast distances between Earth and other realms, thus facilitating his journey to wherever his mission took him.

But incorporating the Khaos gate into Morgana's being was not a simple matter. The recent traumas she'd endured, her period of captivity, had left her vulnerable. She was still on the mend, both physically and mentally, and this integration required finesse, care, and immense trust. Emery recognized the sensitivity of this undertaking and was determined to ensure the process unfolded smoothly.

In a serene chamber, dappled with the muted light of twilight, Morgana and Emery prepared for the ritual. They sat on the soft floor, their legs folded in the meditative lotus position. Facing one another, their palms met, forming a connection that was as spiritual as it was physical. Through this intimate conduit, Emery reached out, delving into the core of his being where the formidable entities, resided.

"It's going to be you, Killgragah, I need you to stay with her for a while"

A momentary silence ensued, broken by Killgragah's rumbling voice, which resonated with both skepticism and intrigue.

[Huh, I've never been one to favor the confines of a mortal vessel, but luckily for you, I like this one]

Emery's plan wasn't about transferring his prestigious title - the Famine Gate champion - to Morgana. Instead, it centered around letting the mighty dragon, Killgragah, accompany her.

This arrangement would not only fortify their bond but also grant them easier access to stay in contact with each other. For Morgana, Killgragah's presence promised an added layer of protection, a guardian ready to intervene during moments of peril.

Seeking to allay the dragon's concerns, Emery spoke reassuringly, "Yes, only temporary, until I prepare a proper resident for you"

[Just ensure that your 'temporary' doesn't stretch into another tedious span of eight years.]

As Emery and Killgragah settled their terms, a visible change began to transpire. The Khaos Gate, pulsating with an ethereal glow, detached itself from Emery. It floated towards Morgana, shimmering and weaving through the air like an intangible wisp, eventually seeking solace within her. For Morgana, this was an entirely novel sensation, and as the Gate nestled inside her, she grappled with the profound energies it unleashed.

Yet the process wasn't without its challenges. Whether it was Killgaragh's fiery nature, akin to a blazing furnace, or Morgana's fragile state post her ordeal, the fusion was an exhaustive ordeal for her. She was left gasping for breath, her consciousness flickering like a dimly lit candle in the wind. Sweat dripped from her brow, soaking her garments and rendering her weak and lethargic.

Recognizing the toll the experience had taken on her, Emery instinctively moved forward, scooping her gently into his arms. The weight of the moment, the gravity of their bond, made actions like undressing her of the sweat-drenched clothes and replacing them with fresh attire devoid of any awkwardness. Their bond transcended the boundaries of mere acquaintances or even close allies; they shared something deeper.

Gently laying her on the bed, Emery's movements were full of care. As he turned to leave, letting her rest, Morgana's weakened voice halted him.

"You'll be gone soon... don't leave" she murmured, her words filled with vulnerability and a yearning for comfort.

Emery's response was immediate and heartfelt. How could he deny such a request? They found solace in each other's arms that evening. Despite the chaos that surrounded their lives, for those fleeting hours, they basked in a shared tranquility, treasuring the comfort that only deep bonds could bring.

As dawn's first light began to filter through the curtains, a sudden knock on the door jarred Emery from his tranquil reverie. He was attuned to the souls around him, and the essence of the person on the other side of the door was familiar. It brought a flurry of mixed emotions in him, but Emery reined them in, reminding himself that there were unsaid things between them that needed addressing.

When the door swung open, the sight that met Emery was unexpected. Gwen stood there, the golden rays of the morning casting an ethereal glow on her. But the shimmering beauty was starkly contrasted by the storm of anxiety playing out on her face. The poised, regal demeanor Gwen was known for had been replaced by a vulnerable uncertainty.

The words tumbled out of her in a rush, stumbling over one another, "I didn't want to intrude... But I've heard whispers... of you leaving.."

In her distress, Gwen's gaze wandered past Emery and landed on Morgana, peacefully asleep in the room. Realization washed over her, and the implications of their shared bed were not lost on her. Gwen's face turned a shade of deep scarlet, her words faltering even more, "Oo... I am sorry... I really.. shouldn't come"

As she tried to retreat, Emery, with a reflex borne out of concern, reached out, gently grasping her arm, not to bother Morgana's rest he said "We can speak outside."

Once they were one the hallway, the weight of the situation pressed heavily on Gwen. Her eyes darted everywhere, avoiding his probing gaze.

Emery, with his profound spiritual awareness, could perceive the deeper currents of Gwen's emotions, especially now that the legendary sword was absent from her side. This absence allowed a clear window into her soul, and Emery found himself drawn into the storm of feelings that whirled within her.

Emery's voice was soft but insistent, "Tell me, Gwen. Why are you here?"

Took a few seconds before the usual fearless princess to say her thought; "Emery, I wonder if I could ever come with you? ...to the Magus World, I mean"


Author Note

What do you think? should Gwen come with him? I am seriously asking and your comment might change the outcome of the story

To be continued