


The terms of the punishment were clear: Emery would be consigned to either military service or the guardianship of a designated area. As the weight of the decision bore down on him, Emery reflected on his own desires.

For a long time, the allure of the frontline had beckoned him. This longing was ignited when Zack, a formidable dragon bloodline extended an invitation to Emery to join the war efforts.

To him, a 15-year commitment on the battlefield seemed a far less daunting prospect than enduring a mere 15 months under the ominous shadow of the Kronos faction.

The room, thick with tension and anticipation, was broken by the Emissary's assertive voice. "So, have we reached a consensus?" He sought a finality to the ongoing negotiations.

Emery opened his mouth to respond, formulating his words. However, before he could articulate his thoughts, an unexpected voice chimed in, cutting through the tense atmosphere.

"Your Emissary," Julian began, his tone heavy with emotion. The room's attention pivoted to him. "in truth, the blame for the current predicament lies with me, and for that..." He hesitated, eyes darting towards Emery, conveying a depth of unspoken camaraderie. "...I, Julian, the leader of the Earth faction, am prepared to shoulder this punishment in Emery's stead."

The Emissary's stern visage softened ever so slightly, his lips curving into a subtle smile and nod, indicating both surprise and respect.

Emery, on the other hand, reacted instantaneously, "Julian, that's unnecessary. The blood of those lost is on my hands, not yours."

Unwavering, Julian turned to face Emery, his gaze intense. "You are the strongest among us, your presence here is more needed, 15 years being away could be a problem for us"

Emery's emotions oscillated between gratitude and disbelief. He retorted, slightly incredulous, "But what about your Rome empire? what about ruling the world? are you going to let go of all of that?"

After a lingering silence, Julian responded with unwavering resolve, "No, Earth doesn't need an emperor, it needs a protector"

As Julian's powerful declaration settled over the room, a mocking applause echoed from the opposite table. The source: Kronos. With a smirk playing on his lips, he began, "What a touching moment of bravery" However, the jest in his voice soon shifted to a more chilling tone, "But let's not delude ourselves, shall we? You may be the faction leader, but you are worth nothing compared to him, Know your place, and remain seated."

The weight and dominance of Kronos' words were amplified by an ethereal force – his domain power. It surged through the hall, a palpable pressure that seemed to lean heavily on Julian, trying to bend his will.

But before the pressure could completely engulf Julian, the Emissary intervened, a ripple of his own authority countering Kronos' power. "Gentlemen," the Emissary chided, his voice a blend of rebuke and warning, "I trust I need not repeat the need for decorum in these proceedings?"

He then directed his gaze towards Julian, a touch of respect evident. "Your willingness to shoulder responsibility is commendable. However," he added, a note of finality in his tone, "unless both parties are in agreement, the terms of punishment can't be altered."

Julian, despite his valiant offer, found himself compelled to retake

his seat. A mix of frustration and contemplation shadowed his features.

The room, thick with anticipation, awaited Emery's decision. Despite the silent pleas evident in Morgana and Thrax's anxious glances, Emery, with a resigned sigh, spoke up, "I accept the terms of the 15 years of service."

Kronos, who until this point had exhibited signs of uncertainty, now appeared more composed. Fixing Julian with an almost grateful look, he intoned, "It seems I owe a debt of gratitude to the Earth's Emperor. Your words have underscored the significance of these 15 years."

The Grand Emissary, sensing the shift towards consensus, pronounced, "With both parties in accord, let the records show this agreement. Your promises are bound by your honor, and I Duncan Astredi stand as witness. With that, this matter is hereby settled."

The room was rife with palpable emotions. On one side, faces marred with disbelief and a sense of impending doom; on the other, jubilation and cries of victory, anticipating a speech from Kronos to drive home their supposed triumph. But just as he was about to open his mouth, the Emissary stood, signaling that there was more to be revealed.

With the grace and gravity of his office, the Emissary declared, "While the issue concerning Earth's transgressions is now closed, we must pivot to another critical matter — the transgressions committed by the Kronos faction."

Kronos's face, previously flush with anticipated victory, drained of its color, morphing into a mask of incredulity. "What absurdity are you uttering? Transgressions? By us?"

Unfazed by Kronos's outburst, the Emissary reached for the mystic cube, which hummed to life with a soft, ethereal glow. The room waited in rapt attention.

"You stand accused of deliberately undermining a sanctioned duel using an undisclosed magus, causing unwarranted injury to a magus under your governance. And this," he paused for emphasis, "is on top of a clearly articulated agreement from eight years past, in which you vowed to abstain from causing harm to Earth's inhabitants. For these violations, the Magus Alliance deems it fit to suspend the caretaker status of your faction until further directives."

Outrage painted Kronos's features. "Duncan! You dare? You lack the jurisdiction for such an audacious move!" He roared, spittle flying.

The Emissary, ever the picture of serene authority, produced a sealed scroll, tossing it towards Kronos's faction. "This decree of suspension carries the seal and sanction of His Majesty, Dunadan – the supreme authority of the Centauri sector."

Kronos hastily unrolled the parchment. As he scanned its contents, the weight of reality settled on him. His hands shook, and his voice trembled with a mix of fury and shock.

"You… you have prepared this before you came… how!!?"

The Emissary merely arched an eyebrow. "Well, unfortunately, I have no obligation to answer such a question"

Without further ado, the Emissary moved with deliberate steps towards Emery, effortlessly removing the shackles binding him. " "You will start your first day of services immediately, Henceforth, you are entrusted with safeguarding these precincts and shall assume the role of Earth's caretaker until a new directive arises."

His words elicited gasps of astonishment from the assembled attendees. A sly smile tugged at the corners of the Emissary's lips as he added, "And regarding the sum of 10 million, you have the liberty to allocate it towards the construction of a base, fashioned to your liking."

To be continued