


The air was thick with a blend of curiosity and confusion. The last time anyone in the village had seen Morgana was about four years ago. Emery's eyebrows furrowed in thought, recalling that the timing aligned perfectly with Morgana's unexpected visit to the Wolf planet.

It was puzzling, to say the least. Emery vividly remembered glimpsing an image of Earth when he tried to trace Morgana's last known waypoints. Yet, despite the seeming disconnection between her disappearance and the Earthly image, an inexplicable intuition whispered in the recesses of his mind, assuring him that Morgana was somewhere close. But the question remained—where was she?

As Emery voiced his concerns about Morgana, the air, previously filled with the warmth of a heartfelt reunion, grew tense. Concerned eyes flitted about, faces pale with worry.

"Could sister Morgana be in danger?"? Glita's voice quivered as she inquired.

Eager to alleviate their concerns, Emery recounted his recent times with Morgana. "Morgana succeeded in finding me four years ago," he began, "and we were together up until merely a few months back. I had naturally assumed she made her way back home afterward."

His words seemed to act as a gentle balm, soothing the anxieties that had begun to creep into their hearts. The weight of years filled with questions and unknowns felt lifted, replaced with hope. "So, Sister Morgana might return soon? Truly?" The incredulous voice belonged to one of the younger fey sisters, her eyes gleaming with renewed joy.

Witnessing the sudden transformation in their demeanor, Emery couldn't help but wear a warm smile. These fey sisters led lives that were intricately simple. In their minds, Morgana's absence was likely just an extended sojourn across the vast seas. While Emery knew a way to share about the deeper mysteries of the Magus universe, he chose to keep that door closed for now. Introducing such a complex narrative might only confuse them further. He decided that when the time came for them to truly understand, he would be the one to guide them through that revelation.

Although Emery relished the idea of spending more time with the fey people and soaking up their infectious warmth, an urgent matter tugged at his consciousness. His next destination was the enigmatic Khaos Gate, and within it dwelled an old acquaintance. Perhaps, he mused, this entity could provide some insight into Morgana's whereabouts.

As he turned to depart, Glita, with a contemplative expression, interjected, "Before you leave, will you be visiting Sister Gwen?"

Mention of that name seemed to freeze Emery in his tracks. Memories of Gwen, from a time that seemed lifetimes ago, began to surface. A bit taken aback, he responded,? "Why? Is there anything I should know?"

Glita hesitated for a beat before replying, "It's just...? many things have changed these past few years, You should see her, okay?!"

Emery nodded gently. As he began to levitate, ready to embark on his next journey, he flashed one of his heartwarming smiles.

"Come see us more often brother!" Glita's voice echoed, filled with affection, as Emery soared, merging with the cloud-filled sky.

His next stop was but a short journey away. As he neared it, something peculiar caught his attention. Standing tall and imposing was a military outpost, its proximity mere hundreds of meters from the stone formation he intended to visit. But it wasn't the structure itself that intrigued him; it was the emblematic banner hoisted within the precincts. A vibrant red backdrop adorned with a majestic golden eagle – unmistakably Roman.

From his aerial vantage point, Emery could make out the figures of at least two dozen Roman soldiers standing guard, their armor glinting under the sun. Their presence led his mind to wonder about the current standing of the Brittania Knights in this area.

Shaking away the distractions, Emery refocused on his original mission. With the stone formation beckoning just ahead, he decided to prioritize it over the Roman mystery. With a swift maneuver, he descended gracefully, landing right atop the stone formation.

A palpable tension hung in the air as Emery landed gracefully on the stone platform. He took a moment, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply.

"Can you sense it too?"

From the shadows, a dark and ethereal voice replied, <Yes, that arrogant creature is here>

Emery was about to beckon Cthulhu's power to open a portal, but to his surprise, a gate sprung open autonomously. Curiosity painted his features as he walked towards it, and with a confident stride, he entered the gateway.

The pathway was no stranger to him; a tunnel bathed in an eerie darkness, making each step feel like a descent into an abyss. "Supreme Being, I am back."

Emerging from the blackness, a colossal figure loomed. The black dragon, Killgragah, glared down at him, its eyes like twin fiery orbs. "You.. now that you brought that thing here, you dare to mock me?"? The dragon's voice was a low growl, dripping with menace.

Glancing over his shoulder, Emery noticed a swirling mass of dark smoke materializing. It was Cthulhu, his form more pronounced and powerful in this space. The aura around Cthulhu pulsated with raw energy, indicating that this realm granted him augmented abilities.

Killgragah's nostrils flared, releasing plumes of fiery smoke, a clear indication of his growing ire. Emery, attempting to defuse the mounting tension, approached the dragon with open palms. "There is no need to be angry, I was just kidding, I am really happy to see you"

The Black Dragon studied Emery for a long, silent moment before finally admitting, "I wouldn't know… I can't even read your thoughts anymore... You really have made it kid"

<He's not a kid. He's my chosen champion,> Cthulhu's voice echoed with a protective edge.

Feeling the energy spike between the two, Emery swiftly intervened. "Enough" Pausing to gather his thoughts, Emery added, "If you'd allow me a moment..."

He then began to survey the vast chamber. Among the many peculiarities of the space, one particular item caught his attention. Nestled in a secluded corner was a capsule, roughly human-sized. Inside, the frail and decaying remnants of a man were visible. Emery's heart skipped a beat, recognizing the figure as his former self.

Gazing at the capsule contemplatively, Emery whispered, "Now. what am I going to do with you?"

To be continued