


It had been a harrowing seven years for Eeshoo Nephilim since the day he was captured by the dark elves.

Eeshoo's days in the hands of the dark elves were filled with anguish. Each facility he was transferred to held its own brand of torment. At some, he was imprisoned within cold, barren cells. At others, he endured unspeakable forms of torture, the dark elves seeking secrets and insights he had no intention of revealing. They were relentless, their research cruel, probing into his unique abilities, trying to harness and understand them for their dark purposes.

The elves delighted in setting him against their best fighters and other hapless human prisoners. They would watch and cheer, a twisted form of entertainment for them. The fights were brutal, leaving Eeshoo battered and broken time and again.

Four years into his captivity, Eeshoo was transferred to the dreaded Demon's Pit. A place where the most vicious and brutal fights took place, where prisoners were thrown into battle with elves, humans, and other fearsome creatures.

During one such battle, Eeshoo sustained severe injuries that left him on the brink of death.

Covered in wounds, barely clinging to life, he plunged into the labyrinthine tunnels of the pit, seeking sanctuary. Desperate for healing and driven by instinct more than knowledge, Eeshoo employed an ancient technique passed down through generations of his kind.

He immersed himself in the scalding pools of lava that flowed through the pit. The magma, which would have been death to any other being, proved to be a balm for Eeshoo.

Over time, Eeshoo discovered that the lava was a catalyst for his understanding of the law of the sun. Its energy resonated with his spirit soul, allowing him to cultivate his abilities to new heights. His battle power soared, his spirit force grew, and he broke through advanced fire-based laws even while in captivity.

With newfound purpose, Eeshoo, now secluded from his captors, began a journey of self-improvement. Hidden away in the molten heart of the planet, he started to reconstruct his spirit soul. The lava became his sanctuary, a place where he could meditate, draw energy, and refine his understanding of the intricate laws governing his powers.

His stats spoke of the magnitude of his growth:

[Eeshoo Nephilim]

[Battle power: 385]

[Spirit force: 288]

[Magus Realm: Half moon]

[Law of Light: 10%]

[Law of Scorching Sun - 18%]

Eeshoo's innate SS aptitude, the highest measure of potential among his kind, shone brightly as he advanced his understanding of fire-based laws. Even in captivity, even under such duress, his genius couldn't be suppressed.

With a mind as sharp as a blade, Eeshoo was not one to rush. He understood the value of patience, the importance of meticulousness. He was willing to extend his self-imposed exile, training for as long as he found benefit in the nurturing embrace of the lava, even if it meant centuries.

Yet, life had another twist for him. Today, amidst his rigorous training, he felt a familiar energy. He hadn't expected visitors, let alone the two figures now before him. The sight of Atlas and Emery brought a whirlwind of emotions.

"Atlas… Emery… How... Why are you here?!" Eeshoo's voice, tinged with disbelief and a hint of hope, echoed in the cavernous depths of the pit.

The stillness in the air was palpable, broken only by the quiet murmurs of the molten lava. The reunion was as unexpected for the visitors as it was for Eeshoo. Both parties seemed momentarily lost for words, as if they were trying to fathom the reality of the situation.

Atlas, with his analytical demeanor, swiftly moved towards Eeshoo. Without hesitation, he initiated a scan over Eeshoo's exposed form.

With the scan complete and the identity confirmed, Emery swiftly tossed a robe in Eeshoo's direction. Emery's voice, laced with a hint of amusement, broke the silence. "We are here to rescue you, obviously."

Eeshoo, donning the robe, found himself grappling with the magnitude of the moment. The sheer unlikelihood of the situation - to be discovered in such a remote, perilous location and by two familiar faces, no less - felt surreal. It was almost as if the god of the Nephilim had orchestrated this divine intervention.

As Eeshoo tried to gather his thoughts, Emery's lips curled into a sly, mischievous grin. He was undoubtedly considering the handsome reward Jinkan would be willing to part with for Eeshoo's safe return.

"Let's get out of this place, it's too freaking hot,"

The cavern echoed with the collective relief of the group as Master Borin laid eyes on Eeshoo. The joy of finding another human in such a desolate place was palpable. Yet, there was more to it. For the astute Master Borin, it wasn't just the sight of another survivor that had his heart racing. The realization hit him – Eeshoo was not just any survivor; he was the very key they needed to operate the ship that stood as their ticket out of this hellhole.

Yet, with every boon, there was a challenge. The ship's seating arrangement presented a conundrum that no one had anticipated.

Atlas was prepared to disengage his soul from his damaged vessel to free up a spot. But even then, with Eeshoo indispensable to the ship's operations, there was a challenge: only one more seat remained. The question of occupancy between Emery and Master Borin loomed large over the group.

Master Borin, ever the pragmatist, wore a nervous smile, trying to mask the fear and desperation in his eyes. He began by extolling his prowess as a blacksmith, emphasizing his irreplaceable skills in maintaining both the ship and Atlas. But his arguments seemed feeble and hollow to the group. They all knew that this mission, at its core, was entrusted to Emery.

Seeing his logic falling on deaf ears, Master Borin's veneer of composure crumbled. His voice trembled with a blend of desperation and determination. "I can't endure another day in this infernal abyss. I'll offer anything, everything for that seat," he pleaded.

Emery, with an eyebrow raised, countered with a sardonic retort, "And what good would your payment do if I'm left behind to perish?"

His voice cracked, the strain evident as he grasped for reasons, for leverage. "Your family... your faction... your world... they could receive the benefit!" he implored, his eyes wide and pleading.

Every word, every plea from Master Borin seemed to deepen the group's conviction that Emery wouldn't yield. Yet, in a sudden and unexpected turn, Emery spoke up, "Alright, I want it in writing."

The group's astonishment deepened as Emery produced a set of [soul contracts] from his storage ring. Ever since his rise as a renowned apothecary, he had accumulated these contracts from indebted clients who traded their spirit stones for his unparalleled services.

With a small, knowing smile, Emery turned his attention back to Master Borin. "So, how much do you think that seat cost?"

The agreement was made, but it left a sense of unease among those present.

Atlas and Eeshoo exchanged surprised glances, their eyes wide with disbelief at Emery's decision. There was a shock in their expressions, tinged with a hint of disappointment. This mercantile side of Emery was unfamiliar, perhaps even jarring, in contrast to the Emery they once knew.

Had he really traded a seat on the escape vessel, and potentially his life, for mere profit?

Emery, however, remained enigmatic. He harbored another plan, one he saw no need to share. A calculation had been made, a strategy devised that offered a greater chance of survival and the potential for even more substantial gains.

"Alright, I shall back to my training,"

Time was of the essence. In a mere 30 days, a gravitational anomaly would offer them the window they needed to flee from the clutches of this fiery prison. Every moment was vital, every training would increase their chance of survival.

Emery's thoughts were interrupted when he caught Eeshoo's intense gaze. The Nephilim prodigy's voice broke the silence, his words loaded with curiosity and a hint of challenge. "I wonder how strong you've become?"

Their shared history came flooding back. The Magus tournament, where Emery had emerged victorious, stood as a testament to their rivalry. Now, had it not been for their need to conserve energy and remain discreet, a duel would have undoubtedly ensued.

Eeshoo changed course, expressing his desire to view the recording from Jinkan. Emery obliged, and as the images played, a subtle shift was seen in Eeshoo's usually stoic demeanor. Gratitude shimmered in his eyes as he turned to Emery, "Thank you, not just for the recording but for coming for me."

Emery, ever the pragmatist, quipped, "You do realize that your girlfriend force me into this right?"

"I know. Still, I'm grateful."

But as Emery delved back into his training, their fragile peace was shattered. The ground trembled, and distant roars filled the air. Atlas, using his scanner, announced grimly, "Thousands, tens of thousands of steps... The orc horde is approaching."

The group realized the gravity of the situation. Their presence hadn't gone unnoticed; the dark elves were leveraging the orcs to hunt them down.


Author Note:

The character event vote has been incredible, and I want to thank you all for your points and votes. Just a heads-up: if you have any unclaimed points from rewards, please check under profile-rewards. Additionally, there's an ongoing event that offers 200 points for reading 10 minutes of comics and 5 minutes of new books in the Isekai event. I apologize if I come across as desperate, but I truly value all the votes you've given to Emery, and not wasting it by winning this round. Thank you!

To be continued