


Born into an ancient Drow lineage, Kieran was a unique figure among the dark elves. His family had a legacy of uncovering hidden secrets and ancient artifacts.

In Drow society, Kieran was nobility, regarded as a prince among his people. His lineage carried weight, and his family name commanded respect. But this prestige was confined to the Drows. In the greater dark elf society, his royal lineage mattered little. There, he was no more than a commoner, even less - a mere slave. The stark contrast between his standing within his people and his status in the wider society was a source of constant vexation for him.

Yearning for recognition and respect, Kieran sought a path to rise above his station. His ambitions led him to the Hasashi Clan, an infamous assembly of assassins and spies among the dark elves. The Hasashi Clan was shrouded in secrecy and danger, their operations often walking the razor's edge between life and death. But Kieran saw in them an opportunity, a path to power and prestige that could transcend his status.

Under the careful mentorship of the clan's master, Kieran honed his skills with a relentless drive. He trained day and night, mastering combat techniques, enhancing his agility, and perfecting the art of stealth. He emerged from this grueling regimen not just a trained assassin, but a deadly force, a shadow in the night that struck fear in the hearts of his targets. In this transformation, he took on a new identity, adopting the codename "SilentBlade". His former identity, the prince of the Drows, was gradually left behind as he delved deeper into the world of shadows and subterfuge.

He began to carve a name for himself within the Hasashi Clan and beyond. He was known for his ruthless efficiency, his flawless execution, and his unwavering pursuit of excellence. But this rise was not without its setbacks. In a fateful twist of fate, a betrayal from within the clan led him to murder an incompetent leader. This act, seen as a severe transgression, resulted in his banishment to the Demon's Pit.

Having reached what he perceived as rock bottom, Kieran found himself in a state of introspection. He was now stripped of his stature, bereft of his allies, and confined in a pit that seemed devoid of hope. But instead of succumbing to despair, he saw in this a chance to reveal his true nature, to embrace the identity he had suppressed and hidden for so long. It was time for the world to see the real Kieran, the Drow prince.

With a defiant gaze and an unyielding spirit, Kieran issued a bold challenge that reverberated throughout the Citadel, "You don't deserve to be our Khan! I demand a Mak tu Vor!"

In the dark elven culture, a Mak tu Vor was a sacred duel to the death, an ultimate challenge that questioned the worthiness of the leader and offered a life-or-death gambit to those brave or foolish enough to invoke it. This was the very reason Kieran had been banished to the Demon's Pit in the first place. Yet, despite the danger and potential consequences, Kieran did not waver. This bold move was not an act of desperation but a declaration of his true self.

The Khan, a grizzled and seasoned warrior who had seen many seasons and battles, laughed at the audacity of the challenge. His eyes sparkled with a mix of amusement and contempt. He saw this as an opportunity to teach this upstart a lesson in humility.

In the vast yard of the Citadel, under the cold gaze of the towering battlements, Kieran and the Khan squared off. The entire population of the fortress, a motley crew of forty dark elves, had assembled to witness this spectacle.

The Dunmer elves regarded Kieran with blatant disdain. His audacious challenge only reinforced their view of him as a prideful and arrogant fool. The Drows, on the other hand, had a measure of support for Kieran, their fellow clansman. Yet, deep within, they harbored doubts. The Khan was not just a renowned Durokhai elf, but also a peak full moon dark elf, representing the pinnacle of their race's power. Kieran, in contrast, was but a half moon Drows, his power and standing significantly lesser.

As they stood facing each other, the Khan sneered, "You are a useful subordinate... it's a pity that I have to kill you today." As he spoke, his hands moved in a fluid motion, and a thick metal polearm formed out of thin air. It was a manifestation of his mastery over metal elements.

Unfazed by the show of power, Kieran began his countermove. Calling upon his unique spell [Malevolent Blade], he summoned two ethereal daggers into his hands. The blades shimmered in the dim light, radiating a cold and deadly aura. As he clasped the spectral weapons, he cast another spell [Concealing Cloak], and his form blurred, almost as if he was walking into a shadow. With this, the stage was set for a deadly showdown.

The duel commenced with an explosive clash of force and skill. Kieran, while quick and dexterous beyond the caliber of average magus dark elves, found his ethereal daggers unable to breach the Khan's unyielding defense. Likewise, the Khan found landing a hit on Kieran a task more challenging than he anticipated. Kieran's speed and agility, coupled with his uncanny ability to blend into the shadows, kept him out of the Khan's destructive reach.

"One hit and I will make you into a pile of mess!" the Khan threatened, his voice resonating with a booming confidence.

The Khan began to showcase his prowess with the polearm, his muscles rippling as he swung the massive weapon with an ease that belied its weight. This display of strength forced Kieran into a defensive stance, struggling to find an opening to close in on his adversary.

In a surprising turn, Kieran started to cast an unfamiliar spell. The onlookers watched in awe as a glowing green specter began to take form in the air. It was a summoning spell that conjured a spectral army, a force so potent that it started to pressure the Khan. Seizing his chance, Kieran took a bold leap forward, aiming for a critical strike.

However, with an anticipatory flick of his wrist, the Khan transformed his polearm into a long pike at the last second, driving it through Kieran's body with a shocking splat. Kieran's momentum carried him forward, impaling him further onto the weapon.

A wicked smile spread across the Khan's face as he closed in on Kieran, whispering cruelly, "I will accept one word of surrender and I will give you a swift death."

But Kieran was far from defeated. Raising his dagger in a defiant gesture, he continued his struggle. The Khan merely scoffed at the seemingly harmless weapon, believing it incapable of reaching him nor having the power to pierce his armor.

His laughter, however, turned into shock as a light blade materialized in Kieran's other hand. With a swift movement, Kieran decapitated the chief.

The spectators gasped in collective disbelief. The duel, fought with honor and ferocity, ended with the unlikely victor being Kieran. Vespora, a Dumer elf, approached him with newfound respect. "Kieran... You are now my Khan... But your action will make us lose the war... Without Malakahi, who will lead the orcs?"

In response, Kieran did something that left the dark elves further astounded. He captured the departing soul of the fallen Khan. The ethereal essence was slowly absorbed into his chest as a system message echoed in his mind,

[You successfully performed the power of the Law of Greed]

[You have learned the innate ability of Durokhai]

[Orcs Creed] [Battle Warcry]

To be continued