


The savage onslaught of Emery's claw strikes carved into the elf chief's flesh, creating wounds so deep that his innards were laid bare. Despite the brutality of his attack, Emery didn't falter. His claws found their mark over and over again, painting a grisly tableau on the elf's body.

The scent of spilled blood in the air stirred something primal within Emery. An uncontrollable thirst for the kill overcame him, an instinct that demanded the life of his prey. He was just about to deliver the final blow when a dark elf launched himself at Emery, brandishing a flaming saber.

Emery growled in frustration as he was pushed back from his intended target. His annoyance grew into wrath as he grabbed the interloper by the arm and sank his teeth into the dark elf's neck. This particular dark elf was a mere crescent moon, nothing compared to Emery's overwhelming battle power. With minimal effort, he tore the dark elf's head from his body.


As Emery's triumphant roar reverberated across the battlefield, the remnants of his powerful adversary lay scattered beneath his feet, a grisly testament to his battle prowess. However, there was no time for celebration. The dark elf chief was rapidly making his way towards the safety of the Uruk hordes. With a growl of determination, Emery began to chase him.

Between him and his prey were numerous obstacles. Gray-skinned champions of the Uruk hordes, fierce warchiefs standing tall with a malicious gleam in their eyes, blocking his path. But they were mere nuisances to him, quickly being torn apart by his wrath-filled charge. The sight of the lone warrior breaking through their ranks, blood-soaked and unstoppable, brought an odd sense of excitement to the onlooking space knight captain and the rest of the allies.

However, just as he was about to close in on the wounded elf chief, another dark elf stepped forward to intercept him. This one was stronger, more resilient than the ones before him. With a frustrated roar, Emery engaged him. The seconds turned into a full minute as he struggled to bring down this new opponent. By the time he succeeded, the elf chief had disappeared deep within the protective bulk of the Uruk horde.

As if this was not enough, Emery sensed a new wave of trouble brewing. A dozen dark elf magus reinforcements were closing in on their position, their ominous magical energies growing stronger with each passing second.

"Damn it!" Emery cursed under his breath, clenching his teeth in frustration. The situation was turning from bad to worse with each passing moment.

Casting a quick glance over his shoulder, he noted the rapidly deteriorating condition of his team. Magus Blane, was now at the brink of exhaustion, barely holding his own against the enemy. Out of the fourteen powerful magus who had accompanied them at the start of this mission, only half were still fighting. The others had fallen, either laying lifeless on the blood-soaked ground or writhing in pain, too incapacitated to continue the battle. The sight filled him with an overwhelming sense of dread.

"My ammo is low!! Retreat!!" Captain Steele's voice echoed across the battlefield, a clear note of command in the midst of chaos.

Reacting swiftly, Magus Cass summoned his flame tornado. The powerful spell created a barrier of swirling fire, impeding the advance of the Uruk hordes. As the wall of flame roared to life, Cass seized the exhausted Blane and started their retreat.

Captain Steele, however, chose to hold his ground. "I need to make a proper burial for my Juggernaut," he yelled toward Emery. His tone held a finality that brooked no argument. "Go!!"

It took Emery a moment to comprehend the Space Knight's intention. He realized too late that Steele had rigged the armored vehicles. As the realization struck, he quickly put as much distance between himself and the vehicles as possible.

From a safe distance, Emery watched as Steele exhausted the last of his ammunition. Surrounded by a sea of Uruks and elves, the Space Knight laughed hysterically, a wild and defiant sound that carried even over the cacophony of battle, before the vehicle exploded.


The resulting blast was enormous, hurling Emery further away. The area was instantly enveloped in a cloud of dust and smoke. The explosion claimed thousands of enemy lives, leveling the area around it and creating a gaping hole in the Uruk frontlines.

Captain Steele's sacrifice bought them precious moments to escape, his last act a fitting testament to his courage.

Rather than seeking the sanctuary of the citadel, Emery turned his attention towards Wex who was a just short distance away.

However, as the smoke from the explosion began to clear, Emery was startled to see the sight in front of him. Wex, the tattooed magus, stood still, his protective spectral armor pierced and torn apart. It wasn't the handiwork of a dark elf's poisonous dagger that had done this but something far more concerning.

It was a blade of pure light energy, emanating from the dark elf's arm something that should never be shown by a dark elf race. It also had a chillingly familiar form and vibrated with an energy that mirrored the weapon used by the ancient Magus, the dark elf's most recent victim. This revelation sent a wave of shock through Emery.

Wex was heavily wounded, blood flowing freely from his multiple injuries. He was on the brink of death. Seeing this, Emery felt a sense of urgency grip him, and he charged toward his fallen comrade, hoping to provide some aid.

But his efforts were in vain. With a cruel smile playing on their lips, the dark elves launched a series of attacks using the light blades. The onslaught was brutal, tearing Wex's body apart before Emery's very eyes. It was a sight that would be etched into Emery's memory, a grim reminder of the viciousness of their enemies.


The air around Emery vibrated with his furious roar as he charged toward the magus seeking revenge, but after a mere clash, the dark elf melted back into the shadows.

Emery's fury was replaced with a sickening emptiness as he was left staring at Wex's lifeless body. He was engulfed by a storm of emotions and readied to locate the dark elf who had committed this heinous act.

"Come out you coward!!"

Instead of the dark elf, Emery sensed a group of other dark elves rushing toward him. Emery, riddled with frustration and decided to retreat.

To be continued