


The elite Orcs, the Uruk were normally not an intimidating opponent for a group of Magus. Yet, what loomed before them was possibly the most massive horde they had ever encountered.

The sight was akin to a tsunami, an ocean of Uruk Hai in the tens of thousands storming towards them. It was an intimidating spectacle, a scene of pure chaos and dread under the hostile alien skies.

In a surprising twist, these Orcs seemed to be at odds with the Dreadspinners. While the spider creatures were superior in size and strength, they were pitifully outmatched against the onslaught of the determined gray warriors. The gruesome ten-to-one battle skewed heavily in favor of the relentless Orcs.

Confusion spread amongst the magus. "What is going on? Are the Orcs allies?" Silo asked in a panic, his eyes wide with disbelief and fear.

His question was met with a definitive response from the female magus commander. "Not a chance!". Her eyes bore a hardened resolve as she ordered everyone to reform their lines for the battle.

As if on cue, the moment the last of the spider creatures retreated into the subterranean caves, the guttural blare of war horns echoed once again through the stark landscape. With their initial adversaries out of sight, the colossal horde of Orcs redirected their attention towards the group of twenty human magus.

The female commander, never missing a beat, barked out an order to the elderly magus. The look in her eyes was stern, signaling the direness of the situation.

[Citadel of Earth]

The elderly magus, channeled his spirit energy, his hands moved rhythmically through the air, casting the A-rank tier 7 spell. Suddenly, the ground around them rumbled and shook, as if the very planet was answering his call.

The once-flat terrain ruptured as massive slabs of rock erupted from the ground, twisting and bending at his will, forming a towering, labyrinthine structure of stone. The landscape transformed dramatically, the earth itself molded into a formidable barricade between the magus and the relentless horde. It was a true citadel, a fortress made not of bricks and mortar, but of raw, primal earth.

The sudden geological shift sent hundreds of unsuspecting Uruks tumbling into the molten lava rivers snaking through the barren terrain, their war cries quickly silenced by the scalding heat.

However, the spell, while potent, came at a cost. The effort visibly drained the elderly magus of his spirit energy, leaving him hunched and panting for breath. Yet, there was a glint of satisfaction in his weary eyes. Their immediate need was time, and his spell had bought them precious minutes while the Orcs sought another way around the new obstacle.

"We need to hold them off as long as we can while finding an escape route!"

Immediately, the female commander began delegating tasks among the group, her voice cutting through the chaos with a clear and commanding tone. She split the group into two, assigning half the magus to take up positions on the newly formed rocky hills. Their task was to provide long-range attacks, raining down destructive spells onto the onslaught of Orcs attempting to scale the imposing earthen barriers.

The other half, including Emery, were to maintain a defensive stance. The commander emphasized the need for vigilance and adaptability, as they were to scout the surrounding terrain and prepare contingently for any potential attacks.

Her aptitude for strategic planning and her unwavering decisiveness even amidst the turmoil affirmed her worth as a seasoned commander.

As for Emery, his demonstrated talent in nature spells had landed him a crucial role in their defense. He was tasked with creating traps along their backline, a job he accepted willingly.

Minutes after, the braying of the Orcish war horn resonated once more. Even without directly observing the scene beyond the rocky hill, Emery could sense the significant increase in their adversaries. The Orcs had begun to climb their defensive barriers and more had circled back to flank them.

He noticed a vanguard of a few thousand Uruks quickly closing in on their path behind them. The sight only fueled his determination.

"I am on it!" Emery declared, eager to stand up to the challenge and play his part in the ongoing battle.

Centering himself amidst the pandemonium, Emery planted his hands firmly onto the ground beneath him. The earth responded to his touch, vibrating slightly before rumbling with a deeper resonance. In response, dozens of rock-hewn figures sprang forth from the ground, an army of [Mineralized Warriors] born from his magic.

"Go! Hold them back!!" Emery commanded his freshly summoned force.

These were Emery's old spells that he had slowly begun to recover. Unfortunately without his Dark core, he couldn't cast the upgrade version, on the other hand, at the moment Emery was unable to access Cthulhu's power. Still, he had faith in the capabilities of these simpler versions of his spell.

Emery's summoned warriors were not meant to directly confront the horde. Their primary function was to divert the charging Uruks into the numerous traps he had prepared beforehand – dozens of pitfalls filled with sharp metallic spikes.

His strategy was effective enough to eliminate hundreds of the orc elites, halting the advance of the thousands that followed. The landscape soon bore witness to the impaled bodies of Uruks, a grim testament to the potency of Emery's tactical prowess.

"Good job!" the female magus commander praised.

Only moments after Emery's successful halt of the Uruk Hai advance, the space knights returned. The highly advanced equipment integrated into their body allowed them to effectively scan the labyrinthine structure of the caves, and chart a route of escape.

"Alright! Time to go!!" the commander bellowed with an air of newfound hope. The magus who were guarding the rocky hill began to climb down from their elevated positions, swiftly entering the caves.

However, Emery's keen senses, amplified by his spiritual reading, suddenly picked up a change in the environment. An inkling of unease coursed through him. Turning his gaze toward one of the hills, he peered intently into the concealing shadows nestled between the rocks.

His heart plummeted as the reality of his intuition came to light. A dozen figures materialized from the shadow of the rocks, shattering the illusion of safety they had momentarily embraced. High-tier concealing spells wore off, revealing the forms of dark elven magus. Clad in dark suits that blended seamlessly into the shadows, they each held a bow in their hands, and a volley of arrows was already in flight toward them.

"Watch out!!!' Emery cried out in warning, swiftly moving to evade the arrow hurtling toward him. His reflexes were swift, the arrow barely grazing his shoulder as he rolled away.

To be continued