


"Such a showoff," Maksin grumbled, eyes narrowing as he observed the display in front of him. Emery, the human apothecary, was undeniably stealing the show.

Not only did he dare to handle multiple hazardous samples, but he'd also begun to use flashy skills, turning himself into a spectacle as plant-like creatures enwrapped him, like some sort of botanical armor. The assembled spectators watched in awe, their attention captivated by the spectacle unfolding before their eyes.

The substance that Emery was currently grappling with was incredibly perilous. Each moment, it was threatening to spread its toxic influence throughout his body. Sensing the imminent danger, Emery quickly turned to his trusted companion for assistance. He used the light energy pulsating within Twik's body to counteract the spread of the toxin, to put a halt to the toxin's infiltration.

Meanwhile, an entity hidden deep within Emery's chest stirred into action.

<This is exhilarating, good, send me more of them!!>

Emery could feel the Khaos Guardian spring to life, pulling in and absorbing the majority of the dangerous substances that had invaded his body. Its assistance was crucial, and with it, Emery could divert his focus from the immediate threat of the toxin. He could now concentrate on tackling the larger problem at hand.

He quickly identified three key factors in this complicated puzzle. The seven dying essences, the deadly virus essence itself, and a miraculous liquid known as Panacea.

The first task was to figure out what was allowing the dying essences to survive, albeit weakly, under the onslaught of the virus. Next, he needed to understand what made the virus essence so potent and deadly. Finally, he had to unravel the mystery behind the Panacea liquid and how it worked against the destructive virus.

A good thirty minutes went by as Emery meticulously worked to preserve the seven dying essences. His careful efforts resulted in seven liquid vials, each carrying an essence from a different plant that showed remarkable resistance to the toxin. Each vial was a testament to the plant's tenacity in the face of the virus's attack, and each one was a potential key to finding a solution.

As he completed this task, he noticed Helena's return. She was back from collecting the various ingredients he'd requested. Emery decided to take full advantage of her abilities as an Artisan apothecary.

"I need you to find the best methods and combinations that would increase the potency of these seven essences," he instructed her.

Helena looked startled, her eyes widening in surprise. "All seven of them, Master Merlin?" She echoed his words, her tone thick with hesitation and doubt. It was a daunting task, and it was clear that she was feeling the pressure.

Despite her apprehension, Emery maintained his calm demeanor. He smiled at her, his eyes radiating a sense of assurance. "Don't worry, there are no longer any toxins in this essence, I know you can handle it, Just do your best," he advised her.

His words seemed to act as a catalyst for Helena. The doubt in her eyes was replaced with a spark of determination. She was motivated, and she quickly claimed a corner of the workstation. Equipped with Emery's advice and her own determination, she set to work, tackling the ingredients with renewed vigor. Each movement she made was focused and precise, indicative of her intention to rise to the challenge and do her best.

As Helena took charge of working with the seven dying essences, Emery turned his attention to the second part of their formidable challenge - dealing with the enigmatic Panacea Liquid. This was an exceptional potion, categorized as a Tier 7 product. Its intricate makeup included a complex array of ingredients that required careful handling.

Emery swiftly invoked the skill of [Fragmentation] on the Panacea Liquid. The skill went to work, methodically breaking down the potion and separating its components.

[11 essences found]

The result revealed a composition that was as diverse as it was complex. The potion contained eleven different essences. Among these, three were classified as Tier 6, and two more were even higher, at Tier 7.

The challenge they faced, however, dictated a limitation to ingredients no higher than Tier 5. This was a significant obstacle, as it meant Emery had to find replacements for these rare, high-tier ingredients. But before he dove into that problem, he needed to understand the behavior of the Panacea liquid in response to the virus.

With precision, Emery took a droplet of the Panacea Liquid and a minuscule amount of the virus. He combined them in a testing flask, watching with an intent gaze as these two opposing forces battled each other until both their energies gradually dissipated.

As he observed this, the testing machine began to display data.

[Potency Strength: 87%]

[Toxin successfully cleansed]

Emery was taken aback. He had expected the Panacea Liquid, a product crafted by the Maestro, to be remarkably effective. But to see that even this miracle concoction could only achieve a potency strength of 87% was surprising. It stirred a spark of curiosity in him - how potent could his creation be?

Using the vast knowledge he had accumulated over the years, Emery set out to find suitable replacements for the five high-tier ingredients in the Panacea Liquid. He methodically tested each potential substitute, closely examining their compatibility and effectiveness.

[1 hour 50 minutes]I think you should take a look at

An hour had barely passed when Emery noticed a sudden stir among the participants. One of them, a wood elf, had already submitted a finished product to the Maestro. The elf looked incredibly pale, as if he had overexerted himself. It appeared he had decided to bow out, submitting a hastily finished product rather than risk further harm to himself.

The audience of thousands watched with bated breath, their interest piqued as the testing process for the elf's product began. But their excitement quickly turned to disappointment as the results appeared.

[Potency Strength: 13%]

[Failure to cleanse Toxin]

The product was a shocking disappointment. Despite being crafted by a Master apothecary, and even basing the product through the Panacea liquid, the potion had miserably failed to effectively cleanse the toxin.

The wood elf, his face a mask of embarrassment, swiftly exited the arena. His failure, however, served as a grim reminder of the challenge that lay ahead. It also acted as a catalyst, driving Emery and the remaining six participants to redouble their efforts. They were even more determined now to succeed where the elf had failed.

This was not just a challenge of the Apothecarist's technical knowledge and skills. It was also a trial of their mental fortitude - their ability to think clearly, and to find optimal solutions under the intense pressure of a ticking clock.

[1 hour 10 minutes]

At this point, Emery had tested approximately fifty different recipe combinations. With the time given, he believe that he had identified the most effective mix using the available Tier 5 ingredients. But it wasn't just about finding the right ingredients - it was also about the process of putting them together.

He first utilized his unique [Photosynthesis] skill, and then with practiced, steady hands, he began to concoct his first attempt at a substitute for the miraculous Panacea Liquid.

A staff member from the Grove then announced, "One hour left!" The reminder of the swiftly diminishing time snapped him back to the present.

By now, another contestant had concluded his attempts. His face was paler than the previous participant who had bowed out, a clear sign of the strain he had undergone. Despite the additional time he had invested into crafting his product, the result was even more disheartening than the first.

[Potency Strength: 11%]

[Failure to cleanse Toxin]

The disappointing result was a harsh blow. The wood elf contestant, unable to bear the weight of his failure, quickly left the scene. The audience began whispering among themselves, commenting on the difficulty and danger of this year's challenge. But the Maestro made an announcement, saying that given the constraints of time and materials, any Master who could achieve a potency of 30% could be rightfully called a genius. This announcement stirred the remaining six participants, adding fuel to their determination to succeed.

[58 minutes]

Emery had just completed his first product, his best attempt at replicating the Panacea Liquid. He wasted no time in testing it, using a droplet of each concoction. His product only held its own for a few seconds before the information flashed on the machine.

[Potency Strength: 17%]

[Failure to cleanse Toxin]

The results were broadcasted to the spectators, and Emery noted the reactions of the other participants from across the room. Vaandill, Logain, Liadrin, and Callon appeared relieved to see his result. Maksin, in particular, had a condescending look on his face, right before he tested his own product.

[Potency Strength: 22%]

[Failure to cleanse Toxin]

Maksin's result sent a murmur of astonishment through the crowd. A result nearing the coveted 30% mark was impressive, especially coming from the renowned young wood elf apothecaries.

Despite this, Emery remained unfazed. He knew he still had a few tricks up his sleeve to improve his result. His calm demeanor belied the keen determination that blazed within him.

To be continued