


Emery's question only seemed to exacerbate Cole's irritation. "Huh! Human like you is exactly why! Don't think I can't see it! You are an honorless, lying manipulative scum!! You coldly murdered your own master, Zenonia!"

Emery calmly replied, a slight chuckle escaping his lips. "I'm confused. Aren't the elves all the same?"

"They are not! Your kind abandoned me, abandoned my beloved master. But the elves, they took care of me, someone who is not even their kind!"

Once again, Emery countered, his voice laced with skepticism. "Are you sure they are not just using you?"

"HUH! Elves are gods among humans. We follow what our gods tell us to do. What are we to question them?"

Emery let out a sigh, realizing that Cole had been captive since he was just sixteen years old. Almost a decade had passed since he had lived among the elves, and it was highly likely that they had thoroughly indoctrinated him.

Realizing that it was not possible to speak logic with the man, Emery took a moment of contemplation and proposed, "If you think humans have no honor, I will prove you wrong. Come find me! I will give you a chance for revenge!"

Cole scoffed, dismissing Emery's words. "Huh! I'm not a fool! I will not be tricked by your kind anymore!"

"Hear me out first," Emery urged, his voice calm yet persistent.

Emery explained his plan to visit the Ancient Celestial Ruins, an event that would take place in eight months' time. The gathering would attract tens of thousands of young magus humans from across the universe—those sent by the Magus Alliance or wanderer magus seeking knowledge and power. Emery was confident that a young human magus like Cole would be enticed to attend as well.

"So, what do you think?" Emery asked, his eyes locked with Cole's fiery gaze.

The emotionally charged man was evidently delusional enough to accept the challenge. "I will definitely find you there! I will kill you and take the Pestilence gate from you!"

"Good, I'll be waiting," Emery replied, his voice steady and unwavering.

As Cole's anger reached its boiling point, he abruptly turned and dashed away, vanishing into his waypoints.

Hearing Cole last remark, Emery heaved a sigh of relief, realizing that the dark elves were still unaware of his possession of the other Famine Khaos gate. If they were to discover this, trouble would surely come knocking on Earth's door.

Having observed the entire encounter, Morgana finally spoke up. "Are you sure it's wise to inform them about the event?" she questioned, her voice tinged with concern.

Emery acknowledged the risks involved in his decision, but he was certain that during such a grand gathering, with the escalating war between the two races, the dark elves would already have sinister intentions. Being one of the targets of their aggression, Emery knew he most likely would be unable to conceal his participation. By enticing Cole to attend the event, Emery hoped to draw the dark elves out into the open, exposing their intentions.

"If I manage to capture Cole, I may gain more clues about the other Khaos Gate. All in all, it should be a good plan," Emery explained, his voice filled with conviction.I think you should take a look at

"Okay, let's go before more unwanted Khaos Champions arrive," Emery declared a sense of urgency in his tone. They exited the Khaos realm and began executing their plan to leave the hut behind.

Emery carefully packed all the apothecary equipment, herbs, and potions he had collected over the years. Some were placed within his storage rings, while others were entrusted to Morgana's spatial space—a convenient and secure storage solution.

Not forgetting the wisps he had hidden on the ground. "Let's go, Chututlu. We're ready to leave."

A grumpy message ran through his mind before a dark wisp materialized at the center of the room. With a swift motion, the wisp merged into Emery's chest, establishing a deep connection between them once again.

With everything packed and preparations complete, Emery gestured with his arm, causing the hut to slowly sink into the ground. In its place, a towering tree rose, blending seamlessly into the surrounding forest.

The trio made their way to the nearby village, where they expressed their gratitude and bid farewell to the kind-hearted villagers. Twik found it particularly challenging to part ways with his newfound friends, but the experiences he had gained during their time in the village had played a crucial role in his personal growth.

When everyone was ready, Emery produced a wooden staff adorned with intricate carvings and inlaid with shimmering gemstones. With a flick of his wrist and a melodic incantation, he channeled his spirit force into the staff, igniting its latent power. The air around them seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly luminescence as the staff emitted a soft, pulsating glow.

[Summon Nature Familiar].

The ground beneath them began to tremble. From the earth, a network of ancient roots sprouted and intertwined, weaving together in a mesmerizing display of natural magic. The roots grew and twisted, their sinewy forms gradually taking shape—a magnificent creature formed from living wood. The colossal wooden lizard stood before them.

Its massive 10 meters long-form, made by a symphony of gnarled branches, delicate leaves, and sturdy bark. The lizard's scales, intricately carved with swirling patterns seemed to pulse with an inner glow as if infused with the essence of the ancient trees.

As it moved, the wooden lizard's body emitted a subtle creaking sound, akin to the rustling of leaves in a gentle breeze, creating a melodic harmony that resonated with the soul.

This high-level summon would serve as their mode of transportation, able to navigate beneath the forest's canopy, climb hills with ease, and conserve their spirit energy for potential confrontations.

With Emery, Morgana, and Twik mounted atop the wooden lizard, their journey commenced—a captivating expedition through the enchanted wood elves' jungle.

As they journeyed through the wood elves' jungle, they were surrounded by a stunning display of nature's beauty. The dense foliage created a lush canopy overhead, filtering the sunlight and casting a soft, mottled light on the forest floor.

The air was filled with the harmonious sounds of nature—the delightful melodies of woodland creatures singing, the gentle rustling of leaves, and the soothing babble of clear streams meandering through the forest. Emery couldn't help but feel a profound sense of belonging and wished he could stay longer in this haven.

After five days of travel, they finally arrived at Canta City, the vibrant heart of the wood elf colony on the planet.

To be continued