


The brutality of the unfolding situation was more than enough cue for Emery to flee. It didn't matter they couldn't get out of the planet. They just really needed to get as far away from this madness as possible.

With the four members of his pack having difficulty walking on their own, Emery told Morgana to help grab Tatyana and Andrei while he quickly made his way to Yoro and Beowulf. He then immediately beckoned the red-haired girl.

"Go! "

As soon as he indicated his intention, the moment he turned away from the arena, Emery saw a group of guards appear before him. They quickly formed a line with their shields and spears raised, blocking the way to the exit.

"Get out of my way!!!"

A few seconds was all it took for Emery to deal with the dozen guards, knocking them all unconscious. However, that was enough time for another group to appear, once again standing between him and the way out.

Twenty men clad in blue military uniforms, Zed and his warhounds have arrived to obstruct his way.

"Evan Valerious, you are not allowed to leave. The King has ordered you to stay!"

"Are you seriously not seeing what is going on here?" Staring at the man with an incredulous gaze, Emery spoke in disbelief. "I will only tell you once. Get the fuck out of my way!"

Befitting their status as veteran warriors of the Silvermane Kingdom, the group of Talbots Warhounds led by Zed formed a defensive formation in a split second.

Their goal was to make sure Emery and his pack members couldn't run from the Silvermane Arena. And with the majority of his pack being in such condition, it was clear Emery wouldn't be able to do so. Without another choice Emery transformed and began to fight.

At the same time, more and more half-bloods entered the arena and threw themselves into the ongoing battle. By this time, the number had gotten close to ten thousand. In spite of its size, the arena was so crowded that a single spell would hit both friends and foes.

It was a bloody massacre of insane proportions. Furthermore, the Alpha King could still be seen standing on the balcony, his arm held high in the air as he drew all the blood that spilled in the arena toward his crimson staff.

"This whole thing has already gotten out of line! The King has gone mad! Follow me to stop this madness!" Rikard Karst shouted loudly, along with him were the Locarios pair. The three of them were all grand magus with two cosmos formed and they were ready to stop the Alpha King.

Seemingly not hearing the declaration, Marcus Silvermane ignored them, his attention still on his staff. However, just as the three were about to reach him, two people appeared in their way.

The two were Warwick, the King's right hand, and the renowned general of the Silvermane, Lord Talbots. Just like the three of them, the two of them were also grand magus with two cosmos formed.

"Are the three of you intending to rebel?" Lord Talbots asked sternly as he brought out his weapon, a 2 meter long warhammer. From top to bottom, his demeanor made it clear he was ready to attack if their answer was unsatisfactory.

As he calculated their chances of winning against the two, Chester Locarios turned his head towards the other faction leaders. His gaze quickly stopped on a certain figure and he promptly shouted, "Philips! Decide now, are you with us or are you not?!"

A hesitant expression appeared on the Corvin Patriarch's face, indicating he was struggling to decide. However, once his gaze fell on the Alpha King, he decided to take a step back and said, "No… I don't want to be a part of this. Corvin is a loyal ally of Silvermane."

His answer was greeted with ridicule and scorn.

"Hah! Coward!" Meryl Locarios said, as her body began to transform into a large fox with thick yellow fur.

Meanwhile, General Talbots gripped his hammer tightly and raised it high as he said, "You three are now convicted as enemies of the kingdom. Surrender now or feel my wrath!"

"Arrogant words coming from a dog that only barks for its master," Chester Locarios said in response.

Immediately after, General Talbots kicked the ground and slammed his hammer on Locarios Patriarch. The attack connected and sent the man barreling through the air. Just as he was about to give chase, a fireball was seen heading his way forcing him to hastily dodge and miss his opportunity.

The battle between the four grand magus had truly begun as General Talbots' figure shot again, this time towards the Karst Patriarch. Talbots' five lieutenants also quickly joined in and supported him, they were all peak Full Moon magus.

It was a battle of much different proportions than one on the ground. Its clashes were able to create gust of winds and made the whole arena construct tremble 

As for Warwick, the old wolf didn't seem to be planning to join the fight yet. Instead, his eyes stared at the dozens of other faction leaders as he said, "Anyone else would dare to question our King?"

Even though most of these patriarchs were grand magus, not a single one of them had formed their second cosmos. Some of them even only had peak Full Moon cultivation. Therefore, none of them dared raise any objections when they heard Warwick's question. 

Perhaps some of them would if Philips Corvin decided to take part. The man had influence over a third of the factions present on the balcony.

Unwilling to join his colleagues, the Corvin Patriarch decided to jump into the arena instead, helping his son.

Seeing that, Warwick sighed before he approached Alpha King and spoke in a low voice, "My king, their betrayal has been proven… Please, it's enough…"

"Enough?…. No… Warwick, this is not enough."

Instead of stopping, the Alpha King took out the crimson grimoire. He then opened it and started chanting words.

"Please, my King. That grimoire is dangerous."

"No, no, old friend. With this, the Silvermane will finally rise to its former glory."

If previously the Alpha King sucked up the blood that spilled on the arena, now he was able to drain from the bodies of living half-blood warriors. Screams of agony echoed through the air as people's blood was sucked out of their bodies.

The blood all flew up and merged together, forming a huge sphere in the air.

The Alpha King raised both hands as he loudly shouted, "Citizen of Silvermane, witness the birth of the Supreme Blood Wolf!"

To be continued