


What happened to Emery was not mind control. It was natural, something primitive that existed within the blood of his kind.

Just like every living being who huddled when it was cold, sought food when they were hungry, and cared for their young ones; the half-bloods also had similar instincts ingrained within their very being.

An unbroken bond with their ancestors.

Those who possessed higher gene rank, having a larger percentage of blood essence that correlated to their powerful ancestors, would command authority over the others of the bloodline. This was something that was extremely difficult, if not impossible to fight back.

At the moment, Emery was still very much worried about the safety of his friends. However, when he received an absolute command from the Wolf Patriarch, his priorities inevitably began to change out of his control.

As soon as he managed to enter the unique looking transparent cell, Emery swiftly went to check on the unconscious Supreme Magus' condition. To his dismay, even with the latter in an incapacitated state, he was still unable to use his power to probe his body. This must have something to do with a unique physique of a supreme being.

Not only that, there were also chains adorned with glowing inscriptions that tightly bound the man's body, which he didn't even know where to start to get rid of. To put it simply, he was stumped.

Unsure what to do, he quickly reported the situation to the patriarch and it didn't take him long to receive an answer to the situation. It was short and to the point.

"Just take him out and bring him to me."

As soon as he received that, Emery quickly picked the supreme magus' body up and placed it on his back. Then, he once again touched the transparent wall and closed his eyes, gathering his concentration before he finally managed to [Blink] out of the box.

"Emery, you made it!" said Magus Xion excitedly, a big smile on his face.

On the other hand, the sight of Emery bringing out the supreme magus quickly made the dark elf grand magus turn hysterical. His eyes turned bloodshot as he glared hatefully at Emery's figure.

"Don't you dare take a single step with my captive!!"

In his fury, the dark elf mustered all the strength in his body and released it like a volcano. The area around him violently churned as powerful spirit energy swirled and wreaked havoc, enough to loosen the restraints on his body.

Knowing what the consequences would be if the grand magus was freed from his restraints, Eeshoo decided to hold back nothing and strengthened his spirit weapon with all he had. The color was starting to leave his face as the grand magus continued to struggle fiercely.

Magus Xion was alarmed when he saw the dark elf's reaction. "We have to help him!"

When he turned his gaze to his disciple, however, to his surprise, Emery opened another gate saying, "Master, we need to leave now. Follow me."

With the combat experience he had, Magus Xion was naturally able to understand their situation. The two of them wouldn't be of much help in a battle against a grand magus figure. Moreover, there was almost no chance they would be able to leave this place without Eeshoo holding the dark elf back.

Seeing his master's hesitation, Emery quickly urged once again. "Let's go, Master!"

Magus Xion glanced at the struggling figure of the Nephilim Genius and then returned his gaze to Emery. Looking at the supreme figure lying on his disciple back, he heaved a sigh before deciding to follow.

Just before they left, Eeshoo once again shouted at Emery about saving Jinkan. Immediately after, he took a shining pill before a powerful spirit energy engulfed him and once again pushed himself past his limits in order to be able to restrain the enraged dark elf grand magus.

There was a powerful explosion happening just right after they entered the portal.

However, as soon as he stepped out of the portal, Magus Xion was surprised to see that they had instead arrived at a clearing a hundred miles from the compound. Needless to say, the man immediately turned to his disciple.

"Emery... Why are we here? What about your friends?"

He could see that there was an apparent look of worry on Emery's face. Hence he couldn't help but be stunned when he cast Spatial Gate again while saying, "I.. I will be back for them… as soon as we get Headmaster Altus to safety."

Magus Xion had his mouth open at those words. What Emery was doing was arguably the correct thing to do, but he couldn't help but once again find something very odd about his disciple's behavior.

After all, he knew how highly Emery valued and cared for his friends. In fact, the sight of him deciding to set them aside was extremely peculiar of him. The Emery he knew would not have decided so quickly and casually.

Unaware of his master's thoughts about him, Emery took a minute to cast another [Spatial Gate], this time at full power to achieve the spell's maximum distance of 200 miles, bringing them further away from the gate.

"Which gate, Emery? Where are you taking us?"

As Emery cast another [Spatial Gate], he casually said, "We are going to the south gate. My patriarch is waiting for us there."

Once again, Emery made a strange decision that was clearly outside of the predetermined plan. Meanwhile, the moment he heard the mention of the Wolf Patriarch, Magus Xion suddenly came to a realization.

"Emery, what did your patriarch do to you?!" The man asked, but unfortunately received no answer.

There was a slight change in Emery's expression, but it quickly returned to normal as he said, "We will arrive at the south gate after this, Master. I need you to distract the enemy while I destroy the gate power crystal."

Not waiting for a response from his master, Emery cast the spell again and opened the portal just hundreds of meters from the south gate. Seeing Emery's figure disappear into the swirling portal, Magus Xion clenched his fist and quickly followed suit.

The spatial distortion that the [Spatial Gate] generated quickly alarmed the five magus within the tower. They all looked at each other with the same question in their minds. "Is that Grand Magus Zenonia?"

Seeing that no one could answer, they immediately went to investigate the place where the distortion was detected. To their surprise, they only found one human magus upon arriving there.

"Who is he!? How did he get here?"

"Who cares! He is human, that is enough reason to kill him!"

The tiger half-bloods were still enraged for losing their leader and just looking for any reason to unleash their anger.

However, reminded of the spatial distortion, the female half-blood Nimeria quickly said.

"Someone else is here! It's him!!"

The female tiger half-blood swiftly dashed towards the top of the gate tower, only to see the acolyte she hated the most was already standing in front of the power crystal. A swirling black orb appeared in his hand as Emery cast [Dark Matter], hurling it at the crystal and shattering it.

"You!!! Hahaha, finally I found you!! You are going to pay for what you did to me!!"

Letting out a crazed roar, the female tiger charged towards Emery ferociously, casting her powerful ice spell [Sub Zero]. This was the spell that once terrified Emery as it had killed many members of the White Fang Clan.

But this time, there was no fear at all in Emery's eyes.

The cold air that threatened to freeze him suddenly disappeared.

Nimeria's eyes widened in shock when she saw a figure engulfed in blazing flames floating behind Emery. With the destruction of the power crystal, his patriarch, the Golden Wolf, Lucius had entered the barrier.

"No!! No!! This cannot be.. I…"

The half-blood tigress didn't even manage to finish her words before her head separated from her body. Her death had come so quickly and suddenly that her look of disbelief was still plastered on her face.


With just one move, the patriarch killed the female magus in a cold-blooded manner, as if he was killing a harmless animal. The sight evidently terrified the other four half-blood magus as they all immediately decided to run.

"Huh! Such an embarrassment to the tiger clan!" scoffed Lucius as he slowly approached Emery.

"Good job, Emery." He then glanced at the supreme being on Emery's back and said, "Master, I am here. I will take you home now."

Realizing his task was done, Emery said, 'Elder, may I go back and help my friend now?'

However, the patriarch shook his head and with a regretful look on his face he said "I wish we could Emery, but we're too late"

It was at that moment that Emery realized that a huge dark construct had descended from the sky, hovering over the compound.

The dark elves' reinforcement had arrived.

To be continued