


The walls crawling with Nightwalkers were a few miles away from the ground they were battling on. Still, from a considerable distance, the acolytes could see thousands of figures jumping down like terrifying locusts.

It was impossible for them not to recognize those creatures, as they were indeed the same ones they had been forced to fight the last few days.

"Die, all of you! None of you are leaving this place alive!" the dark elf magus shouted with a maniacal laugh.

The next moment, his laughter abruptly stopped as Emery landed his finishing strike, leaving the crazily grinning face detached from its body and rolling on the ground.

But their predicament was far from over as the tsunami of crawling creatures rapidly rushed toward the battlefield. The acolytes were bracing themselves for battle when, to their surprise, the creatures charged toward the dark elves standing between them. The few dozens of dark elves left on the battlefield were mercilessly ravaged from behind.

Despite knowing that those creatures would attack anyone upon their release, the dark elves still decided to do such a thing to stop the acolytes from leaving. In the end, the elves became the first to be torn apart by their own creations.

"What should we do? We can't stay here!" Silva shouted as she swiftly dashed toward Emery amidst the chaos.

As Eeshoo was unable to give them commands at the moment, Emery was left to call the shots.

Emery took a second to observe the new group led by Jai Strider that had just rushed out of the compound. After a brief calculation, he estimated that their total number added up to a little under 1500. And yet, he still couldn't spot Klea or Chumo among everyone in the group.

With the help of [One Mind] and the Chizpur brothers, Emery soon found out that at least a hundred other acolytes were still trapped inside the compound.

He couldn't help but be tempted to go back into the compound to search for his friends, but he sensed another huge battle coming from the area where Atlas was, along with a distress message.

<Need reinforcement, can't hold them for long, analyzing…>

Emery once again fell into a dilemma. He knew just how important the task given to the half-machine acolyte's group was for everyone's survival.

Suddenly, the white-haired girl grabbed his hand.

"You're still as stupid as always! Just leave it to me! Continue with the plan, I'll go back and help those left behind!" Silva determinedly said, looking eye-to-eye with him.

Emery was momentarily stunned.

He understood just how dangerous a situation this would put her into. But at the same time, with the chaos that was happening inside and outside the compound, they didn't have time to prepare a better plan.

Emery ultimately agreed with the plan: "Stay safe, I will come back for you!"

"You better do! If you don't, your girlfriend and I will haunt you forever!" The white-haired girl teased with a smile.

As soon as the matter was settled, he quickly asked a few of the top acolytes to help with the task. In this case, Jai Strider was the best person for the job, as he knew the layout of the compound fairly well.

The metal puppeteer agreed without hesitation: "Yes, I know some who are kept in different places, I'll go!"

After only a moment of thought, Jai decided to grab the two strongest acolytes among the others present: Taylor Haze and Arcana.

"Me!? No, I do not agree with this!!" the child-like acolyte immediately voiced his disagreement. However, before he could resist any further, Jai had already pushed him into the portal gate Emery newly created.

With a wave of her hand, Silva also followed along into the portal. Just before the gate completely closed, Emery looked at her back, quickly disappearing with some concern, hoping that everyone would be safe.

Now that he had dealt with that side of the situation, it was time to return to the task at hand.

On the other side, the dark elves were struggling against the crawling creatures. While most of the Nightwalkers were still occupied with the elves, some of them had begun to rush toward the acolytes.

Emery swiftly hovered into the air and issued a new order, "We need to move now!! Stick together, we are heading east!"

At his words, 1500 acolytes promptly rushed together, leaving whatever remained of the dark elves to fight against the swarming Nightwalkers.

Nevertheless, the acolytes still stayed in formation. The wounded were carried at the inside of the formation while the most powerful acolytes stood in the outer lines to keep the incoming Nightwalkers away, be it using ranged weapons or spells.

After what felt like an eternity of being chased by thousands of Nightwalkers, the large group finally arrived at their destination after a few minutes. Upon arriving, they were quickly aware of their new surroundings: The eastern courtyard, the place where those of the compound left their spaceships.

In other words, this was the hangar, the ticket to escape this godforsaken planet.

"That's the ship!! We're saved!!"

There were only a few ships in place, each with a maximum quota of a hundred.

However, just next to the shipyards, the sight of an intense battle quickly became clear to them.

Several explosive spells kept ripping through the air as one side fought hard to stay alive. Ten top acolytes were struggling against three dark elf magus.

In fact, just two of the three dark elf magus were already more than enough to handle the ten acolytes. The most powerful magus among the three, the half-moon magus, simply watched from the back as the other two mocked the ten acolytes' struggles.

Meanwhile, a 30-meter dragon was flying in a circle in the air above, fighting against a half-machine acolyte.

Multiple blasts of lightning and flames were ceaselessly shot toward the sky. Some of them even collided to cause an even greater explosion, but the half-machine acolyte was still unable to stop the mythical creature.

The snake-like dragon did not even slow down. On the contrary, Emery's breath stopped when from the distance, he saw the mythical creature bite the half-machine acolyte and tear his body into two.


At the same time, the magus at the back glanced at the incoming group of acolytes. After giving them a vague smile, the dark elf sent a powerful blast of dark lightning at the stationary spaceship.

The enormous blast created an equally enormous hole right at the center of the ship.

"No one is leaving this planet!"

To be continued