


Emery was rejoicing as his three friends managed to win their second match of the day. This meant that their position in the top 500 was established and that they only needed to win two more matches that would be held tomorrow to proceed to the second round of the tournament.

Klea made her return to the terrace area where Emery was, and surprisingly she brought Lodos the Maniac with her. A puzzled look appeared on Emery's face, but she didn't say anything and just smiled at his confusion.

She then turned to the man following her. "If you want me to release the enchantment, you just need to do one thing for me." Klea said to the white-haired elite acolyte who was currently under her mercy.

Returning her gaze to Emery, she said, "I want you to give my man here some pointers on gravity spells!"

The words Klea uttered brought some surprise to Emery, but even more so to Lodos the Maniac. Her words meant that Emery was now able to use gravity spells, and the thought that the person he vowed to defeat was also able to cast his proudest spells made him somewhat depressed.

It didn't take long for Emery to realize that Klea was trying to trick Lodos into helping him. Not willing to let her effort go to waste, Emery approached the man and spoke sincerely.

"Please, I really could use some help"

In reality, Lodos was actually still annoyed by the defeat he experienced in the past. However, since the events on the Andora planet, there had been a newfound respect from Lodos for Emery.

Thus albeit reluctant, the man agreed to the request – not that he had much of a choice.

Since they had all gone through the two matches that were as of today, the group decided to leave the Grand Hall and made their return to the Terra Palace. This time, they brought with them one extra guest. Lodos.

Arriving at the majestic castle, the group headed to the courtyard. While the others returned to their respective routine, Emery and Lodos got to their own corner of the place and swiftly started to train.

Before they delved into practical training, Lodos began by asking Emery what he knew about gravity spells and gravity forces in particular, and the answer he received was not that satisfactory.

"Gravity is not like any other, as each place has its own unique gravity force. For example, this planet has a very different gravity force compared to the Academy. Hence the first thing one needed to understand gravity was to find that gravity's specific signature wavelength."

Lodos also explained that having earth element affinity could help greatly in the process of grasping the gravity force, therefore Emery nodded and did just that since the other party was his teacher at the moment.

Now that he knows what to do, Emery starts by utilizing his spirit reading to find the said wavelength.

Hours passed like a flash while Emery did just as Lodos had explained. However, even though Emery believed he had indeed made a lot of improvements compared to before, he was still unable to create a strong enough gravitational force to cast a spell.

While he was extremely frustrated, seeing such a sight, Lodos looked a little pleased.

"You are not a genius, after all.. Hahaha.."

The Maniac decided to leave Emery training on his own and shamelessly demanded dinner and room to rest at the palace. After all, just like Klea and the other two, the man still had another match tomorrow – one that he couldn't afford to lose.

In the morning, thanks to his tireless efforts, Emery was finally able to affect multiple objects using the gravity force under his control. But also at this point, he could feel some kind of resistance that kept him from advancing.

"Weird… Something's definitely wrong, but I don't know what.."

He naturally tried to ask Lodos about this oddity he found himself in, but the man was surprised instead because he had never heard of such a happening. Emery was about to stamp the Maniac as a terrible teacher in his mind when the man spoke.

"I don't think I can help you anymore." He said, shaking his head helplessly. Then, with a perplexed look, he said, "Why don't you just go to the Darkness Institute and ask for guidance there? Not only you are a privileged class acolyte… aren't you close to a grand magus there?"

Upon hearing that, Emery involuntarily let out a sigh. After all, the said grand magus was exactly the reason why he didn't want to visit the institute for this matter.

Even though he didn't know anything, Lodos could faintly sense that there was a certain reason why Emery didn't go to the institute. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do anymore since his own abilities were limited.

"Well, the choice is up to you anyway. If you really want to learn this, I can arrange for you to meet my master at the Darkness Institute. He's the instructor who comprehends the Law of Gravity within the Academy."

It was certainly a good idea.

Knowing this might be the only chance he had with his upcoming battle starting in 3 days, Emery eventually suppressed his worry and decided to take the suggestion. But of course, he visited his friends first before leaving, knowing that he most likely wouldn't be able to watch their match on the second day.

Klea easily supported his decision

"What are you worried about? We will still meet you in the final round, you know.. Go and just focus on your training. That way, you will be able to win the tournament and then I can be known as the Champion's wife."

"W-Wife..?" asked Emery, stuttering. He was completely caught off guard by her unexpected statement. Seeing such a reaction, Klea just laughed cheekily.

Before he left, Emery once again said his best wishes to his friends except for Julian who had apparently returned to his closed-door training since their return yesterday.

Not trying to look too deeply into his friend's personal matter, Emery left the palace and headed for Atrum the Darkness Institute.

With Lodos leading the way and Magus Shena escorting him on this trip, the group of three made their way toward the towering construct next to the stone cliff after they walked out of the teleportation portal.

Unfortunately, when they arrived at the construct, Magus Shena was not allowed to enter. This meant that Emery had to depend on the communication stone if anything happened, which left him quite worried.

"Why are you so tense?" Lodos asked, confused. Seeing Emery shaking his head, he didn't ask any further and simply took him to one of the sections of the institute where his master resided. Emery followed right behind, his vigilance at maximum.

"I came to see Instructor Cassian!"

When they arrived at their destination, Lodos proudly spoke those words to the guards as if he were the owner of the place. It seemed that the Maniac visited his master frequently as he didn't even confirm before opening the huge door and enter.

When the door opened, Emery could see a pale man in a dark robe sitting in a large dark chair that was next to a large arched window. Through Spirit Reading, he discovered the man to be a peak stage Full Moon magus.

The man glanced at Lodos. "What is it, Lodos? What do you want? Don't you have a tournament today?"

It seemed that, unlike what Lodos had claimed, his master was bothered by his unannounced arrival. Emery could see there was shame in the Maniac's face as he lowered his head and spoke humbly.

"Master, today I brought someone who wants to learn gravity spells. However, if you are currently busy, then we will leave immediately."

The magus averted his gaze when he heard Lodos' words, and Emery could see a look of surprise on the magus' face as soon as he saw him.

"Aahh.. you are Emery Ambrose."

Emery was quite surprised as he did not expect the other party to know him. However, what perturbed him was the fact he could detect a certain amusement in the magus' eyes as he looked at him.

"Are you the one who wants to learn the Law of Gravity?"

"Yes, Senior.. I am."

Nodding his head, the magus returned his gaze to Lodos and said, "You can leave now, Lodos. And please, if you lose in the elimination round, do not bother calling me master again."

As soon as Lodos left the room, the pale-looking magus stared at Emery and said, "Come forward. Let me have a closer look at my junior brother's famous apprentice."

"Junior brother? Apprentice?"

Those words sent shockwaves throughout Emery's body as they could only mean one thing.

This magus in front of him was one of Grand Magus Zenonia's disciples.

Did Emery just enter the lion's den?

To be continued